The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 582 Taking the Opportunity to Assassinate 14

Chapter 582 Taking the Opportunity to Assassinate 14
"What did you say? Duguhan was not injured?"

Nangong Yu stood up in surprise, looked at the kneeling person in front of him, and didn't believe what he said at all.

"If you fail in the mission, this king will not punish you! But you said that he was not injured? This king saw him vomit blood with his own eyes, and saw blood oozing from his chest. How could he not be injured?"

"This subordinate didn't lie! After receiving the signal from the prince, this subordinate followed the plan and ambushed outside Dugu's mansion. At the beginning, Duguhan did seem to be exhausted, but later, a girl wearing a maid's clothes After he appeared, he seemed to be a different person. There was no trace of injury. Two of us were seriously injured. But..." The person who replied paused, "I don't know if the prince They also sent other people, we only had five people, but then three masked people appeared. Their target is also Duguhan."

Nangong Yu didn't answer, but looked at Nangong Hao.

Nangong Hao shrugged, "I didn't send any other people, too many people would cause too much commotion. I thought that Duguhan was seriously injured, and a few of them could handle it."

Nangong Yu sat down again thoughtfully, "It seems that we are not the only ones who want Duguhan to die. The only one who saw Duguhan spitting blood in the pavilion at that time, except me, was the only one who might take this opportunity to eradicate Duguhan The only one left is the Seventh Prince." He suddenly smiled coldly, "It seems that this Duguhan is not an idiot. If he hadn't really endured the pain on his body today and fought back with all his strength, he would have died sooner or later. You know, I wanted to use Helian Zixing to hit him, and deliberately made a show to lure me into being fooled."

"Then this person is bound to die." Nangong Hao said.

"I never wanted to keep him. Originally, he went to fight Beimo, and I wanted him to die on the battlefield. Unexpectedly, when he arrived in the same city, the first thing he did was to find out where we had placed him. The people in the barracks. Fortunately, those are dead soldiers trained by us, and they will not confess us. Zhou Qi, I thought he was arrogant and would not easily obey Duguhan's deployment, but in the end , but because Duguhan blocked an arrow for him, he sang a double reed with him, and successfully killed Baili Mingcheng. The emperor gave him 5 horses, but there were not many casualties in the end. That Duguhan definitely It can't be a person without scheming, I'm afraid that he blocked that arrow for Zhou Qi, it was an act of buying Zhou Qi. He doesn't know how many good things he has ruined me by successfully making Zhou Qi follow his lead. " Thinking of this, Nangong Yu couldn't help but hold his breath.

If the people he sent succeeded in making Zhou Qi disobedient to his orders, Dugu Han would surely die after losing the battle, and Zhou Qi would definitely be denounced, which would also implicate Zhou Guogong's mansion.

Such a plan to kill two birds with one stone, but in the end, none of them succeeded.

"You don't have to be so angry. Although Duguhan didn't die, and Zhou Guogong's mansion was not implicated. But Duguhan killed Bailiming City after all. Not to mention that the emperor of Beimo still loves the third prince a little bit, but he doesn't. !His son died at the hands of a general who started as a groom. Would he really not care about this bad breath?"

(End of this chapter)

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