Chapter 195 Yaya
"No ah."

Yin Se scratched his head and sighed: "I can't make the decision, Chengchen, you can figure it out yourself."

Fan Xiwen immediately walked up to Mu Chengchen: "If you don't agree, Su Rou will kill me when I get home."

"Then let her kill."

Fan Xiwen hooked his shoulders, "Brother, you can't be so disrespectful, can you? Anyway, you have two in your family, and one of them will go out when the time comes. Rather than going to a farther place, it's better to temporarily stay at my house, what do you think? "

Mu Shengchen fell silent, as if thinking.

"The main reason is that Susu said that your family has better genes..."

Mu Shengchen raised his brows, slightly helpless.

"That's for sure, but when the child grows up, whether he recognizes it or not is another matter."

"It doesn't matter, as long as Ah Rou is bluffed first."

"Chengchen agreed." Fan Xiwen said.

Yin Se's face was black, looking at Fan Xiwen, goosebumps immediately came up.

Su Rou held Yin Se's hand: "Little Se, for the sake of my anticipation, please agree."

Yin Se looked at her pitiful little face, and finally smiled: "Agreed, all right!"

Nian'er, mom, I'm sorry!

Later, Ye Rufeng and Lin Lu also came over, but Ye Rufeng still had things to do, so he only stayed for more than half an hour before leaving.

The nurse carried Mu Nian over, and Yin Se took it carefully.

Mu Shengchen leaned against her.

"Yaya, this is your wicked father!" Yin Se said, Yaya's eyes had just opened.

"Chengchen, look! Who do these eyes look like?" Yin Se asked anxiously.

Mu Chengchen looked at the child's beautiful big eyes, the amber pupils were as bright as jewels, and chuckled softly: "Ser, it should be like me."

Yin Se sighed softly, "Okay, Yaya, I allow your eyes to look like your father's."

Mu Shengchen stretched out his index finger to touch her tender cheek: "This little mouth looks like you."

"Really?" Yin Se said in surprise, because she didn't see it.

"Yaya, please show your mother a smile." Yin Se teased her, but Yaya was just born, so there is no rich expression.

"Fool, she knows how to laugh now, so you should cry." Mu Shengchen hugged Yin Se into his arms, both mother and daughter were amazing.

"I'll give you a hug!" Yin Se smiled at him and stuffed it into his hand.

Mu Shengchen was shocked.

"I hug?"

"Yes!" Yin Se looked at him speechlessly.

Mu Shengchen swallowed, he came to hug...

He quietly looked at the daughter in front of him, her small body looked extremely fragile.

"Forget it, you hold it."

Yin Se was slightly surprised: "Could it dare not hug?"

She heard from others that a man may not be able to hold a child, she still didn't believe it, but the one in front of her...

Mu Chengchen gritted his teeth, and took it from her hand, only to feel that Yaya in the palm of his hand was too soft and too small. As soon as she moved it to Mu Chengchen's hand, she burst into tears with a "wow". Got a shake.

Yin Se looked at his nervous handsome face, and his stomach hurt from laughing.

"Cheng Chen, you are afraid of children!" Yin Se pointed at him and laughed wildly.

Mu Shengchen looked at her helplessly, and quickly put the child back in her hands, only to feel that his hands were still numb.

"Oh, oh, good girl, we don't want father, we don't want father..." Yin Se coaxed gently, and then Yaya stopped crying very well.

Mu Shengchen could only sigh.

Fix Yin Se's hair.She gave birth to two children for herself.

I thought that the Mu family might be cut off when they came to him, but she miraculously gave birth to two children for him. What should he do to express his gratitude to her?

Is there any other way besides loving her more?He chuckled, thinking that she would be perfect when she returned to him, and that Si Rui would be perfect when she returned to him, but now, this woman told him that besides being perfect, there can be more perfect.

A week later, Mu Shengchen brought Yin Se back to Mu's house with the child in his arms.

There was an extra small crib in their room.

"Oh Yaya, we're home!" Yin Se walked into the door of the shepherd's house with a smile on her face while holding Yaya in her arms.

Mrs. Mu took the child from Yin Se: "Your face is so ruddy, so beautiful!"

"That's because of grandma's genes." Yin Se laughed.

Mrs. Mu felt her cheeks a little hot, "You child, can you say anything else?"

"Why do you want to talk about other things, grandma, I just love you!"

"I'll send the child up, you eat first." Mrs. Mu said lightly, and then went upstairs.

Mu Shengchen walked to the dining table with Yin Se in his arms, and Mu Sirui also sat on the seat slowly: "Mom, grandma said you want to make up."

"This table is yours." Mu Sirui said generously.

"You won't eat?"

"I can eat too, but less, Dad, and you can eat less too."

Yin Se covered her stomach and laughed, and sneaked up to Mu Shengchen's side: "I've eaten all this table, I'm sure I'll be fat to death."

Mu Shengchen scooped up some soup from the bowl and put it in front of her: "No matter how fat I am, I will still want you."

Yin Se looked up at his thin face, his heart tightened, and he drank the soup obediently. He was more worried than her when she had a baby.

This is a husband and wife, this is a lover.

Looking at the dishes on the whole table, Yin Se ate a lot.

There is an extra child in the family, and it starts to be noisy all day long. Mrs. Mu is quite experienced. She doesn't bother taking care of Yaya. At night, Yaya sleeps in Mu Shengchen and Yin Se's room. One night, Mu Chengchen had to wake up several times. As soon as Yaya cried, he carried her outside the room and coaxed her. He didn't go back to the room until she fell asleep. .

Yin Se was very surprised, "How did you do it?"

"Of course Yaya won't want Dad." Mu Shengchen said proudly.

"But our family is also good, she doesn't make noise at night, unlike Si Rui, who makes noise many times in one night, and I haven't slept well for three whole months." Yin Se laughed.

Mu Shengchen looked at her indifferently, unable to express the soreness in his heart, he just quietly hugged her from behind her, and looked at Yaya who was sleeping soundly in the crib.

"Yeah, Yaya is very good."

Of course, Yin Se didn't know that Mu Shengchen would get up several times every night.

It is not easy to give birth to a child, and it is even more difficult to raise a child. Watching the child change day by day, sitting in the yard at night, Yin Se is breastfeeding the child.

She patted Yaya while coaxing her.

Yaya breastfeeds with peace of mind.

After eating, Mu Sirui took a stool and went to the yard, lying beside Yin Se: "Mom, Yaya is so happy."

"Huh? Are you unhappy?" Yin Se asked.

"Yeah, I suddenly found out that a father is already difficult enough, and now there is a younger sister, how can my mother be enough?"

"Iron Man, I suddenly have a question." Yin Se frowned and said softly.


"Sometimes you speak like a person, and sometimes you speak like a person, you know?"

Mu Sirui sighed heavily, "Speaking also depends on the mood of the person!"

Yin Se touched his head: "When you were young, I loved you with all my heart."

"is it?"

"Yeah, at that time, it wasn't just our mother and son who depended on each other for life!"


"Then do you think the life in the United States was better before, or the life with father, sister and grandma is better now?"

"Now." Mu Sirui said decisively.

"That's fine, Yaya, this is your jealous brother, nicknamed Iron Man, you will definitely not be bullied in the future, your brother will protect you."

"Mom, do you have to keep calling me Iron Man?"

"Alright, Spider-Man?"

Mu Sirui shut his mouth.

Mu Shengchen walked over.

"What are you talking about?"

"Si Rui said he wanted to be Spider-Man."

"I'm not that bad..." Mu Sirui muttered, and walked into the room aggrieved.

Yin Se suppressed a smile, even opened her mouth, watching the milk slip from her mouth, Yin Se hurriedly wiped it with a handkerchief for her.

Mu Shengchen reached out and touched Yaya.

"Have you eaten enough."

Yaya waved her little paws like a flipped turtle.

Mu Shengchen chuckled lightly.

Yin Se frowned slightly.

"What's the matter?" Mu Shengchen put his arm around her shoulder and asked.

"The milk doesn't seem to come out for the past two days..." She blushed slightly.

Mu Chengchen froze a little: "Isn't this guy very full?"

Yin Se put down his clothes.

"Forget it, you big man doesn't understand."

At night, Yin Se sneaked into grandma's room, and grandma was sitting on the bed wearing glasses and doing handwork.

"Grandma, are these my Yaya's socks?" Yin Se asked in surprise.

"En." This time Mrs. Mu did not hesitate at all.

Yin Se leaned over to grandma: "Grandma, let me ask you."


"The milk has not come out for the past two days, what should I do? There was no such situation before."

Madam Mu glanced at her breasts, and said lightly, "Is it bloated?"

"En!" Yin Se nodded seriously.

"It's because there's too much milk. It's not that you can't come out, but you think you can't come out, so let Cheng Chen suck it up."

Mrs. Mu casually said such earth-shattering words, Yin Se froze in place.

"Grandma, grandma..."

"what happened?"

"This, this... is there any other way..."

"You and him are husband and wife, why are you shy?" Mrs. Mu replied with a natural expression, her fingers were still knitting socks nimbly.

Yin Se was like a monkey when he came in, and he was like a rock when he went out.

How did she say it...

She wanted to ask with a smile, Chengchen, do you want to drink breast milk?

Yin Se really wanted to hit the wall, she stepped on the stairs step by step, but she was so swollen and uncomfortable.

"Mom, do your feet hurt again?" At some point, Mu Sirui looked at her at the stairs and asked.

"Ah?" Yin Se raised his head, "No more."

The moment he saw Mu Sirui, Yin Se had a flash of inspiration that he could let Si Rui come, anyway, it was his son.

(End of this chapter)

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