Chapter 140 I Don't Want a Divorce 2
Louis looked at the woman in surprise, and he got up, "If it was me, I wouldn't give up."

"It doesn't matter if you have no self-esteem, or if you are hypocritical, if I know that I am wrong, if I know that I don't want to leave that man, I will fight for it. There is no special reason, just because of deep love."

Her hands were tightly clutching the sheets, and the sky outside the window was white and beautiful, like the white gauze she should wear in the wedding hall.

Just because of deep love, such a simple truth, she actually wanted to hear it from another man.

But what's the matter with her uneasy and fearful mood?

The agreed day finally came. Yin Se woke up very early. She sat in front of the mirror. She touched the cosmetics that she hadn't touched for more than two months.

Staring at the other half of her ghost face, she didn't know the meaning of doing so...

No amount of cosmetics can hide this embarrassing scar.

She has been anxious since the morning, and after eating lunch in a daze, Yin Se sat in the ward with a book in her hand. This was the most she had done in the past two months.

Perhaps because she calmed down, she could understand these seemingly complicated books.

Until the afternoon, Yin Se almost thought that Mu Shengchen had forgotten and would not come, and when she was starting to drowsy, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in." Yin Se replied casually, thinking it was Louis.

And the back door was opened.

Mu Shengchen walked in, with a rather tall beauty on his arm.

Yin Se was stunned the moment he turned his head sideways.

Mu Shengchen looked at her quietly: "Surprised? I said I would come over today."

Yin Se's eyes darkened, and he smiled wryly in his heart. He suddenly felt that he was extremely stupid. She would spend two months to be quiet. Would he wait for him for two months...

She is no longer the former Yin Se, does she still have the extravagant hope that he will still be the former Mu Shengchen?

"I haven't forgotten." She said lightly.

"It's this one!" The tall slender woman looked at Yin Se carefully with a smile.

Facing the woman who was shining brightly in front of her eyes, Yin Se felt a sharp-edged stone stuck in her throat, emitting a bloody smell, which made her dizzy one after another.

"En." Mu Shengchen looked at Yin Se indifferently, taking all the expressions on her face into his eyes.

The tall slender woman let go of Mu Shengchen's arm, walked up to Yin Se, and sat beside her bed, "Hello, my name is Wu Wenwen."

Yin Se raised his head, "My name is Yin Se."

"Well, I know." Wu Wenwen smiled beautifully and mysteriously.

Yin Se couldn't express what he felt in his heart, it must be that his inferiority complex came out again...

She took a deep breath: "It seems that my husband told you a lot."

Wu Wenwen smiled lightly, then nodded: "Indeed, there are quite a few. I probably know everything I need to know."

Yin Se's lips clenched slightly, he told her everything...

"You haven't seen each other for so long, you should have something to say, I'll go out for a walk first." Wu Wenwen said generously.

"Don't talk for too long!" Wu Wenwen blinked at Mu Shengchen.

"Understood, I'll call you when I'm done."

"I think if it takes too long, I will come back by myself." After Wu Wenwen finished speaking, she walked out, and the door was gently closed.

Yin Se sat there silently.

Mu Shengchen walked to the window and leaned against the window sill: "Take a few steps and let me see."

Yin Se bit her lip, "I can go, so you don't have to worry about what will happen, let alone feel guilty."

Mu Shengchen's hands were in his pockets. Perhaps to her, she hadn't seen him for two months, but in fact he would come over every week, and he knew her situation very well.

"Really?" Mu Shengchen asked lightly.

Yin Se raised his head and looked directly at him: "Don't you want a divorce? Have you brought the divorce agreement?"

"I will sign it in a sensible way, so that beauty won't have to wait any longer." Yin Se couldn't hide his jealousy in his words.

"I've given you two months, and at the end of the day, you still haven't changed your mind..."

Yin Se lowered her head sadly, it's not that she hasn't changed anything, but that he...

He had already walked in front of the tall beauty Xinhuan with his arms around her intimately. Does her change make sense?What else can she change? !

Needless to say a word, he has already proved with his actions that he really doesn't want her anymore...

She doesn't blame him, doesn't blame him, doesn't blame him...

But... why does my heart hurt so much?
"Yin Se, let me ask you again, do you want your face treated?" It's not about whether you want a divorce, but whether you want your face treated...

She bit her lip and said after a long time, "If it's this ghost face, you can't accept it, can you?"

"Yes." Mu Shengchen said lightly.

Yin Se raised his head and looked at him: "Then I don't want it."

"There will be a divorce agreement." After Mu Shengchen finished speaking quietly, he walked out, as if looking at her even more was unbearable for him...

Yin Se threw the book in his hand to the wall and made a "bang".

"Liars! They are all liars in the end!"

In this ending, she couldn't tell who the wrong person was...

Yin Se was bored in the ward. At four or five o'clock, Louis van Gaal walked in.

"What? You're just going to sit and wait for death?" Louis's words were obviously speculative.

"Aren't you the same!"

Louis didn't think about how this woman suddenly became "violent", but it seemed that he liked the way she said these words better than her weak state all day, at least he felt powerful.

He chuckled and walked to the window: "It seems that men are really the same."

Yin Se's eyes are very deep.

"At first I thought that Mu Shengchen would be different, but I didn't expect that he was no different from other men. From this point of view, I don't like him very much." Louis said lightly, likes and dislikes are like a joke in his mouth generally.

"Hey, but this woman is really good, with a great figure and a face that has nothing to say." Louis looked at Mu Shengchen and Wu Wenwen who were sitting together in the yard, but sparks had already appeared in their eyes.

He cursed Mu Shengchen madly in his heart.

He thought, Yin Se, this woman is also quite troublesome, and he wants to push her forward. A woman will really feel a sense of crisis when she encounters a rival in love, so in order to help Mu Chengchen, he called himself a pervert. I don't know how much effect it will have, but it's better than doing nothing.

He can't stand the day when he has to answer two calls in one day!

In the end, he was lucky, and brought a beauty here without saying anything. How could this make him feel embarrassed?
Yin Se had already stood beside him unknowingly. Following his gaze, he saw the two people sitting on the bench. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but the corner of Mu Chengchen's mouth smirked, and the woman seemed to be What are you talking about? In short, this scene is quite dazzling.

Is she going to give up like this...

"Yin Se?" Louis looked at her moist eye sockets in surprise, and the tears seemed to fall in the next second.

Yin Se pursed her lips, and she said lightly, "I don't want..."

However, before Louis could react, Yin Se rushed out of the door.

"Go slowly, your legs are not good yet!"

However, Yin Se didn't care about anything. She had already lost enough, so she couldn't lose any more!

"Your stubborn wife, what are you going to do?" Wu Wenwen asked with a light smile.

"What should be done must be done, this is beyond her control." Mu Shengchen said lightly.

"Looking at her appearance, she completely treats me as a rival in love, aren't you worried about that?" Wu Wenwen asked tentatively.

Mu Shengchen chuckled: "Who knows?"

"You man, as long as you are a woman, you will be conquered by you."

"Except for Yin Se, I didn't intend to conquer anyone..."

"She's really lucky." Wu Wenwen couldn't hide her envy in her eyes, and then she saw Yin Se who was walking over in a hurry, her brows were slightly frowned, maybe her legs hurt because she walked too fast!

"Are you lucky?" Mu Chengchen repeated lightly, and when he was a little lost, a soft body suddenly hugged him, and Mu Shengchen was slightly taken aback.

Yin Se hugged his neck tightly, and a low but domineering familiar voice rang in his ears, "I don't want a divorce!"

Mu Shengchen felt that the thing that had been empty in his heart for a long time slowly came back.

Wu Wenwen watched her pounce on him vigorously. To be honest, she couldn't believe that Yin Se's leg had just been healed...

"I don't want a divorce, Cheng Chen." Yin Se repeated.

However, Mu Shengchen remained silent for a long time, this indifferent reaction made Yin Se feel more and more uneasy...

"I'll walk well, and I'll heal my face. You said you wouldn't want me..." Yin Se's eyes glistened with tears.

Wu Wenwen sighed softly, got up slowly, and walked to the other side.

Mu Shengchen put his arms around her, and hugged her tightly: "Fool."

Yin Se's tears finally couldn't stop, "Cheng Chen, it's my fault, I'm too useless..."

(End of this chapter)

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