The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 784 4 Faces Embrace 2

Chapter 784 Besieged on All Sides 2
A little palace maid came out of the bedroom, bent her body and said: "Eunuch Yu, the emperor woke up, heard the noise outside, and asked what happened."

Yu Xian's heart was secretly pulled together, he really couldn't understand, how could Princess Zixing, who is the most considerate of the emperor, be so ignorant when she was so ignorant, she only cared about getting angry with Hu Guiren, and didn't think about the emperor's body up.

He said: "Go and report to the emperor, just say that Princess Zixing is asking to see you."

"Yes." The maid turned back.

After a while, he came out again and said, "Princess, the emperor said that he doesn't want to see anyone today."

As soon as Hu Guiren heard this, he snorted proudly, "I said that the emperor doesn't want to see you, but you just don't listen, you have to find trouble yourself!"

Originally, after getting such a reply from the emperor, the matter should be forgotten.

But no one expected that Zixing pushed Hu Guiren who was standing in front of her, and rushed directly into the bedroom.

"Father, Xing'er has something important to do, I must see Father today!" Zi Xing rushed in, who dared to stop her, she went straight to Helian Longyi's bed, without saluting, straight stood there and said.

Hu Guiren, who followed her in, knelt down on the bed, wiped his tears and said: "Your Majesty, this concubine can't stop Zixing. It's my concubine's fault to let her rush in like this without rules or distance." wrong!"

Helian Longyi gave Zixing a strange look, stretched out his hand, and Yu Xian, who followed in, hurriedly stepped forward to help him sit up.

"What were you arguing about outside?" He asked.

As soon as Zixing was about to speak, Guiren Hu said first: "It has nothing to do with Zixing, it's the fault of the concubine. The concubine was thinking about the emperor's order, and worried that the emperor had finally fallen asleep, so she didn't want her to come in and make a noise. The emperor is resting. It was the concubine who couldn't speak, who offended Zixing, and made her angry, and said a few bad words to each other."

Yu Xian secretly ridiculed Hu Guiren in his heart.

Even though Princess Zixing's behavior is indeed inappropriate today, she doesn't have to lower her figure like this, and use the word 'collision'. She is an elder, and Princess Zixing is a junior, so it is obvious that she is taking the fault on herself. In fact, he wanted the emperor to feel that the princess was arrogant and domineering.

But she didn't think about it either, how could the emperor really be willing to blame the princess for just a few words like hers.

I really thought that since she served the emperor these few days, her status would be different from the past.

When Helian Longyi heard the words, he looked at Zixing again, his eyes full of doubts.

He didn't speak, and Hu Guiren began to wipe away his tears again.

Zixing raised his chin and said: "It's your fault, I want to see my father, when is it your turn to stop me?"

"Xing'er, Mr. Hu Gui is also your elder, how do you talk?" Helian Longyi frowned and scolded.

"Your Majesty, it's not good to be a concubine! The status of a concubine is lowly, you really shouldn't stop the princess from seeing the emperor!" Concubine Hu Gui choked even more sadly.

Helian Longyi said impatiently: "Okay, okay! What's wrong with you, I said I didn't see anyone, and you just did what I ordered! Xing'er, apologize to nobleman Hu. "

Hu Guiren smiled secretly, thinking that he was finally looking forward to this day, and there would be a time when Zixing would eat turtles.

But Zixing said unconvinced: "Why should I apologize to her? Who told her to hold a chicken feather as an arrow, and not think about her identity when she talks and does things!"

(End of this chapter)

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