The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 550 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 24

Chapter 550 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 24
After Zixing left the study, Yinuo came over with the girl who secretly followed her.

"Find a place where you can talk." Zixing ordered without asking who she was.

"My lord, the princess is coming with the maid." The girl stammered, looked around, and led her to the other side, "Well, no one will come here now. Because, because, the eldest lady is from here. ... jumped off from above."

It has been cleaned up here, and there is no trace of blood in sight.

Zixing looked up at the top, and looked at the girl kneeling in front of her with a complicated expression, "Do you know what it is?"

As soon as she asked, the girl started to sob, "Slave, I know everything. But I dare not say anything, I dare not say anything. Missy treats me very well, but she is dead, but I can't ask for a favor for her." Fairness. I don’t know who I can tell about this matter. I feel guilty when I see Mrs. Shang Guogong’s embarrassment to the princess. I just dare to watch secretly from the side. This servant deserves to die, this servant deserves to die.”

Zixing heard this, and then carefully looked at the girl's face, and remembered that she seemed to be the girl serving by Zhaoyang's sister.

"I can't stay here for too long. If you have anything to say, speak up quickly," she said.

"When the eldest lady came back yesterday, the servant saw that something was wrong with her, and she was not wearing the clothes she was wearing when she went out. She wanted to ask, but the eldest lady shut the servant outside and did not let the servant in. The servant heard that the eldest lady was Weeping, she anxiously asked outside the door. Later, the second lady came, and she asked the servant to leave, saying that she would go in and ask. Usually, the second lady doesn't care about the eldest lady at all, and the servant turned back when she was worried. But she heard Second Miss keeps saying ugly things..."

This girl said everything she heard. She was already frightened when she heard these words. She didn't dare to ask Helian Zhaoyang anything. After leaving her, she didn't dare to go back.

Who knows, she jumped off the building at night.

She also didn't know if those words could be told to others.

She knew that the eldest lady was forced to death.

But if she told the prince these words, what value would the death of the young lady have?
She just jumped off the building for her own innocence. Could she let the world know why she died after she died?

But if she didn't say it, she felt sorry for the eldest lady. She was obviously killed by someone, but she couldn't tell the truth for her.

Later, she heard the rumors in the mansion.

Saying that the eldest lady was sent back by Princess Zixing, I knew in my heart that the princess must know about it.

But she was still afraid, afraid that the second lady and the head wife would deal with her because of this matter.

While hesitating, Zixing saw it.

She had no way out, so she told everything.

After Zixing finished listening to her words, her face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, "Are you sure that Helian Furong said those words?"

"My servant dare not lie to the princess again. I heard everything outside. Princess, you want to avenge the eldest lady. This servant doesn't know how to do it, but the princess will definitely avenge the eldest lady, right? I beg you, please !" The girl pulled Zixing's skirt, pleading with tears all over her face.

"Get up! Don't stay in the palace, I will send you away in a while. I will give you some silver taels, and you can go as far as you can. Whether you know about it or not, your second lady I won’t let you go. I will find a way to get the deed of prostitution for you.”

(End of this chapter)

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