The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 559 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 33

Chapter 559 Blood Stained Wedding Dress 33
"Thank you dad." Helian Furong took the bracelet and said with a smile.

Helian Cangfeng wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, nodded with a smile, turned and walked out.

As soon as he went out, Helian Furong's face changed, and she threw the bracelet on the ground with a slap, breaking into several knots.

"What are you doing? Your father hasn't left yet? It will hurt his heart if he hears it." Feng said in a low voice hastily.

"Breaking his heart?" Helian Furong stared at her and said, "Then what if he hurts my heart? Does he have a daughter like me in his heart? Everything belongs to Zhaoyang. Did she give me the bracelet she prepared to touch my brow? Today is my day of great joy, and he looks unhappy, he only has Zhaoyang in his heart, and he doesn't have me at all. "

"Anyway, you are going to get married. Isn't it the most important thing for you to live well and live happily? It's not like you don't know your father's temper. He loves to miss Zhaoyang, so let him miss it. One People who are already dead, what threat is there? Don’t be angry again today, or it’s not good! Be good!” Feng Shi comforted, bent down and picked up the broken bracelet on the ground, wrapped it in a random piece of cloth, and asked the girl to give it to him. Throw it out.

"Ma'am, Miss, the sedan chair has arrived at the door. Xi Niang is coming to carry Miss into the sedan chair." The girl came in again and urged.

"Got it, got it, let Xi Niang wait outside." Feng Shi responded, and lightly patted the back of Helian Furong's hand reproachfully, and put her hijab back on.

Helian Furong took a deep breath and forced herself to forget the unpleasantness just now.

Yes, she was about to marry Mr. Sheng. This marriage was snatched back from Helian Zhaoyang. In order to marry Mr. Sheng, she became someone else's pawn.

She is not stupid, she knows that if Helian Yueru promised to help her, it is impossible not to ask for anything in return.

She hurt Zhaoyang, this matter will become an eternal handle in her hands.

She didn't know that in the future, she would use this excuse to blackmail her into doing something, but no matter what it was, she didn't regret it. Being threatened by Helian Yueru would be better than watching Zhaoyang marry Mr. Sheng .

And when she saw him, she could only call him brother-in-law.

She did so many things for this day, and no one can stop her from taking back her own man and her own future.

She leaned on Xi Niang's back, listening to the congratulatory voice beside her, she slowly raised the corners of her lips.

As long as you walk this distance, you can see him.

He will wait for her outside, lead her sedan chair, and bring her into his life.

"This Mr. Sheng really has no taboos. The original bride is gone, and now he has changed. He is still so ostentatious. Thinking about it, he really likes Helian Furong." In an ordinary teahouse on the corner of the street, separated by a curtain In the private room, Helian Yunhai said casually while drinking tea.

"If you really like it, you should have fought for it in the first place. Why did you agree to his marriage with Zhaoyang? After Zhaoyang died, he couldn't wait to find Concubine Xian and replaced the bride with Helian Furong. The man in the world , are they really so heartless?"

Hearing the cold words of the person opposite, Helian Yunhai laughed, "You are really calm, why choose today to deal with her?"

(End of this chapter)

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