The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 749 Purple Star Wedding 13

Chapter 749 Purple Star Wedding 13
"But you can't go to the queen mother and sue her in front of her just because of a palace man. Don't say it's the mother, even if the father loves you so much, he won't punish Li Bai just because of Liu Xi. At most, it's just a few words It's not painful, it's better not to say it." Helian Yunhai saw that she was so angry, although he felt strange, he still told the truth.

In Zixing's eyes, it's not as simple as Li Bai being punished, a killing intent flashed in her eyes.

The first time Duguhan saw her eyes, there was a decisive murderous aura.

She wanted Helianli to die in vain.

If this look was seen by Helian Yunhai, he would be surprised, because although Liu Xi is very dangerous now, she is not dead yet. No matter how much she likes this girl, she has always been a person who takes care of the overall situation and will never Because of a girl, she went to touch Helian Libai casually.

But Duguhan understood.

If someone touches her, even if he doesn't really kill her, he will never stay with such a person.

The person he cared about the most, the person he wanted to protect the most, was murdered under his nose, and he could understand such hatred.

"I know how to behave. I won't bother my mother casually and make her embarrassing. You go out of the palace first! It's useless to stay here. If Liu Xi is still conscious, knowing that you came here because of her, she will definitely be happy. .Maybe, in a while, she will wake up." Zixing smiled suddenly, as if she said relaxedly.

"That's fine, it's shameful for us to stay here for too long." Helian Yunhai nodded.

He turned around and took two steps, only to find that Duguhan was still standing there, frowning and looking at Zixing, as if he refused to leave.

"Xiao Qi, let's go, you're not an imperial doctor, so it's useless to stay here." He urged.

Zixing raised her eyes to look at Duguhan, and seeing him staring at her all the time, that gaze simply made her want to avoid it.

She knew that it was easy for him to see through her heart, but she didn't want to tell him what she was going to do now.

She couldn't explain why, but now she was afraid of his simple but hot eyes.

Duguhan didn't speak, but Helian Yunhai urged him, and he left with him.

He didn't make a sound all the way.

He thought about Zixing's eyes and the determination on her face.

He suddenly had a very bad feeling.

Not sure what she was going to do, but he could sense what she was going to bet on.

"What's the matter with you?" Helian Yunhai asked strangely when he saw his gloomy face.

"Tonight, lend me the token." Duguhan said.

He Lian Yunhai looked at him slightly dissatisfied, "Are you going to sneak in again in the middle of the night? Are you really a vegetarian when you are an imperial guard? If you are discovered one day, you will die. Besides, didn't you just see her?" If you have anything to say, go back and say it now, and we will leave the palace after we finish talking."

"Lend me the token." He said a lot, but Duguhan only repeated these words.

Even though Helian Yunhai was unwilling in every possible way, he still gave him the token for the Imperial Forest Army to enter and exit the palace, "If you don't become my brother-in-law in the future, you will be sorry for my courage to fight for you with your head. Be careful, If you are found out, you must remember to say that you stole the token, and I don't want to follow you to die. I'm still waiting to be a father!"

(End of this chapter)

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