Chapter 235 Never Divorce 16
"No, it's not..." Dongfang You shook his head in astonishment.

"It is said that you have nothing to do with the world, but you have always held a grudge against Mu Shengchen. You think he took Dongfangran away, but you don't know that you didn't protect Dongfangran. You think you love me, but you You love me only because you are Mu Shengchen's wife! You think I'm special because it makes sense to take me away!"

Yin Se's words completely destroyed Dongfang You's affection.

Dongfang You took a step back unsteadily.

"Do you know how hard I have been these few days?" Yin Se slowly put down the knife, "My heart hangs in my throat every day, and I am afraid that I will receive a bad call... I know he lives The hope of getting down is very small, but what can I do? I have to pretend nothing happened, and I have to pretend to be strong... He is afraid that I won't think about it, so I can't make him afraid, and I can't think about it... You Do you know that I can't wait to fly to him immediately, even if it's only for the last minute... Do you know how much I want to see him?!"

"But I can't... I want him to know that if he dies, he won't even be able to see me for the last time. I want him to come to me alive! As long as he wants to see me, he won't die easily..."

It turned out that she already knew everything...

Dongfang You sneered. It turned out that she had been acting... It turned out that he was really a complete idiot.

"Maybe you're right, maybe subconsciously I just want to snatch something from Mu Shengchen, but Yin Se, I'm not a fool, I know my feelings, and I'm sincere."

"Sincerely..." Yin Se wiped away his tears, "I am also sincere to Cheng Chen, and Cheng Chen is also sincere to me!"

"There is no right or wrong in love, but everyone has their own choice, and my choice is to always be Mu Chengchen's person."

Dongfang You couldn't speak anymore, he sat on the chair decadently, looking at what he did just now, he must have looked extremely ugly just now.

"Let's go..." Dongfang You said in a daze.

"The operation at two o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow, it should be too late to rush there now."

Yin Se gritted his teeth.

"Don't hesitate any longer. He has more courage after seeing you. If the operation really fails and you don't even see the last side, you will regret it for the rest of your life, and he..."

Yin Se covered his chest.

"go quickly."

Yin Se swallowed, as if he was still hesitating.

"Aren't you in love! Then can he fight alone?!"

Without hesitation, Yin Se picked up the bag and rushed out.

Yes, he can't fight alone...

She wants to rush to him, neither she nor he can be so stupid...

Yin Se went back to the pastor's house to get his passport, ID card and money.

"Little Se?"

"Grandma, I'm going to accompany Sheng Chen." Yin Se ran out after finishing speaking.

Mrs. Mu smiled.

Yin Se has never been so urgent as she is now. She rushed to the airport, boarded the flight and headed to Switzerland...

She was sitting on the plane, looking at the towering clouds and mist outside the window, holding the black jade ring tightly in her hand.

"Wait for me, I want to see you..."

When she arrived in Switzerland, she looked at the long-lost scenery, sat in the taxi, clenched her hands tightly, and watched the time pass by, she could no longer keep up...

"Be quicker!" (Be quicker!)

Yin Se kept taking deep breaths, kept taking deep breaths... She couldn't make a nervous voice.

When I arrived at the hospital, it was already four o'clock in the morning, Swiss time, and the operation should be over.

Yin Se went to the front desk: "Excuseme? Where is the operating room?" (Excuse me, where is the operating room?)

"Which one?" (Which operating room?)
"Heheart surgery!" (heart, heart surgery) Yin Se couldn't even complete the words, so he could only make up words...

"The twelfth floor" (Twelve floors.)
Yin Se walked towards the elevator, but the elevator didn't come down for a long time. Yin Se climbed up the stairs directly. Her feet were trembling, and she was climbing desperately. She wished that her strength was inexhaustible. .

Climbing to the twelfth floor, she looked at the operating room with the door open. The operation was over, and several doctors had just come out. They looked exhausted.

Yin Se swallowed, rushed over and grabbed the doctor's arm: "How, how is the operation?" (How is the operation?)
This is a middle-aged male doctor, he looked at Yin Se complicatedly.

"I am his wife!" (I am his wife!)
The male doctor's expression became more complicated, and Yin Se's expression became more and more desperate. She looked at the doctors and nurses in front of her, and they shook their heads lightly...

Yin Se suddenly felt cold all over.

She collapsed to the ground, and two tall nurses hurried forward to help her.

"Get out!" Yin Se shouted loudly, "Get out of here!"

The two nurses frowned, and the doctors were speechless. They really tried their best...

"It can't be like this..." Yin Se gritted her teeth, she slowly shrank back, like an abandoned child, "It can't be like could he not keep the promise..."

The doctors and nurses standing in front of her were all choked up in their throats. They couldn't understand Yin Se's words, but they could feel her sadness, the wife who lost her husband...

"Leave her alone" said the middle-aged man. (Leave her alone for a while.)
In the empty corridor, Yin Se nested in the corner, the blood in her body was condensed, and she felt cold and tight, as if God was playing a joke on her.

Let her go to heaven first, then send her to hell, and now, send her to the eighteenth floor of hell!
"It can't be like this..." She shouted in a trance, "It shouldn't be like this... Woooo..."

The sound of her sad crying was recalled in the corridor, which made people heartbroken.

"Chengchen..." She didn't even have the courage to take a look at his remains, so she could only sit here and read his name, she couldn't get anything back, she couldn't do anything...

"Ah" She clutched her chest tightly, as if thousands of ants were gnawing on her heart, the pain was so painful that she even found it difficult to breathe.

Her world collapsed... She never knew that people could become so desperate...

"Ah! I don't want it!" Yin Se could only yell out in pain, only her crying was left in the corridor late at night, she felt so tired, so cold, her whole heart was emptied...

The sound of light footsteps came, one heavy and one light... Getting closer, Yin Se raised her head, her hair and tears were stuck together, her eyes were blurred, she stared blankly at the large and small shadows The corner of the wall was exposed, and then one big and one small turned out of the corner like this.

Yin Se's eyes widened suddenly

Mu Shengchen was wearing a hospital gown, with his right hand pressed against his left chest, he walked out staggeringly, his left hand was carefully pulled by Mu Sirui.

"Mom..." Mu Sirui cried out in surprise the moment he saw Yin Se, "It's really mom!"

Mu Sirui let go of Mu Shengchen's hand, and then threw himself into Yin Se's arms.

Yin Se gently hugged Mu Sirui, but his eyes did not move away from Mu Shengchen...

His face was still pale, but there was a charming smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Mary came over with her hands in her pockets.

"The nurse said that there was a crazy woman running towards the operating room. I wondered if Yin Se's conscience found out..."

"He had an operation the day before yesterday, and it was changed temporarily."

When Mary saw Yin Se, only Mu Shengchen was left in her eyes, and she knew that she couldn't listen to what she said.

"Iron Man, come here."

Mu Sirui let go of his mother and glanced at Mary.

"I'll take you to sleep, your father will be taken care of by your mother."

Mu Sirui looked at Mu Shengchen, and Mu Shengchen nodded.

"Mom, I'll go to bed obediently..."

"En." Yin Se got up, and she looked at Mu Shengchen quietly, as if it had been thousands of years.

Mu Shengchen's body looked very weak, he slowly opened his hands.

Yin Se couldn't wait any longer and rushed forward.

Mu Shengchen snorted.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Yin Se realized that he had bumped into his wound, and carefully let go.

Which Mu Shengchen hugged her even harder.

Yin Se wrapped his arms around his back and put it on his shoulders: "I've been waiting for this hug from you for 1 years."

"1 years, okay." Mu Chengchen chuckled, smelling the fragrance of her hair, he followed the sound of her crying, crying so heartbreakingly, as expected, a woman's tears are really the worst.

Yin Se hugged him tightly: "You have to call me to guess right, do you know that I almost feel like I'm going to die."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Mu Shengchen didn't know how to explain, he just woke up from the coma last night, the moment he knew he was still alive, God knows how grateful he was.

"Don't scare me anymore..."

"Absolutely not."


Mu Chengchen closed her eyes, tears fell down her neck.

She slowly let go of him, stood on tiptoe while holding his face, and kissed him, regardless of whether her face was full of tears or snot.

Mu Shengchen's footsteps were a little unsteady, and the wound was still painful. Yin Se grabbed his hand and put it on his shoulder, allowing himself to support her.

She kissed his chapped lips, it was a deep kiss of the century.

"Ser, is this the tenderness of your life?" After a long time, he gasped and pressed her lips against her lips, and asked amusedly.

Yin Se stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on his face: "It's far more than..."

He smiled and held her thin lips again.

This day is the scariest morning in Swiss hospitals, and also the most romantic morning.

Mu Shengchen was sitting in a wheelchair, and Yin Se was gently leaning on his lap, watching the sun slowly rise together...

(End of this chapter)

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