The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 575 Taking the Opportunity to Assassinate 7

Chapter 575 Taking the Opportunity to Assassinate 7
Zixing turned her head to look at the darkened sky outside.

At this moment, the palace gate was closed, and Yinuo couldn't get out anymore. Xiaoqi would go back to Chaomiansheng tomorrow morning, and she might find it difficult to have a few words with him alone.

Liu Xu looked at her, winked at Yinuo and Liu Xi, and told them to go out first.

Then I asked: "Is the princess worried that the eldest princess went to see General Dugu to tell him about the princess?"

"Xiaoqi has helped me openly several times. There are some things that I don't tell the truth, but it doesn't mean that others can't see it. He returned from victory, and he is different from the past in the court. Naturally, I am worried. You should be more excited tomorrow. I don't know if I have a chance to talk to him. There are so many eyes in the palace, and they are all fixed on me. If you have a chance, please remind him. If not..." Zi Xing didn't go on, and let out a long sigh.

In fact, even if she really saw Xiao Qi, there are certain things that she would not know how to tell him.

Or, he doesn't care about these things at all.

In the past, she always thought that Xiaoqi's love for her was just because she hadn't been baptized by rights, so she was really, so stupid, so she could be desperate.

Now, he is relying on himself step by step, becoming more and more dazzling.

Maybe, she was thinking too much.

What she thought was simply superfluous.

On the second day, Duguhan went to the court, not to mention the reward of Helian Dragon Wing, but Duguhan didn't accept any of the gold and silver, but gave it all to the soldiers below in the name of the emperor.

In front of all the courtiers, Helian Longyi tore up his blood book and named him General Chariot and Cavalry, in charge of the [-] soldiers and horses in his hands.

After Yu Xiandang had finished reading the imperial decree, Duguhan could feel that many eyes were focused on him at that moment.

There are those who are happy for him, such as Helian Yunhai and General Cao.

But there are more doubts, doubts about whether he is qualified for such a title, whether he is qualified to be the chariot general of Xiyue.

and also. . .

Naturally, it is malicious.

At this moment, his fate has been tightly tied to Helian Yunhai, everyone will regard them as one person, those who regard Helian Yunhai as an opponent, as an enemy, now there is another enemy .

Tonight's banquet, Duguhan undoubtedly became the focus of everyone. This is a banquet hosted by the emperor for him to cleanse the dust. In addition, he came back after winning the battle. Those things have been passed on from time to time. It's almost.

"Alas! I used to think that General Dugu was taciturn and always had a cold face. So he was hiding something deep. Now he has become a famous man in front of the emperor. He won a battle and was sealed as a charioteer." General, I'm afraid that in a few years, he will be crowned king and marquis. He hasn't married a wife yet! You unmarried girls need to be more careful."

"The emperor thinks highly of him, how could it be our turn? The emperor himself has two princesses who are not married! Maybe, he has long been the emperor's choice of son-in-law. Otherwise, why are you in such a hurry to help him?" Promoted to a higher rank?"

A few ladies who are good friends on weekdays gathered around talking and laughing in whispers. They were all acquaintances, and they seemed a little less shy when they spoke. They talked and laughed, and kept looking at the person who was accepting the toast Dugu Han.

(End of this chapter)

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