The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 577 Taking the Opportunity to Assassinate 9

Chapter 577 Taking the Opportunity to Assassinate 9
Helian Yunhai's face suddenly sank, he had heard about it, but he hadn't found a chance to ask Zixing about it.

Because he remembered that Zixing told him on the observation deck that Nangong Yu had ulterior motives, and she knew it was so, how could she marry him.

Therefore, he always believed that there was something in it that he didn't know.

He believed in Zixing and would never joke about his life.

But when Helian Libai said this, his cheeks were flushed, and he looked back at Nangong Yu behind him, but he was really happy in his heart.

She likes to see the way he smiles at her, even if the smile is unfamiliar, but she still thinks it's worth it.

Although she didn't know why Helian Yueru asked her to say these things in front of Zixing, she said that this was what Nangong Yu asked her to do, so she didn't care about why.

"General Dugu, you came back from victory, and I haven't offered you wine yet. But I heard that you were injured, so I shouldn't drink too much. How about this, let's sit there for a while, and I will replace the wine with tea to congratulate the general Come back victorious, okay?"

Nangong Yu then walked over, stood beside Zixing, smiled and said to Duguhan while cupping his fists.

Helian Yunhai was just about to find an excuse to evade, but Duguhan said one step ahead of him: "Okay!"

Nangong Yu walked forward with a smile, and walked side by side to the gazebo he mentioned. After only taking two steps, he turned his head, looked at Zixing tenderly and said, "Why are you wearing such thin clothes, catkins, go back Bring a cloak for the princess, be careful not to catch a cold."

Liu Xu didn't respond, and stood behind Zixing with her hands down as if she didn't hear.

"My lord is considerate and caring, my sister hasn't married you yet! If you get married, you still don't know how to love each other!" He Lianli continued quickly.

They sang together and did not give Zixing any chance to refuse.

Nangong Yu didn't say anything anymore, just smiled slightly, then turned around and made a gesture of invitation to Duguhan.

Duguhan looked back at Zixing, indifferent and without any emotion.

Helian Yunhai didn't blame Zixing for this incident at first, but seeing such a scene, he couldn't help giving Zixing a silent reproach, and then followed the pace of Nangong Yu and Duguhan.

Zixing also stepped forward, keeping a distance from them.

"Li Bai, who told you to say these words? Helian Yueru?" She didn't look at Li Bai and asked expressionlessly.

"What did sister say? Didn't my sister have an engagement with King Ning? Is it wrong for me to say that? Or... can't say it in front of some people?" Helian Libai tilted his head and smiled sinisterly, " Sister, you are really wearing too thin clothes, even your face turned pale from the cold!"

"Li Bai, I think, maybe it won't be long before you should go back to Minzhou." Zixing still didn't look at her.

"Going back?" Helianli snorted with a smile, "We know the reason why the empress wanted me to stay. My sister wants me to go back now? Doesn't it depend on whether the empress is willing or not? Is it? Elder sister can’t deal with me like elder sister Yueru, if something happens to me, my father will not let it go. Elder sister should not be willing to see such a result, right?”

Zixing still turned to look at her for a while, and then laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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