The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 766 The family is ruined 8

Chapter 766 The family is ruined 8
A door separates the two worlds.

Seeing Nangong Yu leaving with a dark face, the people outside began to discuss.

Zixing's public refusal to marry at this moment provided the best topic for people in the whole of Kyoto, and even the whole of West Vietnam, to talk about after dinner.

But in the room, she didn't care about the drool that was about to fall on her body.

She looked at Duguhan and said, "Three questions."

Duguhan nodded, "Ask!"

"First, who put on this makeup for you?"

Duguhan looked past her, glanced at the bronze mirror facing him in the inner hall, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Yinuo is really not good at this aspect!"

Zixing raised her eyebrows and nodded with a smile, "Secondly, how could the nanny in charge choose a 'tall' bride like you?"

"With your sixth brother here, she dare not not choose! One last question." Duguhan returned solemnly.

"How do you allow yourself to appear so ugly in front of everyone?" Zixing asked with a smile, but her heart was already filled with emotion.

He is the Duguhan with a face that is indifferent to everyone, he is a calm and calm general on the battlefield.He has his secrets, and a group of people who have sworn to serve him.

How could he allow himself to become what he is now.

Wearing Xi Niang's clothes that didn't fit well, and covered his face with makeup, that's it, he walked out from behind the pillar, and he could still face Nangong Yu calmly with his unique arrogance and indifference, without half a cent. embarrassment and awkwardness.

In her heart, Xiao Qi is the one who will stand in front of her, exert her last bit of strength, and fight bloody for her. She really never thought that she would see such a him.

What gave her was more shock.

"In this way, you will let me be by your side." He said, and suddenly laughed.

Zixing slowly lowered her face, "What are you laughing at?"

"No one will dare to marry you again." The corner of his mouth became even wider.

"When did you know?" Zixing asked, thinking in his heart that Yinuo should tell him?

"I knew it from the beginning! I came to you that night just to confirm my guess. If you don't want to see me, I know that you have made up your mind."

"Since you know that I have made up my mind, what are you doing like this?" Zixing realized that he had become the one with the most problems, and he knew what she was going to do from the beginning.

"I know that if I want to tell you, I must not be able to tell you. I simply don't want to say anything, and get to your side first. Then..." He took out a twisted handkerchief from his arms, and his hands slightly As soon as he exerted force, something seemed to be broken inside, and blood-like liquid seeped out from the veil, dripping down between his fingers, "Actually, I just want to say, this method is better!"

Zixing suddenly remembered that the last time he came back from the same city, he pretended to be injured and tricked Nangong Yu, leading him to send someone to assassinate him outside his mansion.

She suddenly smiled helplessly.

Seeing her smile, Duguhan was not as happy as before, and suddenly said seriously: "I believe every word you say. So..." He paused, "In the last life you had, where am I?"

Zixing was shocked violently, and at that moment, something seemed to explode in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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