Chapter 779

Zixing didn't expect that one day, she would be left speechless by someone, and this person was actually Helian Ye.

"So, sister, don't be angry with General Dugu." Helian Ye smiled sweetly, and he would always show such a smile when he was trying to be sweet.

Zixing frowned and pinched his face, "Why did you speak for him?"

"Because..." Helian Ye waved his hand, Zixing bent down, and he whispered into her ear: "Because, Ye'er has secretly recognized him as a master. He can teach Ye'er martial arts, In the future, Ye'er will be able to protect my sister."

"Master?" Zixing was stunned for a moment, "Why?"

"Does sister trust the master in the palace?" Helianye asked her suddenly.

Zixing's curled eyelashes moved slightly, and she didn't say anything, but said to Yinuo: "You go out of the palace now, tell Xiao Qi about this, and ask him to tell Mixue not to act rashly. I don't want to, Nangong Yu got an unexpected 'surprise' because of this."

Although Yinuo didn't know why she gave such an order, but now, she didn't have time to think about it, so she answered, and just as she turned around, she saw He Lianzhi walking in.

"Brother Seven? Why did you come to my place?" Zixing frowned slightly when he saw him, but still asked with a smile.

"I came into the palace to pay my respects to the royal father! But the royal father is resting now and doesn't see me. So I came to ask my sister, do you know how the royal father is doing today!" He Lianzhi smiled, but his eyes were on the purple Xing's room looked around, as if looking for something.

"Isn't Concubine Hu Gui and Concubine Xian always serving by my father's side? Brother Seven wants to inquire about Emperor Father's condition. Wouldn't it be easier to ask Concubine Hu Gui? Besides, Emperor Father doesn't even see Brother Seven, how can he see me these days?" ?” Zixing replied, hinting that Yinuo on the side hurriedly went to do her work.

He Lianzhi looked sideways at Yinuo who left, and smiled slightly, "You stay in the palace every day, what do you want to raise a girl who knows martial arts by your side?" He finished asking, but didn't wait for her Instead, he waved at Helian Ye, "Ye'er, come over to Seventh Brother! Seventh Brother brought you a small gift. See if you like it!"

He Lianye walked to him with a confused and happy look, He Lianzhi gave a small porcelain whistle, He Lianye took it and thanked him.

He Lianzhi patted his head with a smile and said: "This whistle sounds very nice once you blow it. Go outside and play with the maids of honor! Seventh Brother and Sister Zixing have a chat!"

"Okay!" Helian Ye obediently responded, but when she went out, she turned her head and blinked at Zixing.

After he left, Zixing saw that He Lianzhi was still looking at the decorations in her room, and asked, "Is Seventh Brother looking for something?"

He Lianzhi didn't hide it, and said with a smile: "I know, the day my father fainted in the court, I asked you to go to the bedroom. I heard that when you came out again, you had a brocade box in your hand. "His eyes sank, and he asked as if tempting or threatening, "Zi Xing, what's in that brocade box?"

Zixing also laughed, and asked back: "What does Seventh Brother hope to contain?"

He Lianzhi slanted his mouth, "Zixing, after all, you are a daughter's family. You can see many things. No matter what the future holds, you will always be our sister. Why do you have to get involved in it?"

(End of this chapter)

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