Chapter 232 Never Divorce 13
Yin Se's sharp gaze scanned them all over again. She really hadn't met many senior leaders of Chuangshi, and the only few familiar faces could only be said to be familiar.

She sat there indifferently, her eyes were firm, but in fact, it was as if she was carrying a little rabbit in her chest, beating non-stop.Nervous.

She is not a person who has never seen the big world, but she is not talking nonsense, the directors below, no matter old, young, male or female, all stare at her, as if she will rush up if she makes a rash move Ripped her throat.

It turns out that this is the real creation of the world. When she entered the creation of the world for the first time, many years ago, she signed a ridiculous childbirth contract. and.

But later, she never thought that she would walk into the creation and become a part of the creation.

On the first day of working at Chuangshi, she was impressed by the atmosphere of Chuangshi, which is why she did not dare to be sloppy in her work. Even Mu Shengchen would not allow her to make mistakes here. Of course, If something goes wrong, he will also handle it for her, but he will definitely carry her home first, and reject her from the creation of the world for various reasons.

She doesn't want to live at home, she is still young.

Taking a deep breath, Yin Se smiled and said, "Dear directors, the simplest purpose of holding this meeting today is to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Yin Se, and I am the wife of the president of Chuangshi Group. Yin Se, the former general secretary of the secretariat , is currently the president of Chuangshi Group."

There was a silence, an almost deathly silence.

Yin Se frowned slightly, just about to speak again.

A middle-aged man clapped his hands, and the applause "crack, clap, clap" echoed in the conference room.

Yin Se glanced at him lightly, and quickly matched his appearance with the information he memorized yesterday: "Director Song, can I take your applause as sincere congratulations?"

Director Song has a pair of very shrewd eyes. If they were green, they would be no different from a wolf. On his naked face, there were only two words ambition written on it.

Yin Se is too young compared to everyone here. In terms of seniority, she is not as good as anyone here, that's for sure, but it doesn't mean that she can't sit here as the CEO position.

"Madam President, I just want to ask one question, what are your Mu family's plans?"

Yin Se fixed his eyes on Director Song: "I don't know what plan Director Song is talking about?"

"Mr. Mu casually explained and left the position of president, and then let Madam, a woman who doesn't know anything, take the stage. Are the Mu family making fun of the whole creation?"

"Director Song, how long has my husband been in the position of president? How far has Chuangshi come under the leadership of our shepherd? My husband came to power. He is 33 years old today. He has been in office for 15 years. Can't you go on vacation for a vacation?"

"Travel?" Director Song snorted, "Mr. Mu can naturally take a vacation, not to mention three months, even a year, but why should I give you the position of president, my dear wife of the president, this is so annoying It is inevitable to suspect that something happened to Mr. Mu..."

"Nonsense!" Yin Se glared at him.

Director Song twitched his lips.

"Is it nonsense? In fact, I just want the president's wife to give me a clear indication."

Yin Se glanced at the eyes of the other directors and knew that these directors had already discussed it in private, and they planned to catch her off guard so that she could tell the real reason why Mu Shengchen left Chuangshi.

Once she shows her feet, this creation may change hands.

"You are all capable major shareholders. You can sit here, not to mention your qualifications, family property, and equity. I'm afraid this method is not a little bit. What do you doubt? You don't need to draw conclusions from me. Can't it be found?"

"Mu Shengchen is taking my son on vacation in a European country right now. If you don't believe me, check it yourself. As for why you let me sit here, the reason is also very simple, just need a leader, so I am Acting president, not president."

Director Song looked at Yin Se quietly, never letting go of the expression on her face.

"Anyone here has the qualifications to be the president of the creation. You are a yellow-haired girl. If you sit up, do you think we can convince you?"

"I don't know whether to accept it or not, but I think, if Mu Shengchen is here, you will never dare to say no."

The half-year-old man sitting next to Director Song had a hoarse voice in the conference room.

"Madam President, you are right. If Mr. Mu was standing here, we would never dare to say no, but you are not Mr. Mu, nor do you have the ability and wisdom of Mr. Mu. What is needed for the creation of the world? A puppet that moves its hands and feet on the president's seat."

Yin Se frowned: "In this case, when President Mu spread the news, why didn't anyone object, and only after he left did he start talking non-stop."

Director Song smiled lightly: "In this case, you can ask Mr. Mu to speak again, I'm afraid he won't be able to speak at all."

Yin Se gritted his teeth tightly. These people must have heard some rumors and got some gossip through people's inquiries.

Once the news of Mu Shengchen's heart attack spreads, it's not just about the Mu family, it's not just about the creation of the world, even the entire financial world is going to set off a strong wind!

Sun Hong stood aside and looked at Yin Se nervously, a little sweat oozed from her forehead.

Now, it is impossible for Yin Se to connect with Mu Chengchen, because she doesn't know what he is doing now...

"So now you mean that you don't want to be in my position, or that you don't want to be under my command?"

"Ma'am, what you said is really ugly. We hope that, with the absence of President Mu, a more capable person will be elected as the president of Chuangshi Group. Only in this way can everyone be convinced and the employees can truly settle down." Come."

Yin Se frowned, Mu Shengchen's warrant was dead, and it was impossible for her to force her to take over, so what should she do now?How can I convince everyone present?

At this moment, a small assistant came in. He walked to Director Lu who was farthest from Yin Se, and handed a folder to Director Lu.

Yin Se suddenly had a bad premonition, and saw that Director Lu opened the folder leisurely without paying attention, and then took out the contents, some photos and a few documents.

Yin Se stared closely at the things in his hand, but she couldn't see clearly because she was too far away, but the people sitting next to Director Lu saw it, and they had embarrassing smiles on their faces.

Yin Se only felt goose bumps on his arms.

Then Director Lu stood up leisurely: "Madam President, not only are you unworthy of being the president of Chuangshi Group, you shouldn't even enter the door of Mu's house. Hey... I'm so moved!"

"What did you say?"

Director Lu slowly picked up the photo in his hand, Yin Se gave Sun Hong a look, and Sun Hong walked up to Director Lu and took the photo over, Sun Hong's eyes flashed, and he looked at Yin Se complicatedly.


Yin Se looked at the photo of Sun Hong spread out in front of him, it was Yin Tianjiang's... some illegal black market transactions.

She bit her lip, then raised her eyes and smiled slightly: "What is this?"

"It seems that Madam is really the No. 1 unfilial daughter in the legend. This is your father."

"Director Lu, of course I know this is my father."

"I heard that your father killed your mother? He was also suspected of money laundering and died in prison. Now, his daughter wants to sit in the high position of our creation. Do you think it is possible?"

The corner of Yin Se's mouth twitched, his eyes were red: "His surname is Yin, and my surname is Mu."

"But the blood is the same."

Yin Se never thought that at such a time, Yin Tianjiang would become his stumbling block.

She slapped the table with a "bang".

Everyone looked at her in astonishment.

"Ma'am, what kind of trouble is this?" Director Song said with a smile.

Director Lu flipped through the other materials in his hand: "Zuzhu, look at these reports, Mrs. President, you are really a famous person, but these negative news are a big taboo in the creation of the world!"

Yin Se looked at him with red eyes, and she knew what news it was without looking at it. She snatched Yin Se, did not spare her father and daughter, had entanglements with Xu Yan, the late director of GW Group, and had a relationship with Mu Shengchen. Discord between...

She didn't even take a glance at these, but now, they were used to gag her mouth.

She didn't even have room to fight back.

She lowered her head, is she ready?What about the memorized speech?Why is it so bad?
Is this the creation of the world?Different from all other companies, every member of the board of directors is a tiger, and Mu Shengchen has been fighting with these old and cunning tigers since the beginning, and has been fighting with these old and cunning tigers until today, firmly maintaining the position of Mujia.

Yin Se suddenly felt very distressed. It was because of this that he didn't even allow the treatment of heart disease to be publicized, so he had to deal with it carefully...

Yin Se's eyes were red, she was at a loss, and at this moment...

Assistant Wang came in, he ordered the secretary to pull down the big screen, and then gave Yin Se a reassuring look.

Assistant Wang plugged in the USB flash drive on the computer.

The above is Yin Se's detailed personal information.

A top student of University A, an outstanding graduate of Stanford University in economics and management, double master's degree, once served as the general secretary of GW Group in the United States, and then transferred to China as the general manager.He snatched Yin's Group from his father, and finally stepped into Chuangshi Group as the general secretary.

All the directors looked at Yin Sehua's information, a little dizzy.

Yin Se slightly groaned.

Assistant Wang smiled lightly and walked up to Yin Se: "Madam, this is what Mr. Mu asked me to bring to you. Also, Mr. Mu had expected this kind of situation early on, so he asked me to bring you a sentence, Never forget what you learn from him."

Yin Se laughed out loud, tears almost fell down.

She opened the folder in front of her, and then her smile grew bigger and bigger. She raised her eyes, walked up to Director Lu, Director Song, and the half-year-old man sitting next to Director Song, and quietly put the documents in her hand in front of them .

I saw their faces all changed.

Director Lu's throat rolled.

Yin Se smiled lightly.

Then he walked back to his seat, and suddenly there was no more sound. Yin Se looked at the people under the stage. After all, not all the directors hoped that the Mu family would step down, but directors like Lu and Song wanted to bring down the Mu family. Once the person in the room pulls the words out of the table, all the directors present will stand silently and wait and see what happens.

(End of this chapter)

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