Chapter 211 I Understand 4
"You're right."

Yin Se nodded and smiled: "Hurry up and eat."

Wei Ling just picked up the fork.

"Do you like my husband?"

Before Wei Ling could put the meat in his mouth this time, he was forced to stop halfway.

"It's okay, just say it straight." Yin Se was very calm.

"Ma'am, you misunderstood..."

"Did I misunderstand?" Yin Se smiled, put down the knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a kerchief, raised his eyes, and looked at her with a funny face, "I have known Mu Shengchen for seven years, and all the women come to him The air in front of you is like air, but you seem to be a little special."

Wei Ling blushed slightly.

"Because you're young? Simple? Innocent or... ignorant?" Yin Se's voice was not loud, and his tone was very relaxed. In the eyes of others, it was just that the two of them were chatting.

"I didn't mean that..."

"Since you don't have one, be decisive. Don't let me misunderstand. As an intern, you can go on a business trip to the United States with the president. In less than a month, you will become a regular intern. Wei Ling, or you are too good. Either that..."

"No!" Wei Ling hurriedly shook his head.

Yin Se raised the corners of his lips: "Don't deny it in a hurry, or you will be embarrassed when you really do something."

Wei Ling lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists.

"What's more, you're not the only one who likes him, just admit it generously."

Yin Se was sure that the woman sitting in front of her had other thoughts about Mu Shengchen, just from her expression, tone of voice and actions.

Because the person sitting in front of him is very ignorant, and he hasn't had time to step into the society, so maybe he still thinks that the admiration she has for Mu Shengchen in her heart is very beautiful...

This is the little girl.

"I admit it." Wei Ling pondered for a long time, and finally spoke.

The corner of Yin Se's mouth twitched slightly, so that she could feel relieved.

"Are you going to drive me away?" She raised her head and looked at Yin Se without fear, "Are you going to let me leave the world?"

"How come? Such a naive idea, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

"When did it start? The party, or America?"

"Both." She said lightly.

"He's a very attractive man, isn't he?"

"President Mu is very good at taking care of people, very gentle, handsome, and has a nice voice..."

Yin Se quietly looked at the admiration, longing, and fearlessness towards Mu Shengchen in Wei Ling's eyes.

"Is it unilateral on your part?"

Wei Ling bit her lip, then nodded.

Yin Se thought it was funny, he laughed at himself for asking such a question, and at the reaction of the woman opposite.

Is it unilateral?With Wei Ling's mentality, even if it wasn't unilateral, she would definitely say it was unilateral.

"Wei Ling, you know it's impossible for you, right?" Yin Se said with a smile, "Being a mistress."

Wei Ling blushed, she never thought that Yin Se could speak so frankly and bluntly.

She swallowed.

"It have other ideas..." Yin Se guessed.

Wei Ling raised his head and looked at Yin Se urgently: "Ma'am, don't worry, I just like Mr. Mu a little bit, I just need to look at him from a distance..."

"If you like it a little bit, it will gradually become a liking, a liking, more and more liking, and then love, and then you will get it, at least I came here like this, originally I wouldn't drive you out, but think about it now , take precautions before they happen, and you can't stay..."

"Madam, you can't do this!" Wei Ling became agitated, "President Mu won't agree."

Yin Se folded his arms around his chest, leaned back on the chair, and frowned.

Wei Ling was startled to realize that he had said the wrong thing.

"You are a low-level employee who has just become a regular employee. Do you need the president to intervene in your stay?"

At this moment, Mu Shengchen came over.

"Mu, Mr. Mu..." Wei Ling lowered his head and called out.

Yin Se turned his head to meet Shang Mu Chengchen's dark eyes.

"Ser, what are you doing?"

"Honey, don't you understand? We're eating." Yin Se said with the corners of his mouth curled up.

Mu Shengchen frowned.

"What? You don't believe I'll have dinner with this little intern I don't like, do you?" Yin Se got up, walked to Mu Chengchen's side, and took his arm, "Are you afraid I'll eat her?"


Yin Se smiled slightly, "It's over, let's go."

"Oh, by the way, little friend Wei Ling, I'll treat you to dinner today, and you will invite me back another day."

"En." Wei Ling replied in a low voice and said nothing more, watching Mu Shengchen and Yin Se leave the restaurant.

The elevator stopped on the 59th floor: "Aren't you going to the office?"

Yin Se shook his hand: "Is it okay to go to your office to rest?"

Mu Shengchen embraced her dotingly, "I can't wait."

Yin Se smiled lightly.

Walking into the office, Mu Shengchen sat on the leather chair, and Yin Se sat on him as a matter of course.

"Ask what you want to ask."

"I don't want to ask, just let me lean on for a while." Yin Se sat on him, shaking his body.

Then at noon, Yin Se really didn't say anything, which was completely beyond Mu Chengchen's expectation.

He leaned on the leather chair alone, looked at the buildings outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, slowly closed his eyes, and took a shallow breath.

In the afternoon, Wei Ling knocked on the door and walked in.

"Boss Mu..."

"Are you here?" Mu Shengchen didn't raise his eyes, and said calmly, "Sit down."

Wei Ling obediently sat on the sofa.

"What did she say to you?"

Wei Ling bit her lip: "She said she wanted me to leave Chuangshi."

"What about other than that?"

"She said Mr. Mu is a little special to me..." When she said this, she blushed.

Mu Shengchen smiled: "She is very good at pretending, are you afraid?"

Wei Ling shook his head: "Not afraid."

"I'm sorry to trouble you to do this kind of thing." Mu Chengchen closed the document in his hand, took out a coffee cup from the cabinet next to him, and leisurely made a cup of coffee and handed it to Wei Ling.

"Thank you." Wei Ling picked up the warm coffee, his cheeks flushed.

Mu Shengchen walked across and sat down, sighing softly.

"President Mu, can I ask a question?"

"Why do you do this to Yin Se?"


"It's always something hard to say, maybe one day I will tell you." Mu Shengchen said with a smile.

Wei Ling nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Also, Mr. Mu..."



"Wei Ling, it's not you, anyone else is fine."

She stopped talking, and didn't dare to make fun of herself, "I understand."

Mu Shengchen looked at the tea in his hand in a daze, and after a long time, Wei Ling called him back to his senses.

"Mr. Mu, if there's nothing else, I'll go out first."

"En." Mu Shengchen nodded lightly.

As soon as Wei Ling left Mu Shengchen's office, he ran into Yin Se.

"Husband, ma'am..." Wei Ling panicked slightly.

Yin Se looked at Wei Ling fixedly, and she raised the corner of her lips: "The shirt is unbuttoned."

"Ah?" Wei Ling was dumbfounded, quickly lowered his head, and saw that there was indeed a button on his chest.

"What were you doing in there?"


Yin Se's heart felt a little cold, she pulled Wei Ling past him and took him to a corner beside him.

"What is Mu Shengchen doing, what are you doing, tell me everything!"

"Ma'am, the president and I didn't do anything." Wei Ling raised his head and said honestly.

Yin Se felt that his patience had reached its limit.

"You think you're great, don't you?"

"What are you?" Yin Se frowned, "You can go up to the [-]th floor at will?"

Wei Ling bit her lip, and then looked directly at Yin Se: "Madam President, I said nothing is nothing, if you insist on doubting, why don't you ask the president directly? Why are you holding on to me? You Are you so panicked because you have no confidence in yourself or in President Mu?"

Such old-fashioned words, words that can be heard in any TV series, actually made her speechless.

"Madam President, Mr. Mu is also a normal man, you can't ask him to only stare at you all his life, right?"

"So you mean that what you are doing now is natural and aboveboard?"

"I'm aboveboard because I didn't do anything! Even if I did something, it's Mr. Mu's business. You can question Mr. Mu?"

Yin Se looked at the aggressive woman in front of her. If she had the temper six or seven years ago, she would have slapped her twice and tore off her hair.

But now she won't.

Taking a deep breath, she said quietly: "Okay, I see, I was too excited just now, I'm sorry."

"If you said something that you shouldn't have said that made you sad, please forgive me. You are a fairly young woman, beautiful, innocent and simple. I am always worried that you are so close to my husband for no reason. .”

Wei Ling swallowed her saliva, the situation did not develop as she expected at all.

At this time, any rich wife would lose her mind and drag her into the office to argue!

"In that case, Madam President, I'm leaving first," Wei Ling said.

Yin Se nodded, and after seeing Wei Ling take a step, she leaned against the wall wearily.

"Chengchen...what's the matter with you?"

She said weakly, turned around and looked at the scenery outside the window, the height was extremely cold, she flinched, and then walked back to her office.

I originally wanted to come up and take a rest, but now I think it is unnecessary.

Two days, two full days, Yin Se would subconsciously wonder if Wei Ling was in his office again as an excuse, subconsciously wonder if Cheng Chen was really playing...

However, every time she was so suspicious, Mu Chengchen acted like a normal person, hugging her and kissing her, no different from before...

She didn't dare to ask more, she had doubted him many times, and she didn't want to doubt her again because of such a boring thing.

However, even if her temper has been restrained a lot, she is still Yin Se, and she has no way to watch Wei Ling enter and leave Mu Chengchen's office without any hindrance, it feels like she is equal to herself.

She can ignore the gossip in the company, but she can't ignore her own feelings.

Pushing away Mu Shengchen's office, he was sitting in it working, typing on the keyboard with his fingers, very attentive.

Seeing her coming, he stopped what he was doing: "Why did you come up?"

Yin Se closed the door and walked up to him, "What's the matter with you and Wei Ling?"

Mu Chengchen frowned slightly: "What are you doubting?"

"It's not that I'm doubting, but you are forcing me to doubt." Yin Se pursed his lips, "Why can she freely enter and leave your office? Who is she?"

"You observe her?"

"An intern who has just become a full-time employee is now so close to you. I don't need to observe. How many pairs of eyes from all over the company are watching."

(End of this chapter)

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