The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 807 4 Faces Embrace 25

Chapter 807 Besieged on All Sides 25
Seeing him put down the tea bowl, Helian Yueru's eyes sank.

She stepped forward and said: "Father, Zixing is in the withered building right now, and the empress did not disobey your intentions."

Helian Longyi nodded and said nothing, then patted the seat beside him, "Yueru, come and sit down!"

Helian Yueru smiled, walked to him and sat down.

Helian Longyi took her hand and stared at her face, "Yueru, I know I have wronged you all these years. In the past, I was concerned about your safety, and I have never said such kind words to you. How long have you As she grows up, she looks more and more like your mother."

"Really?" He Lian Yueru lowered her eyes slightly, "I was still a child when my mother left, and I almost can't remember what my mother looks like. Every time I think of it, it's just a blur."

"Really?" Helian Longyi also asked back, "By the way, when you returned to the palace, I knew that I had wronged you, and I also knew that your mother's departure made you sad. So I never asked any more questions. Now you I've grown up too, I... don't know how long I can live."


Helian Longyi raised his hand to signal that she didn't need to say something to comfort him, and continued: "I still don't know how your mother passed away back then. I didn't mean to mention your sadness on purpose, but I just thought about it." , if one day I also leave and see your mother, I can't even give her an explanation. I think back then, I had no skills to pick your mother back to the palace, and because of her status, she You can't leave Nanjiang. If you follow her, you naturally can't come to me. If she hadn't passed away, you wouldn't be able to leave Nanjiang. Thinking about it, if it wasn't like this, how could I have such a well-behaved daughter now."

Helian Yueru's expression changed, but she asked: "Father, don't you blame me for the things I did right in the past?"

She was testing because she didn't think he could really forget what she had done before.

Because at the beginning, he was the one who ordered her to be expelled from the palace. If she hadn't planned for herself, she wouldn't be here now.

Helian Longyi smiled, "It seems that it's not whether I blame you or not, but that you are still blaming me for those things in your heart. In the past, right and wrong, no matter who is right or wrong, but we always Father and daughter, what's more, you are the only one by my side now. These days, you take care of me in undressed clothes. You try to make me happy. What's the relationship between those things? I don't know if I can still see you Tomorrow's dawn, thinking about the past, wouldn't it just add to your troubles? Yueru, are you really unwilling to forgive your father?"

"No, it's not. I've never blamed my father. There are some things that I can't say. I used to think that my father only had Zixing in his heart, so it was inevitable that he did things too radically. But those are all things that I want Royal father should be more concerned about me. If I really blame royal father, why would I be here?" Helian Yueru also hurriedly said.

"That's good! That's good! I'm happy that our father and daughter can be the same as before." Helian Longyi said very pleased, "By the way, what about your mother?"

"At that time, my mother suddenly became seriously ill. At that time, we all had problems in our lives. Because my mother had me, it was inevitable that I would be excluded and looked down upon by others. My mother simply did not have the ability to raise me. How can I have the money to hire a doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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