Chapter 156 The Distant Cousin Dongfang You 1
The smile on her face is really dazzling.

In the elevator, Mu Shengchen put his arm around Yin Se's shoulder.

"What's wrong with you?" Yin Se always felt that something was wrong with him.

"It's nothing."

"Then why did you grab me so tightly just now?"

"Don't talk to her." Mu Shengchen said calmly, "If you talk too much, you will make more mistakes. Yin Xuan'er and Xu Yan are very similar. If you don't want to meet the second Xu Yan, then don't have any contact with Yin Xuan'er."

Xu Yan...Yin Se swallowed his saliva.

"She will be jealous. What you have now is something she can't touch in her life. This kind of jealousy will make her crazy."

"How do you know so well?" Yin Se was surprised.

"Because I met Xu Yan before, I had to be on guard. Even if she didn't have the guts, I had to be on guard. If she attacks you, I don't want to go through this kind of thing again. "

Yin Se nodded, maybe she should be restrained, like Yin Xuan'er, don't communicate at all, although she doesn't believe that Yin Xuan'er has the courage of Xu Yan, but Yin Xuan'er has the Long family behind her, so she has to be careful .

Sitting in the car, Yin Se thought carefully for a long time: "Shengchen, what do you think can surprise grandma?"

"It's a surprise if you tell her directly."

"No, that's so boring, you really have no interest at all." Yin Se looked out the window.

Mu Shengchen shook his head, no matter what, grandma should be satisfied.

After returning home, Mrs. Mu and Mu Sirui sat in the living room, and lunch was ready.

"Grandma...I don't have a good appetite..." Yin Se said aggrievedly.

"What's wrong? Where did you go early in the morning?" Madam Mu asked.

Yin Se said sadly to her: "I went to the hospital, I don't feel well..."

Seeing Yin Se's expression, Mrs. Mu felt a little panicked: "Where is it uncomfortable? Headache, or what? Have you caught a cold?"

Seeing Mrs. Mu's worried expression, Yin Se was very satisfied. She continued to pretend to be listless: "Well, I feel sick to my stomach. Seeing these nasty things makes me feel sick..."

"What can we do about it? The doctor says this will last for a long time?"

"Little Se, what is the disease?" Mrs. Mu was really worried, and when she saw Mu Shengchen's indifferent expression, she was a little bit astonished...

Yin Se circled Mrs. Mu, coyly said, "The doctor said... what does this seem to be called... a pregnancy reaction..."

When Mrs. Mu realized the meaning of her words, she immediately smiled and quickly grabbed Yin Se's hand, "Is it true?"

Yin Se smiled and nodded.

"You child, you still dare to scare me!" Mrs. Mu laughed.

Yin Se smiled at her.

Then Mu Sirui came over, "Mom, what is a pregnancy reaction..."

Yin Se took Mu Sirui's little hand to touch his stomach, and said, "It means that there is a baby in the mother's stomach."

Mu Sirui was a little surprised, and then looked at her seriously: "Mom, this sentence means that in the future, besides Dad, there is another person who will share with me with you?"

"Sharing?" Yin Se looked at this man's child in a speechless manner, and finally smiled, "This means that besides mom, dad and grandma, there is another person who will love you very much."

Mu Sirui blinked, looked at her stomach, and asked doubtfully, "Really?"

"Yes." Yin Se smiled so gently that Mu Sirui really believed it, but who knows what will happen later.

"Then is this my brother or sister?"

Mu Shengchen came over: "Do you want a younger brother or a younger sister?"

Mu Sirui thought about it carefully: "Brother."

"Why?" Mu Shengchen put his arms around Yin Se and walked to the dining table and sat down.

Mu Sirui said seriously: "Sister should be very similar to mother!"

Yin Se froze, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

Iron Man shrugged: "It's okay to deal with one mother, but it's too much for two."

Yin Se looked at him speechlessly, "Did Mom treat you badly?"

"It's good, but I personally think that there is only one woman like my mother in this world."

Yin Se couldn't understand whether his words were good or bad.

Mu Shengchen chuckled lightly, "Iron Man means you should be unique."

Yin Se tilted his head, does that mean?Why did she hear something different.

Back in the room at night, Yin Se sat by the bed, legs dangling, watched Mu Shengchen walking back and forth, and asked, "This time, do you want a boy or a girl?"

Mu Shengchen glanced at her: "En... girl."

"It's rare that you and Iron Man disagree."

"Well, I'm thinking about the overall situation."

"You said before that boys are like mothers and girls are like fathers."

"Mu Shengchen." Yin Se called seriously, "Let's not say that Mu Sirui is a boy, but he is obviously like you, even if that sentence is accurate, what's wrong with being like me?"

"En..." Mu Shengchen stood still and looked at her carefully, "I don't know, I feel bad."

Yin Se's heart ached for no reason, "How much do you two despise me! Why do you despise me!"

Mu Shengchen didn't expect that she would suddenly pouted in aggrieved manner, and then her eyes would turn red.

"Mu Shengchen, I want to have a son! I want him to be like me!"

Mu Shengchen looked helplessly at Yin Se's moist eye sockets. The pregnant woman's mood fluctuated greatly. It seems that this sentence is true, but it is too exaggerated to be so obvious now, right?
"Go and sleep with Mu Sirui! Don't come in!" Yin Se said sullenly.

Mu Shengchen shook his head and sighed, stepped forward and put his arms around her body: "You're just kidding, don't cry, how silly."

"Are you kidding? Does that look like a joke?!"

"Well, just kidding."

"Then do you want a boy or a girl?" Yin Se sniffed and asked again.

Mu Shengchen pursed his lips, and then said, "Boy."


"Well... because the boy is like you."

Yin Se pouted and said, "That's about the same."

Mu Shengchen was a little dumbfounded, who did she learn this trick from...

Yin Se put his arms around Mu Shengchen's waist: "If you and Iron Man bully me again, I'll cry for you!"

Mu Shengchen stroked her hair and let it fall down the straight and soft long hair. There should be a smile in his eyes, but there was inexplicable worry in those amber eyes, as if he was hiding What, it is darker than the dark night outside the house.

"Chengchen, you don't intend to let me stay at home until delivery?" Yin Se asked suddenly.

Mu Shengchen let go of her and sat beside her, and when she fell asleep on the bed, her head rested on his lap.

"Can't you?"

"I don't want it." Yin Se stared at him from bottom to top, and said seriously, "The Yin family has just entered into the creation of the world, and I want to participate in it."

Mu Chengchen hooked her hair, revealing her smooth cheeks. After a while, there were no traces of surgery on her face, and it was flawless.

"From tomorrow you go to the secretariat."

"Secretary?" Yin Se was slightly surprised, "Do you want to be your secretary?"

Mu Shengchen chuckled, "The general secretary will arrange work for you,"


"Well. After Yin's merged into Creation, I will also find a way to move the focus of Creation to City A, so there will be many new faces in the company."

Yin Se nodded, she understood this.

"The Yin's building will be transformed into a commercial building in the future and will not be demolished. I will also arrange for all the employees of the Yin's to go. Talented ones will stay in Chuangshi, and ordinary people will make corresponding arrangements."

"En..." Yin Se responded, Yin's merging into the creation was actually the end of Yin's on the surface, but Yin Se knew that this was a good plan for Yin's continued existence.

"Is my office close to yours?" Yin Se asked.

"It's two floors away, so it's not close."

Yin Se nodded knowingly, and didn't say anything special.

On Monday, Mu Shengchen and Yin Se came to Chuangshi. In those days before, Yin Se was still working in Yin's building, and Chuangshi had come to Chuangshi several times. Now that he is officially working in Chuangshi, Yin Se can't tell himself What kind of mood.

Getting off the car in the parking lot, Yin Se and Mu Shengchen walked towards the elevator together.

"Do all the employees of Chuangshi know me?" Yin Se asked suddenly.

"Some know it, some don't."

Yin Se nodded.

"Will it affect your work?"

"I'm afraid they will call the wife of the president on the left and the wife of the president on the right..."

Mu Shengchen said with a smile, "It won't happen in Creation."

Yin Se was slightly surprised.

"Let's go. Do you want me to lead you to the secretariat?" Mu Shengchen asked.

"No, I'm not a child, can I not know where I'm going to work?"

The elevator door stopped on the 58th floor, "Then my wife, please go."

"Husband, go slowly." Yin Se turned sideways and made a shallow blessing, smiling sweetly.

The elevator door closed, and Yin Se went straight to the secretariat. There were only some senior management offices on the 58th floor. Next to the secretariat was the administrative office, which is the usual legal counsel office.

Through the glass window, she faintly saw a slender figure standing in front of the balcony, and after a flash, Yin Se walked to the secretariat's door and knocked on the door.

"come in!"

Yin Se walked in, this big office
The room is divided into a small inner room and an outer office cubicle.

"I'm here to report today." Yin Se said to the female secretary sitting on the outermost sign with Sun Hong written on it.

Seeing Yin Se, she was obviously a little bit surprised, and hurriedly said respectfully: "Miss Yin, the general secretary is inside."

"Okay, thank you." Yin Se smiled slightly, and then walked in gracefully.

(End of this chapter)

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