Chapter 726
"Xue'er, if one day you have someone you like, you will understand the purpose of everything I do now. I don't care about the results you said in the future!" Duguhan still smiled.

In fact, even Mi Xue rarely saw him smile.

For everything today, they have been different from others since childhood.

That imperial decree destined them not to have a perfect childhood.

They practiced martial arts hard, and those people who usually called them little masters seemed to be a completely different person when they practiced martial arts. The rigorous training wiped out the smile on his face, and the sudden change made him He grew up overnight.

She has never forgotten her father's hatred, but at the same time, she also hopes that her brother will not become so indifferent.

Therefore, she used many methods to find the shadow of the past in him again.

But no matter what she did, he always looked indifferently.

As he grows up, there are fewer and fewer things that can attract his attention. When he entered Duan Wang's mansion, he met her less and less, and she had no chance to think of ways to make him laugh. .

But now, he's smiling.

Just because of that beautiful woman.

But she is not a simple person, her scheming is so deep, even if such a woman has a stunning face, what is there to love?
What she plays with in the applause is power and the lives of others.

How is this different from her father?
Other people's lives are in her eyes, as long as she can achieve her goal, she will ruthlessly trample under her feet.

She really didn't understand why he couldn't let go of such a woman, and kept getting deeper and deeper.

"Alright, it's time for you to go back." Duguhan reminded.

"I know. Then I'll go first. careful yourself." Mi Xue didn't say anything more, because she knew that it would be useless to say more, and the things he decided would never be for anyone Change, even if she is his only relative now, still can't shake the firmness in his heart.

The next day, Liu Xu came to the bedroom to help Zixing wake up, only to find that she had woken up a long time ago, sitting on the bed with loose hair, covered with a blanket, looking out the window with her chin propped up in one hand, and holding a soup cup in the other. .

"Where did this soup cup come from? Why haven't you seen it before?" She stepped forward and handed Zixing a hot handkerchief to wipe her hands, and asked by the way.

"Mmm!" Zixing responded, but Liu Xu didn't understand what this hum meant.

"Is the princess worried about today's affairs?" she asked.

Only then did Zixing look back at her, and smiled, "I don't worry! Nangong Yu is suspicious, and he also knows that Bengong is suspicious. Everything and every word will be thought far away. If this time , the person who controls the overall situation is not Ben Gong, maybe he will win. Unfortunately, Ben Gong is one step ahead of him. So..."

"Since the princess is not worried, why did you wake up so early?" Liu Xu asked in confusion.

Zixing's eyes fell on the soup cup in front of her. She just said that what she said was not wrong. She was suspicious, so she was thinking, now that Xiaoqi knows too many things about her, will this be her again? Dig your own grave.

But in the same way, she thought of what Yinuo said last night.

She smiled and took a deep breath, "It's okay, I just wake up and don't want to sleep anymore. Let's wash and make up! I have to go to pay my respects to my mother!"

(The update is late these two days, and it will be updated early tomorrow to make up for what is missing today.)
(End of this chapter)

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