Chapter 774
"Mr. Du, don't you ask the emperor for his pulse every day? Why did you faint like this suddenly?" Situ Jing looked at Mr. Du aggressively and asked sharply.

"Empress, although I ask for the emperor's pulse every day, the emperor is old, and he worked day and night in the early years. This is a sign of weakness, not a disease!" Imperial Physician Du also said helplessly. .

"Jing'er! Don't scare Doctor Du like this. Even if Hua Tuo is alive, he can't make people not get old or sick! Besides, it's just a faint, why is it so serious? Is Xing'er coming? Zhen I'm all lying here, and I don't know how to come and see me!" Helian Longyi said with a smile pretending to be relaxed.

"Princess Purple Star is here!" As soon as he finished speaking, the eunuch outside reported.

"Father!" Zixing called out as soon as he entered the room, seeing that Helian Longyi's face was a bit gloomy, but he was still very energetic, and his heart settled down. "Father, what's the matter? Could it be that you didn't take the tonic that Imperial Physician Du told you to take on time? Otherwise, why would you suddenly faint?"

Helian Longyi was stunned for a moment, then nodded in front of her and Situ Jing, "Look at you mother and daughter, your words are all carved out of the same mold! Even the words to blame me are the same !"

He smiled and coughed again, and Zixing was busy rubbing his back.

"I'm fine, you guys go down first! I want to talk to Xing'er for a while!" Helian Longyi waved his hand at Zixing, and asked Situ Jing and the others to leave for a while.

Situ Jing just gave him a worried look, but she couldn't force her to stay, so she recruited all the people in front of the hall to go out.

Helian Longyi raised his eyes and saw the fine sweat on Zixing's forehead, raised his hand to wipe her and asked with a smile: "Are you scared?"

"Father is talking nonsense, you are not in good health, of course I am worried."

Helian Longyi sighed, "The ministers in the court are still waiting in the meeting hall. This time I fainted, no matter what Doctor Du said, no matter what I said, they will definitely bring up the matter of the prince again Yes. My current illness is just right, and they don't dare to disturb me at this time. But they will definitely disturb your mother. I am afraid that the matter of the prince cannot be delayed any longer. I originally thought that I wanted you to Sixth Brother supervises the country, and I will make a decision when I am in better health. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Zixing knew that her father also knew it was wrong, so she asked her on purpose, and she followed his will and said: "Of course it is wrong. Once the sixth brother is in charge of the country, those who support the sixth brother to become the prince will definitely He thinks that the father's favorite person is the sixth brother. In the future, if the father appoints Ye Er as the prince, he will only attract a group of enemies to Ye Er who should not be enemies. It will be difficult for the sixth brother to be caught in the middle! "

Helian Longyi smiled gratifiedly after hearing her words, "You really understand what I'm thinking! So now, I'd rather leave all the affairs of the court to your mother's temporary management! I just want to wrong her a bit. "

It's not uncommon for the ministers in the court to know about Situ Jing's review of Helian Longyi's papers in the past.

But at that time, there was still the prince Heliande, so no one would say anything.

But now, let Situ Jing listen to the government and handle the affairs of the court, those ministers who are anxious to choose the crown prince will definitely point their finger at Situ Jing at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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