Chapter 718
Liu Xu also just walked in, listened to Liu Xi's words, smiled, but did not speak.

Zixing suddenly thought of something, "Today is your birthday?"

Liu Xi glanced at her in surprise, "How can the princess remember the servant's birthday?"

"Bengong is careless and doesn't remember, but seeing how happy you are today, I guess it's been a few days, so I can see it at a glance." Zixing sat up straight with a smile, "Liu Xu, go get Bengong's Bring the jewelry box, pick a hairpin that complements the clothes, and bring it to Liu Xi."

"No, the princess has already rewarded the servants with many things, and the servants can no longer ask for the princess' rewards." Liu Xi said hastily.

Zi Xing said with a smile: "This is the first time I've heard such words. People are eager to ask for more rewards from their masters. Who else thinks there are too many rewards? Take what is given to you, and it's not like stealing it." , there is nothing you can't want."

Liu Xu came over with a jewelry box, and Zixing picked one, not too dazzling, but not too shabby hairpin, and put it on Liu Xi's head herself. She looked at it, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "It looks so much better this way." gone."

Liu Xi glanced at Liu Xu shyly, seeing that she was also smiling and nodding, she bent down and thanked the princess, "I thank the princess for the reward. Oh, I have to drink this medicine quickly, and it will be cold if left alone."

Both Zixing and Liuxu laughed, Zixing took the medicine and drank it all, Yinuo came in and said: "Princess, King Ning is asking to see you outside."

"Finally found a chance to enter the palace to ask the teacher!" Zixing smiled at Liu Xu, "Let him wait in the outer hall, I will come in a while!"


After Zi Xing tidied up, she went to the outer hall. Nangong Yu was standing in front of an antique vase, as if studying the texture of the vase.

"There should be a lot of good things in Prince Ning's mansion, it's rare that the ones here in this palace can still catch the eyes of the prince!" Zixing said calmly when he came in.

Nangong Yu heard her voice and turned around, "The princess is not feeling well? Her voice has changed a little!"

"Thank you, my lord, for your concern. I don't know why your lord came to Purple Star Palace on purpose. Didn't your lord come to offer incense to the imperial concubine? She's gone, and she's just a useless concubine. Logically, it seems a little inappropriate for your lord to enter the palace like this." Are you not afraid of being gossiped about coming to this palace in such a grand manner?" Zi Xing asked intentionally.

"Is this king still afraid of being gossiped about? The princess has already taken the trouble to think about what others want to say for this king, isn't she?" Nangong Yu smiled slightly, as if she was not afraid of Nangong Ling's affairs at all. As if he would implicate himself, "Actually, this king came to see the princess first, and second, I also kindly wanted to remind the princess. Enough is enough! If you do too much, no matter how careful you are, you can still get caught if you touch the fish." Is it a little fishy? Be careful, you will burn yourself!"

"My lord Xie reminded me that my palace is not afraid of getting fishy when I come here. Whether I can get it or not depends on whether my lord has such skills. Whether I can escape for myself is my ability."

Nangong Yu smiled coldly, "Since the princess is ungrateful, then I think I'm being supercilious today. Anyway, we will be a family in the near future, and I still hope that the princess will take care of you in my heart." Take good care of yourself."

Zixing didn't speak, but smiled.

"Since the princess won't listen to my king's advice, then I have no choice but to leave first."

(End of this chapter)

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