The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 587 'True feelings in adversity'3

Chapter 587 'True feelings in adversity'3
There are melodious little tunes floating in Luoguan Tower.

The girl who sang was dressed in plain clothes, with a pear blossom pinned to her side bun.

So pitiful, she sang emotionally, with tears in her eyes.

Zixing took a glance and saw Situ Jie and Situ Hu sitting on the second floor.

The two were dressed in ordinary clothes, one was listening to the music with his eyes closed, the other was staring at the girl singing on stage without blinking, he was wiping away tears when she was crying.

Zixing and Yinuo glanced at each other and smiled at each other.

They went up to the second floor, Yinuo pushed aside the bead curtain, Situ Jie turned back to stare at her dissatisfied, and said, "Did you go to the wrong place? Don't disturb the master listening to the music."

"There is no room, I wonder if I can sit with my two cousins ​​for a while!" Zixing came out from behind Yinuo and asked with a smile.

When the two saw him, they almost fell down, stood up hurriedly, and looked at her in surprise and shock, "Grand..."

"It's nothing unfair, I'm also here to listen to the music. Xiao Er said that the private room is full, and I don't want to sit there. I happened to see my two cousins. You don't mind if I drink a cup of tea?" Zi Star said with a smile.

"How come, why not! Come on, sit here, sit here!" Situ Jie hastily moved away from his seat, and they were flattered by Zixing's two cousins.

You know, although there is a relationship between them, they are still separated by relatives after all, how dare they really treat themselves as her cousin.

After Zixing sat down, he saw the two of them standing on the side somewhat awkwardly, and motioned for a moment: "You guys sit too! I've said it all, I'm just here to listen to the music, and I'm here for a cup of tea, if you In this way, then I will be embarrassed to stay any longer. I can only wait until the next time when there are fewer people.”

"Oh, no, no, it's okay, it's okay, let's sit, let's sit!" Situ Jie pulled Situ Hu, and the two sat down.

They were no longer in the mood to listen to the music, and they looked at each other wondering how Zixing would come here suddenly.

Zi Xing didn't care about them any more, he really listened to the music seriously, and after listening for a while, he said: "I heard that there is a new girl who sings here, but I didn't expect it to be a good singer. Next time, I can invite you They went to the palace to sing for the queen mother! It's much better than those noisy and lively plays."

She talked about the girl who sang, and Situ Jie immediately said with great interest: "Her name is Bai Shuangshuang, and her mother just passed away, so she has been wearing plain clothes all the time. Listening to her singing, I always feel sad everywhere. No Thinking that the princess also likes such a tune! If she is really allowed to go to the palace, it is really her blessing."

"Really? It's still the time of mourning, and I'm about to go out to the store, and my background is also pitiful." Zixing echoed pretending to be surprised.

Speaking of Bai Shuangshuang, Situ Jie and Situ Hu were not as restrained as they were just now, they said everything they knew, and the atmosphere was not as stiff as before.

Seeing that the two of them talked too much and let go a lot, Zixing took a chance and asked casually: "By the way, what's wrong with Sister Lan'er recently? Last time, when I saw her, I saw that she was a little bit weak." Not feeling well, how are you doing now?"

"She's not feeling well!" Situ Hu snorted, and Situ Jie hurriedly pushed him.

But instead of stopping him from continuing to talk, it made him talk more joyfully, "Why are you nervous? Princess Zixing is not an outsider, so why would she still talk about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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