Chapter 145 Incorporated into Creation
Chen Tezhu continued: "It's too scary to work directly under President Pan. If you don't come back, I don't want to live anymore."

Yin Se frowned, "Go out."

Chen Tezhu froze slightly, scratched his head, and said before going out: "Yin Se, it's great for us that you are alive."

Yin Se lowered his head, looked at the closed door, feeling inexplicably moved, and there was liquid in his eyes.

Many times, very few people can see through the people around them, whether they are close or distant, only those who have gone through some great hardships, those who are still by your side and treat you as always are the most cherished.

Yin Se turned on the computer, put one hand on his chin, and looked at the screen casually, all Yin Tianjiang's recent developments were displayed on the screen.

He has gone abroad a long time ago, even if he holds the shares of Yin's Group, he can't stay in City A anymore.

Yin Se sighed softly, no one knew what she was thinking now.

At noon, Yin Se prepared a meal in the cafeteria and sat down opposite Pan Ming.

Pan Ming looked up at her: "Do you know you're coming to work?"

"Yes, if I don't come again, Pan will always fire me!" Yin Se joked.

Pan Ming ate the poached eggs in his bowl, and said, "It's very easy to get the shares back from Yin Tianjiang."

"Teacher Pan teach me!"

"Tie him up and threaten him, and he will definitely hand it over."

Yin Se poked the meat in his bowl: "Aside from this method?"

"Regular transactions, buy with money."

The corner of Yin Se's mouth twitched: "No, it's still the previous one."

Pan Ming raised his head and looked at her: "You can be cruel."

Yin Se smiled: "People who don't care, why should I treat them with heart?"

"Okay, I'll figure out a way."

"Boss Pan, please!" Yin Se put the poached egg in his bowl into her bowl, "Eat it."

Pan Ming looked at the poached eggs in his bowl, slightly speechless, "You want to bribe me with a poached egg?"

"No, no, absolutely not, poached eggs are the testimony of our friendship!"

Pan Ming glanced at her lightly, "Yin Se, let me remind you, I can't stay in Yin's forever."

Yin Se was slightly taken aback, "You want to go?"

"After you can take the position, I will definitely leave."

Yin Se felt a sense of loss. Once Pan Ming left, she seemed to lose a backer...

"What? Are you dependent on me?" Pan Ming asked lightly.

Yin Se took two mouthfuls of rice and said quietly, "It's a little bit, but I can support Yin Shi after you leave."

"Really?" Pan Ming doubted, "You can't take yourself too seriously."

"It's not that you think too much of yourself, but most of the time, those who can't support must also be supported. I didn't expect you to stay in that position for the rest of your life."

Pan Ming smiled, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

After lunch, Yin Se fell asleep lying on his stomach in the office.

When Pan Ming walked in, her breathing was very steady. She was leaning against the door with a cup of coffee in her hand as always.

Three days ago, she called her and asked her to find out all of Yin Tianjiang's whereabouts these days. Pan Ming actually knew a lot about her affairs, and knew that there was an inextricable entanglement between her and her father.

She only said that she wanted to snatch back the shares that Yin Tianjiang had taken from Yin's, and she specifically emphasized that it was snatching, not buying or trading.

Pan Ming didn't think it was anything at first, he just knew that this woman came back, and she didn't want to escape from reality.

But she never expected that from Mu Shengchen, she would learn that Yin Tianjiang was the accomplice who kidnapped Yin Se.

Pan Ming is actually a person who grew up in a normal family. She doesn't understand the feelings of Yin Se and Mu Shengchen very well, but just thinking about it, she knows how desperate she must be to be betrayed by her father.

Yin Se moved his body.

Pan Ming walked up to her, leaned on the sofa beside her, quietly looked at her clean face, and felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

Later, when Yin Se woke up, she was covered with a blanket. She rubbed her face, and the sun outside the window was about to sink. Looking at the clock on the wall, it was already five o'clock!

"It's over!" Her first reaction was this, all the work was not done...

"Are you awake?" A clear voice sounded from the side.

Yin Se turned his head in astonishment, facing Mu Chengchen who was sitting on the sofa.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Yin Se asked.

"I see you slept too soundly." Mu Shengchen said lightly, "Let's go, let's go home."

"No, I slept all afternoon, and there are many things that have not been dealt with." Yin Se was about to look through the documents on the table, but found nothing.

"What about things?"

"Pan Ming and I are done with it." Mu Shengchen stepped forward and stretched out his hand, "The bags are also packed, and I'll wait for you to wake up."

Yin Se looked at him speechlessly, "You should have woken me earlier if you came earlier!"

"Why did you wake you up?" Mu Shengchen walked out with his arms around her shoulders.

"You have enough sleep in the afternoon, you will have strength at night, don't you?" Mu Shengchen whispered in her ear.

Yin Se blushed immediately.

On the way, Yin Se asked him, "Pan Ming said she would leave."

"En." Mu Shengchen responded lightly.

"Hey..." Yin Se sighed lightly, "I don't want her to go..."

"Yin Se."


"I want to incorporate the Yin family into the creation of the world."

"It's just my idea, you can think about it."

"Mu Shengchen, how long have you been planning this?" Yin Se asked softly.

"For a long time."

Yin Se frowned. It has been a long time. He has been thinking about bringing Yin Se into the world since a long time ago...

"You can't support Yin Shi alone." Mu Shengchen said lightly.

Yin Se clenched her fists tightly, and she knew this, otherwise Pan Ming would not have come over, otherwise, she would not have become dependent on Pan Ming and Mu Shengchen, it was precisely because of her lack of ability that she became dependent.

However, the Yin Group belongs to her mother, and it merged into the creation, so what can be left, if it merges into the creation, it means nothing...

"If we have another child, it's even more impossible for you to sit in Yin's office." Seeing her lying on the table tired in the afternoon, he knew that he had to advance this plan and couldn't give her any more time.

He knows very well what the Yin family is to her, but this is the business world after all, he, Mu Shengchen, can move a Pan Ming from the creation of the world to sit in charge, but what about in the future?
He doesn't have that much ability, taking into account both parties, there will always be other groups that will rise up and come to compete with him, with Chuangshi, and with Yin's.

Not a good way, but the most effective.

Her little hands clenched tightly.

"What if you don't have children anymore?"

Mu Shengchen pursed his lips tightly and stopped talking.

Yin Se turned his head out of the car window, and the past scene flashed in front of his eyes, just like a person's life, you will meet many people and many things, but most of them will become this past scene, fleeting.

There are very few who can really stay by your side.

She didn't wait for his answer.

After returning home, they ate as usual and did their own things as usual. They seemed to have a tacit understanding not to raise this question.

At night, Mu Shengchen was sitting in the study, and Yin Se ran to the study after thinking about it after taking a shower.

Knocking lightly on the door, she walked in.

Mu Shengchen raised his eyes: "Washed?"

Yin Se nodded, and she walked to him, "How much work is there?"

"Hurry up, go to bed first." Mu Shengchen smiled lightly.

Yin Se didn't listen to his words and went out, but walked behind him, stretched out his arms to hug him, clasped his hands on his chest, and rested his head on his shoulders.

Mu Shengchen seemed to be quietly waiting for something.

Yin Se said softly: "I'm not as good as you when I'm in business. I know you made this decision because of a combination of many reasons. If you think it's better to merge the Yin family into the creation, then let's do it."

Mu Shengchen felt his heart throbbing again and again, hearing the little woman's soft voice, he didn't know how to respond for a while.

"I found that my heart is getting smaller and smaller." Yin Se's voice was so gentle, "Compared to pursuing Yin Shi, compared to becoming a strong woman in the business world, I seem to want to have another child for you..."

Mu Shengchen grabbed her hand and slowly led her to him. She sat on him obediently, and naturally wrapped her arms around his neck.

He looked at her quietly, and stretched out his hand to put her hair behind her ears. This is what he did to her habitually, as if he could see her face more clearly, get closer to her heart, and see her more clearly. to her truest thoughts.

"What about you? Do you want me to stick to Yin Shi, or do you want me to..."

She looked at him seriously, without teasing or joking, she was really serious.If he said he wanted her to persist, she might change her original intention.

"I hope you can be yourself." His hand gently caressed her face, then stopped on her lips, and wiped it slowly, "but I hope you can give me another child."

Yin Se chuckled, "OK."

Yin Se looked at him with lowered eyebrows: "After the Yin family merged into the creation world, can I still be in charge of the Yin family..."

"When you have enough energy, I will let you go."

She nodded and leaned on his shoulder.

Mu Shengchen also quietly leaned against her, gently rocking the leather chair back and forth, both of them looked very comfortable.

In fact, he is very clear that he raised a problem that is not very easy to solve today. It is not a whim today, but he has really thought about it. Although Chuangshi and Yin are two big groups, but In fact, they have been linked together for a long time. Yin's shares in his hands accounted for 60.00%. What does this mean?Yin Shi has long been in the palm of his hand.

The outsiders also understand this truth. After all, he has no way to separate himself. One manages the creation and the other manages the Yin family. If he puts the Yin family in the hands of other people too much, it is unrealistic. There will always be people will covet.

(End of this chapter)

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