Chapter 722
Facing her questioning, he smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and hugged her, didn't give her a chance to say anything else, pushed open the window, and jumped out neatly, Zixing only saw his cloak shaking in the air, He was no longer seen.

Yinuo walked in, glanced at the soup cup on the table, and asked, "Princess, do you want my servant to warm it up for you again?"

"You told him?" Zixing asked without looking back, and stared at the place where he stayed just now with a kind of hatred.

"My servant just happened to see Prince Duan today, so I told him by the way." When Yinuo returned, she would not say that it was because King Ning had visited the Purple Star Palace today, so she went to find He on purpose. Lian Yunhai asked him to stop by the military camp and tell Duguhan about it.

Anyway, King Ning couldn't let him do it alone.

Even if he did, the princess would not appreciate it.

But he can't let Duguhan fall one step further.

Zixing turned around and looked at her and asked: "Yinuo, if one day, Xiaoqi and I will be in the same situation as Nangong Yu, who will be your master?"

Yinuo reached out to take the soup cup on the table, turned around, and said very firmly: "General Dugu will not be the next King Ning, and he will definitely not become like King Ning with the princess. The servant does not need to make a choice."

Zixing was surprised by her firmness.

Seeing her leaving figure, she muttered to herself, "I think too, he will never change."

But a lifetime, speaking of it is very short, but a few decades, but an eternity, makes her feel as if it is very long.

Who can guarantee another person's life.

How could she be so firmly committed to another person's life.

Even she can only hope for this, but dare not confirm it.

Because the human heart can never stand the test of time.

But. . .

She slowly raised her hand and put it on her cheek, but smiled to herself, for no reason.

Nangong Yu and Nangong Hao, under the cover of night, lay down on the roof of the wine and tea shop, looking at the scene in the courtyard below.

They don't want to have any more mistakes, so they put down their bodies tonight to do something they shouldn't do, and now they don't want to believe anything that they haven't seen or heard with their own eyes.

They have been fooled by Helian Zixing's cunning time and time again, if they don't ask for some interest from her this time, they won't be able to let them swallow that breath.

They had been waiting for more than an hour, and finally saw a person walking in from the outside, covered his entire face with a cloak, and lowered his head deliberately, they couldn't tell who it was, they only knew it was a woman.

Shopkeeper Cheng came out to pick her up in person, and led her into the house without saying anything.

Nangong Yu winked at Nangong Hao, he nodded his head, then turned over and jumped into the yard, hiding under the window eaves.

From the outside, this is just an ordinary restaurant, and there are customers outside, so there are no other people in the yard, and shopkeeper Cheng led the person to the innermost room, and there is an aisle in the middle that only allows one person to pass through , if you don't pay attention, you won't find that there are still rooms inside.

Nangong Yu was squatting under the window eaves where they were, while Nangong Hao was on the roof, so that he could pay attention to the movement around him. He even held a few hidden weapons in his hand, not to escape, but to prevent Nangong Yu from hearing what they talked about.

(End of this chapter)

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