The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 816 The Jedi Strikes Back 9

Chapter 816 The Jedi Strikes Back 9
Helian Longyi looked at Helian Yueru fixedly, "You... no matter how bad I am, you shouldn't collude with outsiders to seek my fortune. Do you know that if I die, you will die?" It's killing the king and killing the father!"

"Sister Qingwei has done the same thing as me before, so what am I afraid of?" Helian Yueru smiled sarcastically, then she turned and walked to the desk, and walked over with an empty imperial edict, "Father Huang, I am different from Sister Qingwei. She is not cruel enough, and her hands are not hot enough, so she is locked up in the princess mansion now. And I will never make the same mistake as her. Father, you will not survive today In the evening, why bother to be obsessed with whose hands this country will fall into? We have told you so much now, just because we don’t want you to bring yourself more pain when you die! Come, take this pen, and report to King Ning One sentence, you write a sentence. Then you can go on the road with peace of mind after the seal is signed. As for other people, you can't control them anymore, so why worry about them?"

Helian Longyi seemed to have mustered all his strength, and suddenly raised his hand and slapped her hard on the face.

She leaned over and fell to the ground, covered her face, but laughed even louder.

"Father, if you want to fight, just fight enough! You should regret it, you shouldn't have had feelings for my mother in the first place, so you won't be reduced to today's fate!"

Nangong Yu stretched out his hand to help her up, drew out his sword in a flash, pointed at Helian Longyi and said, "Your Majesty, this king has already given you a chance, since you don't want it, then there is no need for this king to fight with you again." You are wasting your tongue! The imperial edict, I can write it myself, so I don’t need to bother you anymore.”

His eyes sank, and when he was about to start, Helian Longyi suddenly said: "Wait, I can write this edict to you, but I have a question I want to ask you."

Nangong Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is there anything else the emperor wants to explain?"

Helian Longyi smiled wryly, "I want to know whether the evidence your father found for me back then is true or not?"

Nangong Yu raised his eyebrows again, "It turns out that the emperor still remembers the death of General Dongfang? That's good! At this time, this king will not hide it from you. The evidence is true, but... and Bei The person who has contact with Mo has always been the king's father. General Dongfang has caused Bei Mo to suffer a lot of defeats, and they have long wanted him to die. That's why they teamed up with the king's father to put on a good show for the emperor. Unexpectedly, the emperor is still brooding over this matter. Originally, the emperor had the opportunity to make up for the mistakes of the past, but unfortunately, Duguhan also died. This king does not know whether he should feel sorry for the emperor! "

Helian Longyi nodded and smiled, "Okay, okay! It's enough to hear these words in the end. At least, even if I really die, I can give Dongfang Chong an explanation. See you He, I can also apologize for my mistakes back then. I wouldn't spend my whole life in a daze!"

"Your majesty, write it! This king has already told you everything you want to know. You don't want to procrastinate any longer, do you? If you want to wait for someone to rescue you, then there is no need for this king to persuade you. Because No one will come. Anyone who can save you has already been dealt with by you..."

Before he finished speaking, the door of the main hall was suddenly knocked open again.

He turned his head with a frown, only to see Hao Lie rushing in with a broken arm.

(End of this chapter)

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