Chapter 781
Zixing stopped him, but at this moment he didn't know what to say.

Trust is never spoken.

Just like she believed in Xiao Qi, but he never made any promises to her.

She suddenly felt that calling him at this moment seemed superfluous.

When she called him, he just stopped and didn't look back. She didn't say anything, but he turned around and walked in front of her, reached out and touched her head lightly, curled up the corner of his mouth and said softly: " Don't worry, I'll be fine!"

Her unspoken exhortations are the real worries, he understands.

In fact, they are all the same. They never believe in verbal promises. If you want to be nice to a person, even if you don't say anything, everything you do will make that person feel it.

He knew that her heart seemed to have been covered by hatred, and it was very difficult for her to trust someone!
But he did it anyway and gained her trust.

He never wanted to hide anything from her, but some things were too heavy, and he didn't want to have another concern for him on her shoulders that were already carrying too many things.

Watching him stride away, Zixing stood there, watching him go away.

He will be fine?
A seemingly easy sentence is not so easy to do.

"Sister, what's the matter with you?" Helianye asked, looking up at Zixing with her small head up.

"It's okay!" Zixing responded, took a deep breath, turned around and went back to pick up all the jewelry that was just knocked over by Brother Seven on the ground. She held a hairpin in her hand and looked back deeply. Helian Ye took a look.

"Princess, Liu Xi, Liu Xi..." Liu Xu ran in.

"What's wrong with Liu Xi?" Zixing stood up in shock, and Liu Xu also laughed happily, "She's awake, she's awake!"

"Is Liu Xi awake? Sister, let's go and see her, hurry up!" He Lianye had to react before Zixing, and pulled her out.

Doctor Li still came to see Liu Xi every day, and now he was taking her pulse.

Liu Xi lay on the bed, her eyes slightly opened, but she still looked a little confused.

After Zixing entered the room, Imperial Physician Li stood up and saluted, "Princess, Miss Liu Xi has woken up, it's nothing serious. I prescribed some tonic for her, as long as she takes good care of her, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Really?" Zixing smiled and glanced at Liu Xi lying on the bed, and said to Imperial Physician Li: "Then I will trouble the imperial physician. The imperial physician has worked hard these days. Liu Xu, you send the imperial physician out."

She gave Liu Xu a look, and asked her to prepare some silver rewards for Imperial Doctor Li.

Liu Xu nodded and sent Doctor Li to leave.

"Princess, what's wrong with this servant?" Liu Xi couldn't seem to remember what happened to her these days, but she just felt very tired.

"Liu Xi, you've been sleeping for a long time, and now you finally woke up. Elder sister is really worried about you. You can't do this anymore, you've been sleeping for so many days!" He Lianye lay on the bed, with her hands supporting her chin He smiled at her.

"Sleeping for a long time?" Liu Xi thought for a while, and finally remembered the scene of being pushed down the Jingshui Lake by Helian Libai that day, "Princess, slave..."

"Okay, it's all right now. I know everything. You just need to listen to the doctor's advice and take care of yourself." Zi Xing tucked the quilt for her, signaling her not to think so much when she just woke up. thing.

Liu Xi nodded, "The servant has made the princess worry."

(End of this chapter)

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