Chapter 206 Parent-child Activities 1
Stretching out her hand to caress his face, he slept very peacefully and deeply, she pinched his nose, and tugged at that cheek that was smoother than a woman, still awake?She frowned, he rarely slept so deeply.

Then the next moment, Mu Shengchen's entire face was together, looking very painful.

"Chengchen?" Yin Se was a little scared, did he have a nightmare?

However, Mu Chengchen's hand suddenly covered his chest, panting heavily.

Yin Se hurriedly sat up: "Chengchen, don't scare me! Is your chest tight? Is it still a nightmare? Wake up!"

Mu Shengchen's fair face turned red so badly, Yin Se was a little at a loss, she hurriedly picked up the phone, and just about to make a call, Mu Shengchen opened his eyes.

"Chengchen, Chengchen, how are you?" Yin Se stroked his chest, grabbed his hand and asked.

Mu Shengchen looked at her worried expression, and slowly calmed down.

"Have you had a nightmare?"

Mu Chengchen looked at her indifferently, the sudden pain in his chest made it difficult for him to breathe, as if his heart was about to stop... This feeling was no stranger to him.

"Well, I had a nightmare." He hugged her into his arms again, with a complicated expression, and he was still panting slightly, but why can he act like a normal person now?He doesn't understand.

Yin Se looked up at him: "Are you really all right?"


"What dream did you have that scared you like this?" Yin Se frowned tightly, "I haven't seen anything that can scare you like this."

"Okay, it's okay!" Mu Shengchen smiled, then sat up, hugged her into his arms, stroked her back, panting lightly, feeling a little scared in his heart.

"Husband, I'm hungry..." Although she knew it was a shame to say this now, she was really hungry.

"You won't call early?"

"I want to go down to eat with you." Yin Se said.

Mu Shengchen sighed lightly: "Then change your clothes."

Yin Se pointed to the remnants of the dress on the ground, "I can't wear it anymore."

Mu Shengchen smiled, then made a call with his mobile phone, and asked someone to deliver two sets of clothes.

But Yin Se's stomach kept growling, and she really wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in, and never have to come out again.

"Ser, do you want to find a chance to visit my parents?" Mu Shengchen asked.

Yin Se was silent for a while, then said, "I've been waiting for you to speak."

"I don't know what your parents-in-law are to you. You hardly mentioned them to me, and I don't know if I should ask."

Mu Shengchen chuckled, and hugged her tightly: "It's not that I don't tell you, but that I don't know what to say. The memory they gave me is zero."

"But I think, anyway, I should visit them once."

"I should have been taken there earlier." Yin Se chuckled, "I thought I was miserable before, but thinking about you, I'm lucky, right?"

"Yes!" Mu Shengchen kissed the top of her hair.

"Grandma has shown me photos of my father-in-law and mother-in-law. You look more like your mother-in-law."

"When will you see it?" Mu Shengchen was slightly surprised.

"A long time ago, I sneaked into grandma's room, and grandma showed it to me."

"We also have it in our room." Mu Shengchen said lightly.

"Well? Why didn't I know?"

"In the bottom drawer of my desk."

"Really?" Yin Se was quite surprised.

"But I haven't taken it out to look at it for a long time."

Listening to him narrating these things like a normal person, her heart ached a little.

"Do you feel sad?"

"Well? What are you sad about?"

"He was born without parents, no different from other orphans."


"What about now? Will you miss your parents very much?"

"No." Mu Shengchen said softly, "I can easily accept the reality, and the sadness is only temporary, but most people call this situation heartless. What's more, they didn't leave me any memories, and I want to keep It's impossible to be sad."

Yin Se raised his head and kissed his chin: "You already have a family, a very complete family."

"Yes." Mu Shengchen smiled at her.

Half an hour later, Mu Shengchen's assistant brought two sets of clothes.

Yin Se and Mu Shengchen changed their clothes and went to the lobby to have breakfast.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily fixed on them.

"I was thinking that honeymoon should be like this!" Yin Se smiled happily.

Sitting at the dining table, they ordered some breakfast, Mu Shengchen looked at the satisfied little woman in front of him, and felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Are you honeymooning...

He seems to still owe it!
After returning home, Yin Se went to grandma's room.

"Where did the two of you go to play last night?" Mrs. Mu was feeding Mu Nian and asked without looking up.

Yin Se came over with a smile: "I'm going on my honeymoon."

"I went shopping and bought this for grandma." Yin Se held up the sponge cake in his hand.

Mrs. Mu glanced at her: "You asked me to take care of Mu Nian all night, and just take a box of muffins?"

"How come?" Yin Se said with a naive smile, "Yaya must like grandma very much."

"How do you see this? Why can't I see it?" Mrs. Mu asked with a smile.

Yin Se hugged Mu Nian in the crib: "Isn't it ah, you like grandma the most, don't you?"

Mrs. Mu looked at Yin Se who looked like a child with a smile, and only sighed.

"Yaya, do you miss your mother?" Yin Se pouted and kissed Mu Nian's face fiercely, "Our Yaya has grown so juicy in just a few days!"

"Don't talk about her like a monster, why haven't I noticed any changes in her these days?"

"Grandma, it's because you're not careful enough!" Yin Se sat on the side of the bed, lifted up her clothes, and nursed Mu Nian.

In the evening, Mu Shengchen brought Mu Sirui back.

Mu Sirui hurriedly ran to Yin Se and lay beside her: "Mom, it's going to be a holiday soon, and there are parent-child activities at school."

"Tomorrow?" Yin Se asked.

"The day after tomorrow, Saturday." Mu Sirui said.

"That's fine, mom will accompany you."

"Father is going too!" Mu Sirui said.

Mu Shengchen chuckled lightly: "Let's go together."

"Your father is so busy, are you willing to enslave him?" Yin Se asked.

"It's Saturday. Dad is not busy on Saturday." Mu Sirui pouted and acted coquettishly.

"Don't listen to your mother, I will accompany you." Mu Shengchen said.

Yin Se glanced at him: "Really, call me a villain, I'm doing it for your own good, I don't understand, eh..."

Mu Sirui blinked at Mu Chengchen: "Dad is better in the world!"

"Where's Yaya? Where's Yaya?" Mu Sirui asked.

"Asleep in the room."

"I'll take a look." Mu Sirui said.

"Don't wake up, or I won't be responsible."

"Understood." Then Mu Sirui happily ran upstairs, and got into the room of Yin Se and Mu Shengchen, and Mu Nian lay in the crib and fell asleep peacefully.

Mu Sirui leaned over, lying on the side of the crib, looking at her white and tender face, he stretched out his little hand, and couldn't help poking her cheek, which was as soft as cotton candy.Mu Sirui smiled, and then poked again, only to see Yaya's brows frowned slightly, he was overjoyed, stretched out his hands to pinch, Yaya's brows frowned again.

"Yaya, I'm your brother." Mu Sirui said, "Why are you so cute?"

Mu Nian suddenly opened his eyes, which really startled Mu Sirui.

"Yaya, I will treat you very well, so you have to grow up obediently, you know?" Mu Sirui muttered like hypnotic.

Then Mu Nian's amber eyes looked at him quietly, without moving.

"Yaya, let my brother kiss you!" Mu Sirui said cautiously, then stood on tiptoe, stretched out his head, and before he could touch her cheek——


"What's wrong?" Yin Se who was sitting in the living room was startled by the crying, and immediately jumped up, and Mu Shengchen also stood up.

The two hurried upstairs.

Walking into the room, I saw Mu Sirui frantically gesturing at Mu Nian.

"Yaya, don't cry, don't cry, I don't have a kiss? If I'm not happy, I won't kiss!" Seeing her crying more and more violently, Mu Sirui couldn't help it, "Yaya, be good, don't cry If you cry again, your parents will be brought here..."

"Ahem!" Yin Se coughed twice and walked over.

Mu Sirui froze in embarrassment, clutching his head: "I just touched her, and she started crying..."

Yin Se hurriedly checked it, and then said with a smile, "I peed my pants."

"Iron Man, would you like to change your dear sister's diaper?"

"Hehe... let's forget it..." Mu Sirui shook his hands and hurriedly retreated outside.

Mu Shengchen smiled, and walked out with Mu Sirui.

"Father, Yaya doesn't seem to like me." Mu Sirui said seriously.

"how come?"

"Every time I touch her, she looks at me with a very hostile look."

"You think too much."

"I didn't think too much about it." Mu Sirui swore, "I have a hunch that she will definitely dislike me in the future."

"Not all girls are like Luoluo, you are scared." Mu Chengchen said to the point.

Mu Sirui froze there for a long time.

Is that so...

Early on Saturday morning, Mu Shengchen, Yin Se and Mu Sirui all put on their clothes and shoes, ready to go out to participate in parent-child activities in the kindergarten.

Sitting in the car, Mu Sirui lay on the back of Yin Se's chair: "Mom, my classmates say they don't know you."

"Your father and I haven't seen them, of course they don't know each other."

"But I often see you appearing in magazines, how could they not recognize you?"

Yin Se chuckled: "There are a few children who just pick up anything and start reading just like you, just like your father."

"Only those who are erudite can ask more questions." Mu Shengchen said quietly.

"You told your classmates that I was with your father?"

"En!" Mu Sirui nodded, "I said you must have met my parents. Then they ignored me."

Yin Se almost laughed, "Who do you think your parents are? Big stars?"

Mu Sirui curled his lips: "Is it different from a big star?"

"There are students in your class whose parents are big stars?"

Mu Sirui nodded: "Yes, showing off there all day long..."

Yin Se understood: "So you moved your parents out to compare with others, right?"

"That man's arrogance was too high. I thought, my mother is much prettier than his mother, so why should he be arrogant?"

(End of this chapter)

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