A heart-wrenching contract, a black-bellied president is very reliable

Chapter 172 Living in the Shepherd's House 2

Chapter 172 Living in the Shepherd's House 2
"Dead? Maybe Mu Shengchen hoped so." Dongfang You said flatly.

"What do you mean?"

Dongfang You looked at her indifferently, raised his brows lightly, he didn't care that Murong Qing was already his fiancée, let alone that his fiancée was standing beside him, he approached Yin Se.

"But to my surprise, you actually care about me so much."

"It took so much trouble to arrange major life events for me."


"Yin Se, what are you afraid of?"

Murong Qing also looked at Yin Se, his expression was full of bewilderment and doubt.

Yin Se raised his head and faced Dongfang You straightly: "Is there anything about you that scares me?"

"Dongfang You, leaving aside the relationship with my cousin, I may meet you a hundred times and I won't say a word to you. Don't think too much about it. The reason why I meddle in my own business is because I can't see it."

"Oh?" Dongfang You sneered.

"I can't see that there is a person who has paid so much for you, but you turn a blind eye and don't take other people's feelings seriously."

Dongfang You quietly looked at her chattering little mouth.

"Also, General Secretary Murong, don't look at me with such eyes. I don't know that the mask was replaced by him. If so, you can't catch this man. You should let it go. It can only prove that , he is not yours."

Murong Qing looked at Yin Se in a daze.

With a lazy smile on Dongfang You's face, he said leisurely before Yin Se left: "Do you know how much Dongfang Ran has paid for Mu Shengchen? According to your words, should Mu Shengchen do something similar?" Response?"

Yin Se's heart was beating wildly, not palpitations, but confusion.

It was obvious that Mu Shengchen was in front of her, and she should feel at ease just looking at him, but because at this moment, there was another woman standing beside him, she was uneasy.

She walked up to them.

Mu Chengchen let go of Dongfang Ran's hand calmly, and put his arm around Yin Se's shoulder.

"This is my lover, Yin Se." Mu Shengchen introduced to Dongfang Ran.

"Se'er, this is Dongfang Ran. I mentioned it to you."

Mu Shengchen's composure made Yin Se confused. She nodded and stretched out her hand: "Hello, Miss Dongfang."

Dongfangran raised her shining water eyes, which were fresh and moving, and she had a fresh, lovely and shy smile.

"Hi, cousin."

Yin Se smiled dryly. He called others jerky Miss Dongfang, but the other party called him cousin sister-in-law kindly, which was enough to show that she was cheating on her.

"I heard my brother mention you." Dongfang Ran said in a thin voice, "You always share meals with him."

Yin Se was slightly stunned, and looked at Mu Shengchen unconsciously, and Mu Shengchen didn't have any special expression.

"Well, that's because I've never seen such a pestering man." Yin Se said honestly, "Maybe he really likes pregnant women's meals."

"My cousin was joking. My brother shares meals with you because he likes you." Dongfang Ran said innocently and without scheming.

Yin Se frowned. Her words might be just a joke, but when she heard Yin Se's ears, it was harsh.

"However, cousin, why did you come to the dance?" Yin Se asked.

Dongfang Ran glanced at Mu Chengchen, her eyes dimmed, all her expressions fell into Yin Se's eyes, every bit of it showed that the reason she came here was all on Mu Chengchen.

"My brother said, if you want to see your cousin again, this is the only chance you have."

"What do you mean?" Yin Se asked.

"Because my cousin already has his own family, his own lover, and his own child..." The loneliness in her voice could not be concealed. Even Yin Se would be moved when he heard it, let alone... man...

Yin Se glanced at Mu Chengchen, only to see that his eyes were slightly lowered, looking at Dongfang Ran.

At this moment, Yin Se understood.

Seeing my man looking at other women's mood turned out to be like this, sour, astringent...

Even though she knew her man would not do anything, she still couldn't hide her jealousy.

Dongfang Ran raised her baby face, and smiled heartily at Mu Chengchen: "Cousin, I am happy for you to see such a good cousin."

Mu Shengchen hugged Yin Se's shoulders tighter, and smiled slightly: "It's a blessing from the previous life."

Yin Se glanced at him lightly.

Dongfangran looked at Yin Se quietly, with a gentle expression, but when Yin Se faced him, something hidden in his smiling eyes gradually revealed.

Yin Se frowned slightly. What kind of eyes are these that make people so uncomfortable...

Dongfangran suddenly clutched his chest, looking a little sad.

"What's wrong?" Mu Shengchen asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that I've stayed in the room for a long time, and it's so stuffy, I'm going out to blow some air."

Mu Shengchen frowned: "I'll accompany you out."

Yin Se froze slightly, "Cheng Chen, let me accompany you."

Mu Chengchen rubbed her hair, didn't say anything, turned and walked outside, Dongfangran naturally hooked Mu Chengchen's hand.

Yin Se froze in place, really unable to react.

Her husband was seduced by a "dead" cousin for granted, and she would stand here and watch foolishly?

Is she still Yin Se? !
Taking a step forward, she must not let this kind of two hundred and five things happen to her, what kind of onion is she!Getting up from the ground and holding Mu Chengchen's hand as a matter of course?
She treats it as a play!

However, before she could take the second step and step out, someone grabbed her arm.

She turned around and faced the smiling Dongfang You.

"What are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Dongfang You asked back.

"Why do you care about me?" Yin Se asked speechlessly.

"Mu Shengchen only stayed with Dongfang Ran for a while, so you're worried?"

Yin Se broke away from his hand. No matter what he said, he went straight to the courtyard, but Dongfang You blocked his way at the back door.

"Are you so unconfident in Mu Shengchen, or in you?"

"Dongfangyou, you should take good care of your own sister. It's not that I have no confidence in Cheng Chen, or myself, but that I have no confidence in your sister! Let me tell you the truth, after only getting along for a few minutes, I'm ashamed Pretty sure I hate your sister pretty much."

I saw Dongfang You's eyes getting darker and darker.

"If you're free, go dance with your fiancée or something, don't hang around in front of me all the time, people who don't know will think you're interested in your younger siblings!"

Dongfang You pursed her thin lips lightly, and then laughed out, "It's just Dongfang Ran, you panic like this."

Yin Se swallowed her saliva, and calmed herself down slowly with a word. It's just Dongfang Ran, why did she panic like this?She doesn't know why...

She had never felt such a sense of crisis. The woman just smiled, said a few words, and made a few movements, and she was flustered and worried.

Dongfang You took Yin Se's arm and led her into the yard, but they didn't reach Mu Chengchen and Dongfang Ran who were sitting on the bench.

Just stand not far away.

"Instead of walking straight up to them, don't you want to see for yourself what they do in your absence?"

Yin Se pursed her lips, what is this, the pair of beautiful figures on the bench, what is this, why does she look at her husband like a rape?

"Dongfangyou, what to do, that's all my business, I don't need you to do it for me——hmm!" Yin Se's mouth was covered by his big hand, she stared at him fiercely, but in exchange for him gently "Hush".

Then she could only stare dryly, and then stared, her gaze also changed, when she saw Dongfang Ran gently leaning on Mu Chengchen's shoulder, but Mu Chengchen was indifferent.

Yin Se softened, and Dongfang You slowly let go of her mouth.

"Even if they make further moves, you don't need to be surprised." Dongfang You walked into the room after finishing speaking lightly, while Yin Se only looked at the two backs, and walked into the room in a daze.

Yin Se leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

Dongfang You stood beside her.

"Why did Dongfang Ran come back from the dead?" Yin Se asked quietly.

"Do you think someone can come back from the dead?" Dongfang You asked amusedly.

Yin Se chuckled: "It seems that he never died at all."

Dongfang You declined to comment.

"She and Mu Shengchen are a perfect match."

"Heh!" Yin Se sneered, "You've lost your mind."

"Even if she didn't die, she disappeared for so long. She gave up on Cheng Chen, so it can be called a match made in heaven? Dongfang You, I really don't understand how I offended you. You want to entertain me like this."

Dongfang You smoothed his hair!
"Yin Se, what's wrong with a man like Mu Shengchen?"

"Damn it! What's wrong with him?"

"Didn't you see it with your own eyes? As soon as my sister appeared, he put you aside. He and my sister haven't seen each other for 15 years, but this meeting—"

"Dongfang You, don't make a mistake." Yin Se said coldly.

"Any woman will feel uncomfortable seeing her husband leaning against other women, just like drinking too much wine, people will get drunk, pure conditioned reflex, and I am the type with particularly good conditioned reflex. "Yin Se said lightly, "Do you think I will be overwhelmed by the vinegar pot just because Dongfang Ran leaned on my husband so much?"

"I don't know how much past Dongfangran and Mu Shengchen have, and I don't know why Dongfangran said he died and came back to life, but if it is more than life and death, I have died once too! Dongfangyou, you If you have this kind of thought on me and Mu Shengchen, it's better to spend it on yourself."

Seeing Yin Se's chattering little mouth, Dongfang You's expression gradually turned ugly. They were leaning against the corner of the banquet and hadn't attracted everyone's attention, but that didn't mean no one noticed them.

"Lawyer Dongfang, I don't know if you are serious or not, but you are a lawyer anyway, why don't you expect someone to help you?"

Dongfangyou looked at her quietly, the firmness in this woman's eyes and the sharpness in her words made him astonished again and again.

"Maybe I was wrong." Dongfang You suddenly changed his voice.

Yin Se frowned.

"Perhaps the relationship between you is really strong enough, and this kind of pediatric method can't defeat you." Dongfang You smiled wryly.

Yin Se closed his eyes and stopped talking.

"If you're so determined, I just want to go back to the United States in the next few days, and Xiaoran will live at the house of her younger siblings, is that okay?"

Yin Se raised his head to meet his provocative eyes, those sarcastic eyes seemed to say, if you don't agree, you don't dare.

However, on Yin Se's side, she actually has no confidence at all.

"Why, why are you hesitating? If you are so firm, why are you hesitating?" Dongfang You continued to ask.

"Who hesitated?" Sometimes Yin Se really hated herself for being brave, so she said no, what would happen?Will there be less meat?

(End of this chapter)

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