Chapter 204 The Vinegar Jar Annual Meeting 2
The scene of the Chuangshi Group annual meeting.

Yin Se was wearing a beige dress with a tube top and a red mink shawl. The hem of the skirt reached to her ankles. A pair of crystal shoes set her off beautifully. She got out of the car.

Mu Shengchen walked up to her

"It's okay." Yin Seyang smiled at him, reaching out to take his arm.

He reached out and touched her delicate cheek: "The first time I saw you, you were also dressed in red."

"Red like a pepper."

"Is it that funny?" Yin Se pouted.

"It's very fascinating, just like today." He kissed her forehead, "Mrs. Mu, this is the first time you attend the annual meeting of the Creation Group, you have to behave well."

"I won't embarrass you, okay?"

"Understood, let's go."

They walked into the luxurious annual meeting venue, and the waiter took off the red sable fur shawl from Yin Se's body and put it on Yin Se's hand, revealing her attractive little fragrant shoulders.

"Chuangshi's leaders and employees! Our president is here with his beautiful president's wife on his arm!"

Listening to the voice from the speaker, Yin Se felt a little strange: "Why does it feel like a wedding scene?"

"It's like this every year, you have to get used to it."

Yin Se smiled at everyone, then walked to the front table and sat down, with Mu Shengchen sitting beside her.

"Mr. Mu, Mrs. President." This table is full of top leaders and directors of Chuangshi.

Yin Se smiled and nodded.

The hosts on the stage are Sun Hong and the head of the design department.Yin Se looked around for a while, then moved closer to Mu Chengchen, and asked in a low voice, "Chengchen, why don't you see Pan Ming?"

"She's backstage. There will be a performance later."

Yin Se was slightly surprised, "Why didn't you tell me that there is still this link in the annual meeting."

"You didn't even ask me!"

Yin Se was slightly stunned. How could she have thought that the annual meeting of Creation would be so naive, and there was also a performance, she thought it should be like other annual meetings, with a prize draw, a meal, and at most a dance. ...

"Then do we have a sweepstakes?"

"Yes." Mu Shengchen nodded.

Yin Se smiled: "We should also be able to participate."


Yin Se laughed happily.

"why are you laughing."

"I want to win the lottery."

Mu Shengchen took her hand and put it on his lap: "What do you want for this award, what do you want, just tell me no."

"You're so boring. The word winning is essentially different from buying by yourself. Anyway, winning a lottery gives people a very cool feeling! I want to win a lottery."

Mu Shengchen moved his body and leaned closer to her ear: "We have won prizes twice."

Yin Se frowned and looked at him, "When."

Mu Shengchen just smiled and said nothing.

Yin Se was puzzled, but he didn't think about it any further.

After a while, the performance began.

"In order to celebrate another year of our Chuangshi Group's rising and rising, this year's annual meeting, each department has its own unique program to express blessings to the big group of Chuangshi!"

There was applause one by one.

"Every department has it?" Yin Se was slightly surprised.


"So the secretary is Pan Ming?"

Mu Shengchen nodded.

"She didn't even discuss it with us." Yin Se pouted, she didn't know about such things.

"The next step is to invite Pan Ming, the general secretary of our secretariat, to bring us a pas de deux."

Yin Se clapped his hands, looking forward to it.

I saw Pan Ming coming out of the backstage wearing a dignified black dress, her short curly black hair flowing back, revealing her neutral and handsome face.

Pas de deux alone?

The people in the venue were obviously a little dumbfounded.

Yin Se groaned inwardly. From the time Pan Ming came out from the backstage until now, her eyes have never moved away from her.

Sure enough... Pan Ming stepped off the stage and walked up to her: "Beautiful lady, can I invite you to be my dance partner?"

The venue was silent at first, and then thunderous applause.

Yin Se stared stiffly at the outstretched hand in front of him, and glanced at Mu Shengchen, only to see him leaning there and not moving.

Looking at Pan Ming's hearty smile, Yin Se felt that it was a bit embarrassing for her not to accept, so she stretched out her hand.

"Then I'll go..." Yin Se whispered to Mu Shengchen.

Mu Shengchen glanced at Pan Ming lightly.

Holding Yin Se's hand, she walked back to the stage.

There was another burst of applause from the audience.

"Boss Pan! Awesome!" Someone below was applauding him, and then there was another applause.

Yin Se put his hands on Pan Ming's shoulders, and then whispered, "Pan Ming, I'm actually not very good at dancing..."

Pan Ming chuckled: "It's okay, just follow me."

Yin Se stepped on a crystal shoe, about the same height as Pan Ming, and Pan Ming put his arms around Yin Se's slender waist: "It's so beautiful."

Yin Se smiled dryly.

Music plays, the famous last dance.

Yin Se is actually not familiar with this piece of music, but under Pan Ming's leadership, she danced very smoothly, even a little frightened.The beige dress looks dignified and charming under the light, giving people an irresistible elegance and generosity.

"Why do you want to ask me to dance this dance?" Yin Se asked after turning around under her hands.

Pan Ming smiled: "My childhood dream was to dance the national standard."

Yin Se was slightly surprised, "Then why don't you go?"

"Because I'm unqualified, my figure..."

"Your figure is actually quite perfect!"

"As a male dance partner, you are not qualified."

Yin Se was ashamed.

The music was ups and downs. It was obvious that two women were dancing pas de deux on the stage, but there was no sense of disobedience at all.

The audience in the audience held their breath and watched quietly.

Mu Shengchen's eyes are getting more and more curved, as if he could not help but smile, but there is a lot of jealousy hidden in this smile...

Yin Se didn't notice anything. Although she was dancing with Pan Ming, she still couldn't see the woman in front of her as a man.

But Pan Ming is different, she really likes the woman in front of her, but it's a pity that the relationship between them is really impossible.

The music was sonorous and powerful, and when the last few notes fell, Pan Ming slammed Yin Se's waist, and the two pressed close together. Yin Se was stunned, seeing that his nose was about to stick to Pan Ming's. , she could hear her breathing clearly.

Yin Se was startled, and met her eyes...

The applause rang out, Mu Shengchen clenched her fist, Pan Ming let go of her, and the two bowed politely to the audience.

Then Pan Ming led Yin Se down the stage.

Sitting back on the seat, Yin Se was still panting, and Pan Ming's last look didn't leave for a long time.

By the time she calmed down, other programs had already been staged one after another.

She looked at Mu Shengchen and asked with a smile, "Am I dancing well?"

Mu Shengchen looked at her sideways: "What do you think?"

"Seeing that everyone's reaction is quite enthusiastic, it should be pretty good." Yin Se said with a dry smile.

Mu Chengchen glanced at her lightly: "Ser."


"Can I say I'm jealous?"

"What?" Yin Se was surprised.

Mu Shengchen took her hand: "From now on, you can't dance with others."

"Cheng Chen, Pan Ming is a woman." Yin Se said speechlessly.

"But he looks at you from a man's point of view." Mu Shengchen said softly, the sour taste in his words told Yin Se that this man was indeed jealous.

She couldn't help feeling funny, and took his arm: "Every time I want you to be jealous, you don't eat it. Now when you shouldn't be jealous, you are eager to eat it. Why are you so funny?"

Mu Shengchen glanced at her.

"Hey, it's just the annual meeting! Everyone wants to have fun, why are you so serious?"

Mu Shengchen still felt a little bored.

"After watching the programs of various departments of our creation, the next thing we will welcome is the lucky draw and gift giving session. I don't know which employees can get the grand prize carefully prepared by the company today?" Sun Hong said standing on the stage.

Two staff members came up carrying a big box with the word "award" written on it.

"What kind of prizes are the company preparing for us this year?" Sun Hong asked in a condescending manner, and then answered by herself, "The first prize is a sports car worth 20 yuan!"

Suddenly, there was a commotion from below.

"Such a big prize..." Yin Se couldn't help but sigh, should she say that Genesis is really rich...

"Second prize..." Sun Hong read a lot of prizes, which made everyone gear up, and Amitabha stood up with clasped hands.

Yin Se was also agitated by the atmosphere.

"I'm going to be the last prize." Yin Se said, "That stuffed doll in a suit is pretty good, what do you think, Cheng Chen?"

Mu Shengchen glanced at her: "I really have no ambition, she still has a special prize that she hasn't applied for yet!"

"I don't want the special prize, I want the bottom prize." Yin Se giggled.

Mu Shengchen actually didn't care, seeing her like a child, he just smiled faintly.

"Finally, let's announce the exciting grand prize!" Sun Hong took the envelope given by the staff, she slowly opened it, and then she was dumbfounded when she saw the contents on the envelope, and smiled dryly , and then frowned at the people in the background.

"Read, read!" The people in the background only gave her such a signal.

Sun Hong swallowed her saliva, and said: "Haha! This year's grand prize is more creative, maybe everyone is not interested, I just read it casually, and you can listen to it casually!"

"This year's grand prize is a kiss and a hug from the CEO of our Creation Group, Mu Shengchen! There is no limit to men and women, and it is suitable for all ages!"

"Wow!" There were screams at the scene.

Yin Se's whole body froze there, her head seemed to be screwed by someone, she slowly turned it over and looked at Mu Chengchen, "Are you crazy?"

Mu Shengchen looked as if Mount Tai had collapsed in front of him without changing his expression, he slowly turned to her, and replied: "I know that everyone in the planning department is tired of their jobs."

Yin Se understood immediately and burst out laughing with a "puchi".

Sun Hong looked at Mu Chengchen dryly, and tried her best to show that she had nothing to do with her, she didn't know anything, she was just a reader!
(End of this chapter)

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