Chapter 731
When he stepped forward to block Ding Guohou from saying this, Duguhan stepped back and entered the restaurant where they came out.

He sat down on the seat closest to the stairs.

Almost all the guests here flocked outside to watch the excitement.

There were almost no customers on the entire first floor.

He sat here, ordered a jug of wine, poured himself a glass, and sipped it slowly.

Nangong Yu was about to go downstairs when he saw him sitting there and stopped.

Nangong Hao was behind him, stretched out his head to take a look, and suddenly clenched his fists.

Duguhan turned around so coincidentally, saw the two of them, and raised the wine glass in his hand, "It's very chaotic outside, if the prince is not in a hurry, why don't you sit down and have a drink?"

Nangong Yu smiled and walked on, "Everyone is here for the general. Unexpectedly..."

"I didn't expect to make everyone wait for nothing?" Duguhan asked intentionally.

"Can this king know who searched Tiange?" Nangong Yu asked, pouring himself a glass of wine, as if he wasn't in a hurry.

"My lord still wants to find someone to be your chess piece, of course it should be someone." Duguhan said.

Nangong Yu's hand paused, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

He Lianzhi.

Outside, the dispute between Helian Yunhai and Ding Guohou became louder and louder, and Nangong Hao's frown became deeper and deeper.

His anxiety can be seen by anyone, let alone Duguhan. He smiled lightly, "Prince Duan will not let Marquis Dingguo go. Those who go to Prince Ning's mansion, if they don't find Master Nangong, After a while, the arrest warrants will be posted all over the capital. I also happen to not let you go. So, let’s sit down and have a drink, it’s time to practice wine.”

Nangong Hao slanted his mouth and snorted coldly, "Do you really think those people outside can stop me?"

"I've never seen you make a move before, and I'm just looking for an opportunity, let's have a good fight!" Duguhan raised his eyes to look at him, and his eyes became cold.

"Brother, don't..." Nangong Yu wanted to stop Nangong Hao.

If you do something here, you really fell into their trick.

This Duguhan usually gives people the feeling of integrity and indifference, but he doesn't want to. After staying by Helian Zixing's side for a long time, he has become more and more cunning. A few words made Nangong Hao forget himself. This aggressive method Make it just right.

Even before the emperor's interrogation, Nangong Hao fought against Duguhan here. Even if he escaped, he would be caught and said that he wanted to abscond in fear of crime.

These, in the past, Nangong Hao would have thought of it, and he would never have fallen into Duguhan's trap so easily.

However, since the day he and Situ Lan'er got married, a series of changes have made him lose his composure.

In his heart, he only thought about how to teach Helian Zixing a lesson.

However, this time, he fell into her trap again and included himself in it.

His embarrassment turned into anger, and hit Duguhan's arms, he kicked over the table where Duguhan was sitting, and because there were not many wine pots and cups on the table, the sound of falling to the ground and breaking was not loud.

Duguhan got up from his seat, but not to block Nangonghao's move, but to dodge, and kicked the table that was about to hit the ground, and the whole table flew towards the counter behind the shopkeeper, the wine on the shelf was so When they hit it, they all fell over.

(End of this chapter)

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