The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 555 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 29

Chapter 555 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 29
Yao Song opened the city gate within the scheduled time.

Baili Mingcheng brought a group of people to Duguhan's camp smoothly.

Yao Song whispered beside him: "Third prince, hurry up! I can only temporarily remove the guards. Although General Cao was also drugged by me, there are still many people in this army who are his subordinates. Loyal to Duguhan. Don't disturb everyone."

"I see, it's none of your business here. I'll leave after I take off Duguhan's head, you arrange a retreat so that no one will notice." Baili Mingcheng smiled coldly.

"Yes." Yao Song nodded, and ran away tremblingly.

Baili Mingcheng raised his chin, and someone immediately stepped forward and lifted the curtain of the tent.

He walked in unimpeded as if entering his own tent.

There was only one lamp left in the tent, and Duguhan was snoring heavily with his back facing them.

The soldiers who were still worried behind Baili Mingcheng looked at each other and smiled when they saw this scene.

It seems that they are thinking too much.

Seeing Baili Mingcheng walking towards Duguhan step by step with a knife in his hands, someone slanted his mouth and made a gesture of goodbye.

If Duguhan is not an enemy, he still has merits.

But I didn't expect that although he was good at using soldiers, he was not good at getting along with soldiers.

It is no pity for a master general who is the only one who respects me to die.

Baili Mingcheng walked to the side of Duguhan's bed, stopped, raised the big knife high, and swung it down violently, Duguhan's head rolled to the ground, blood splashed on his face, he raised his hand to wipe it off. Seeing the blood splattered around his mouth, he smiled triumphantly. He didn't expect everything to be so simple.

Victory is delivered to him with offerings from others.

He even found it ironic that he still thought that Duguhan was an opponent.

But when he bent down and was about to pick up Duguhan's head and go back to receive the meritorious service, he suddenly froze there, his eyes widened little by little, and his pupils gradually dilated.

The people behind noticed his strangeness, stepped forward and asked: "Third prince, hurry up! Just stay any longer..." The man's gaze was also fixed on the man's head, and the next second he grabbed Baili Mingcheng's arm Hastily said: "This is the person we put in, come on, it's tricked."

As soon as he finished speaking, the lights outside the tent were suddenly brightly lit.

Make this dark night look like day.

"Third prince, let's arrest him with nothing!" The voice outside was not from Duguhan, Baili Mingcheng exhaled tremblingly, threw away the person holding his hand, and strode out.

Cao Lin was fine at all, he was sitting on a horse, wearing armor, the night wind was howling, surrounded by soldiers in full suit.

Even a fly can't break out now.

What surprised Baili Mingcheng even more was that the people around Cao Lin were none other than Zhou Qi who had been beheaded by Duguhan.

"Aren't you dead?" A man pointed at Zhou Qi and asked.

"Of course I'm not dead. You want to use me to deal with General Dugu, but we're just fulfilling your wish. We're waiting here to catch the turtle!" Zhou Qi snorted coldly.

"Where is Duguhan?" Baili Mingcheng gritted his teeth and asked, "Call him out, even if I die, I can't die in the hands of you unknown people."

Zhou Qi and Cao Lin glanced at each other and laughed loudly, "The third prince may not see General Dugu anymore, he is now in the enemy's barracks just like the third prince. However, I'm afraid the treatment will be different."

(End of this chapter)

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