Chapter 115 Want to Move the Orphanage?
Long Lingwang continued: "I heard from Xuan'er that Miss Yin Se was also dragged into bed by President Mu first!"

Yin Se froze.

Mu Shengchen raised his brows lightly, glanced at Long Lingwang with an indifferent expression, and then said: "It's purely my fault, the beauty is tempting, and self-control is not enough. It stands to reason, Mr. Long, you are an expert in this field, aren't you?" ?”

What Mu Shengchen said meant that Long Lingwang was a typical representative of insufficient self-control.

Long Lingwang's expression froze, and then he smiled dryly: "Mr. Mu, why haven't you held a wedding yet? If that's the case, people who don't know will think that Yin Se is your underground lover!"

Yin Se suddenly became angry, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Mr. Long, you have so many underground lovers, why don't you understand a truth."

"Oh? Madam Mu seems to have given some advice!"

"The so-called underground lovers all die at the sight of light. If you don't believe me, drag one of your Yingying Yanyans out and try."

Long Lingwang's complexion began to change again, he seemed to have forgotten this woman's sharp teeth.

"Yin Se." It was Zhang Huijuan who spoke, and Yin Tianjiang was naturally by her side.

It's just that besides these two, there are Long Lingwang's parents.

Seeing Long Lingwang's parents, Yin Se seemed to instantly understand where Long Lingwang's uncomfortable feeling came from.

Yin Se only glanced at her lightly.

"Mr. Mu?" Long Lingwang's father, who can speak out, has a stubbled chin, and at first glance he is a real member of the underworld.

Mu Shengchen nodded: "Mr. Long, hello."

Although it was just a simple greeting, the auras of Mu Shengchen and Long Lingwang's father were quite cold.

"Ling Wang didn't seem to get along very well with Mr. Mu before. Regarding this point, I hope Mr. Mu can forgive you."

"Husband, President Mu will definitely forgive me. In the market situation, you are an opponent on the scene, but you are friends in private!" Long Lingwang's mother said.

Mu Shengchen remained silent.

"My mother-in-law doesn't know, but Mr. Mu's wife is my Xuan'er's younger sister!"

"Huijuan, what are you talking about? How could I not know this?" Mother Long said.

Yin Se became irritable, everyone was uncomfortable, and everyone came to touch her bottom line.

"Zhang Huijuan, do you know people?" Yin Se asked with a smile.

However, Zhang Huijuan trembled at the tone that sounded like a joke.

Mother Long and Father Long were also stunned on the spot, and Father Long couldn't help but look at Yin Se twice more, as if remembering this "neither big nor small" woman.

"Mom! Don't talk about it! I'm already very happy that Xiaose can come today, and I don't care about the rest!" Yin Xuan'er rushed over suddenly, quickly blocked Zhang Huijuan's mouth, and said with a smile.

"Xuan'er, where were you just now?" Long Lingwang walked to her side and asked gently.

Yin Se glanced at Yin Xuan'er indifferently, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Looking at the expressions of Long Lingwang's parents who were overjoyed.

Yin Se really wanted to see how the couple would react if they knew that the child in Yin Xuan'er's womb was not from the Long family at all.

"Mr. Long, it's getting late. Xiaose is a little tired, so we'll go first." Mu Shengchen said politely.

Long Lingwang wanted to stay a little longer, but was stopped by a look from his father.

"Thank you, Mr. Mu, Mrs. Mu is willing to come here today. Then we won't stay any longer." Father Long said.

Mu Shengchen smiled, and left with Yin Se.

After walking out of the venue, Yin Se took a big breath.

"I won't take you out again, what are you going to do?"

"Why didn't you plan to..." Yin Se muttered.

Mu Chengchen rubbed her shoulders, and quickly threw her into the car, "Is it cold?"

Yin Se shook his head.

Mu Shengchen turned on the heater and drove away in the car.

At the corner of the venue, a dark figure came out, his fierce eyes fixed on the leaving treasure car.

"Yin Se..."

There was addiction in the man's faint voice.The smell of blood.

Yin Tianjiang just went to the yard to smoke a cigarette, and ran into a man hiding around the corner.

"Mr. Xu..."

Xu Yan turned around, walked to Yin Tianjiang's side, sat on the bench, and faced Yin Tianjiang without embarrassment: "Mr. Yin, long time no see."

"Why is Mr. Xu here? Why didn't you enter the venue?"

Xu Yan chuckled, "Of course there are people I don't want to see."

Yin Tianjiang was slightly silent.

"Mr. Yin, your daughter hates you so much."

Yin Tianjiang froze, "Mr. Xu, didn't you already know this?"

"Hehe!" Xu Yan chuckled, his voice was bleak and cold, "Mr. Yin, let's make a deal."

The night is dark and the wind is high, Xu Yan's eyes are bloodshot, he is like a wild wolf howling on a full moon night, those green eyes are fixed on his prey, wanting to pounce on her, wanting to drain her dry Tears, want to bite her throat, want to lick her blood, want to tear her flesh...

Sitting beside him, Yin Tianjiang felt his body tremble from inside to outside, his hands and feet were trembling.

"How is it, Mr. Yin?" Xu Yan asked calmly, and then the question was full of confidence.

However, Yin Tianjiang hesitated.

Xu Yan was not surprised, he stood up: "Mr. Yin, I'm not in a hurry, I'll give you enough time to think about it."

Give Yin Tianjiang enough time to think, and also give him enough time.

With his hands in the pockets of his black suit, his figure looked very thin, slowly disappearing into the night.

"Yin Se, I don't know how I became like this. I think it's because of you, because of you and that man. I'm calling you in your ear, how can this be good...just thinking of you walking with other men, I can't wait to crush you...Turse, come and help me heal...Hahaha!"

His faint voice appeared ghostly in the dark night, distorting the whole space.

Sitting in the Bentley, Yin Se half-closed his eyes.

"What did you say to Yin Xuan'er?" Mu Shengchen asked lightly.

Yin Se opened his eyes and looked at the road in front of the car, "Nothing can be hidden from you."

Mu Shengchen remained silent, seeing Yin Xuan'er's uncomfortable expression when talking to Yin Se and running over to cover Zhang Huijuan's mouth, he knew that Yin Se must have caught Yin Xuan'er.

"I heard her talking to her underground concubine in the yard. The child in her belly is not Long Lingwang's."

Mu Chengchen pursed his lips, he knew it.

"You must not tell anyone about this matter." Mu Shengchen said seriously.

Yin Se looked at him: "I won't threaten her with such crap."

"It's not for this reason." Mu Shengchen's expression was rare and serious.

"Long Lingwang knows that the child in Yin Xuan'er's stomach is not his."

"What?" Yin Se was not calm anymore.

Although Mu Shengchen was still indifferent, his heart was no longer calm: "Do you know what the end of the first woman who said she was pregnant with his child was?"


"Throw it into the underworld for people to have fun."

Yin Se was still puzzled.

"Long Lingwang had been sterilized a long time ago, and I found out about it by chance. How could such a thing be made public?" Mu Shengchen pulled a wry smile, "He wants to live among thousands of flowers without a trace of rouge, Isn't sterilization the best and fastest way?"

Yin Se froze, and then seemed to think of something, "Then Yin Xuan'er..."

"Long Lingwang is not young anymore. If he wants to continue having fun, his family doesn't allow it. It is wisest to find a shield to get married at this time."

"So... Yin Xuan'er was used as a shield."

"Yes, if Long Lingwang knows that you already know about Yin Xuan'er, he will not let you go."

That's the point.

Before they knew it, they had already arrived home. Mu Chengchen stopped the car, put his hands on the steering wheel for a long time, turned around, and put his hands down Yin Se's curly long hair, "You woman, stand still, It can also get me into trouble."

Yin Se was speechless.

"Hey... How can I say hello?"

"Can it be my fault..." Yin Se was quite aggrieved, looking at Mu Shengchen, how did she know that Long Lingwang was so perverted?
"You go upstairs first and give me your mobile phone."


"Naturally, do what should be done." Mu Shengchen took her bag, took out the phone from inside, and threw the bag to her, "Go up."

Yin Se picked up the bag and didn't hesitate, "Then you will come up later."


Mu Shengchen flipped through her phone, if Long Lingwang wanted this child, Yin Se would become his threat...

Make a call.

"Yin Se." A quiet and depressed voice came from the other party.

Mu Shengchen smiled, "Miss Xuan'er."

"You don't need to talk, just listen."

"Now Yin Se is not the only one who knows that the child in your womb is not your husband, so don't think of unrealistic means to deal with Yin Se. Please keep silent."

Yin Xuan'er's hand holding the phone trembled, and Mu Shengchen... also knew.

Mu Shengchen put down his phone, leaned his head on the steering wheel, and sighed softly.

You shouldn't have listened to her and taken her to the wedding.

Mu Shengchen, you are out of your mind.

Don't let Long Lingwang know that Yin Se already knew about it.

You can't let Yin Xuan'er know that Yin Se's handle can be used by her in turn.

He stepped out of the Bentley, thinking it was useless, plans never kept up with changes.

Walking upstairs, watching the door open, she was sitting in front of the vanity mirror, Mu Sirui was standing beside her.

Mu Shengchen leaned against the door and watched quietly.

"Mom, I'm asking you a question. It's very serious. You have to answer it seriously."

Yin Se touched his little face: "It's so late, you still haven't slept?"

"I'm thinking about serious things."

"Okay, you ask."

"Xia Luo clearly knows my phone number, why didn't she call me?"

Yin Se froze, the child was still thinking about Xia Luo...


"Xia Luo is a girl. Girls are more reserved. You should call her."

(End of this chapter)

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