The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 799 4 Faces Embrace 17

Chapter 799 Besieged on All Sides 17
"Bold, as a guilty minister, why don't you kneel when you see the emperor?" Yu Xian and Helian Yueru walked to the outer hall with Helian Longyi on their side, but they saw Nangong Yu let someone escort Huang He in, But he stood there straight, looking up at the sky with cocked eyes.

Not to mention kneeling, even the basic look of seeing the emperor is enough to drag him out and behead him.

"Hunk Lord? I'm not even afraid of death, why would I kneel down to the Hunjun?" Huang He snorted coldly in front of Xian's question.

Nangong Yu winked, and the Imperial Forest Army behind him forced Huang He to kneel down.

"These years, you have been hiding well. I have been sending people to look for you, but I have never been able to find your trace. I never thought that even today, you still can't escape." Helian Longyi said, sneering With a cry, he looked at Nangong Yu and asked, "How did King Ning catch him?"

Nangong Yu bowed after seeing him, and then said: "Returning to the emperor, this criminal minister sneaked into Prince Ning's mansion tonight, intending to assassinate him, but he was caught when he failed. The minister's subordinates recognized that this was General Huang who was beside General Dongfang back then, so The minister hastily escorted him into the palace to wait for the emperor's disposal."

Helian Longyi nodded thoughtfully when he heard the words, "Your father reported Dongfang Chong's crimes back then. They seem to have been waiting for the opportunity to avenge their master. Are you okay? ?”

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern, I am not injured." Nangong Yu replied.

The eunuch outside announced loudly: "The empress is here!"

As soon as the voice fell, Situ Jing had already walked in, glanced at Huang He and Nan Gong Yu who were kneeling there, and went forward to salute, "Your Majesty, your dragon body has not recovered yet, why did you come to interrogate this guilty minister yourself? How about Let the concubine..."

Helian Longyi interrupted her by raising his hand, "I will handle this matter myself." After finishing speaking, he looked at Huang He again, "Huang He, where have you been hiding all these years? Since you have escaped Why are you still showing up in Kyoto? What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Huang He raised his head and snorted, "I'm just a dog's life, I'm not afraid of death. But I will never forget General Dongfang's revenge. I have been waiting for the opportunity to avenge General Dongfang. It would be better to kill you This fool!"

"Bastard!" Helian Longyi jumped up against the table, pointed at Huang He and shouted, "Come here! Drag him out and chop him up."

Situ Jing frowned, Nangong Yu hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this person cannot be killed yet."

"Why can't you kill him? Just based on what he just said to me, it is enough to cut him into pieces." Helian Longyi seemed to have been challenged by someone, and even looked at Nangong Yu with a changed look. be fierce.

"Your Majesty, this person has been lurking in the capital for so many years, and he is not alone. Tonight, there are three of them sneaking into the palace. Why not take this opportunity to catch them all." Nangong Yu said.

Helian Yueru hurriedly supported Helian Longyi and said: "Father, don't be anxious to get angry, why don't you listen to what King Ning has to say first."

Helian Longyi glanced at her, took a deep breath and nodded.

Nangong Yu then continued: "I suggest that it is better to hang him on the tower, without eating or drinking, and he will die within three days of wind and sun. At that time, his followers will come out to save him, Wouldn't it be a good opportunity to capture them all then?"

(End of this chapter)

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