Chapter 242 All the Affections Live Up to 7
Mu Shengchen threw Mu Sirui into the room: "Go to bed early, or I will tell your Uncle Xia that you are not good—"

"Ah!" Mu Sirui's eyes were about to burst into flames!His father actually threatened him like this!
"You are too despicable, you are really too despicable!" Mu Sirui shouted, rubbing his eyes.

Mu Shengchen closed the door, and Mu Sirui's voice stopped.

Despicable is despicable, now it is more important to dispel my wife's anger.

He walked into the bedroom with his hands in his pockets and closed the door.

After Yin Se settled Mu Nian, he leaned on the sofa and watched TV, holding the remote control in his hand, and the TV series was playing [-] TV series.

Mu Chengchen walked behind him, before his hands could be lifted, Yin Se stood up from the sofa and sat down in another seat.

The empty hand was a little stiff.

Mu Shengchen was really confused, he walked to the sofa and sat beside Yin Se: "Honey, did someone bully you?"

Yin Se held the remote control and changed the channel casually, the laughter of variety shows for a while, the crying of sad Korean dramas for a while, and the cartoon sound of children's programs for a while...

Anyway, just don't speak.

Mu Shengchen helplessly took the remote control in her hand, and grabbed her hands: "What's the matter?"

Yin Se glanced at him lightly, but didn't say anything or said nothing, I'm so anxious for you!
Mu Shengchen was really a little anxious.

"Who is bullying you?"

Yin Se stared at him, "You."

There are two words hanging on Mu Shengchen's forehead - wronged!

"You're such an asshole." Yin Se said with a crying sound.

"If you convict me, can you also give me a crime?"

"I'm afraid that if I bring out the crime, you will be speechless." Yin Se snorted coldly.

"Let me die with peace..."

"it is good."

Yin Se took the paper from the coffee table and threw it at Mu Shengchen.

Mu Shengchen looked at the divorce agreement in his hand, and couldn't react for a while.

Yin Se folded his arms around his chest: "You made this yourself, didn't you?"

Mu Shengchen was speechless.

"You are so ruthless, you say you love me on the surface, but secretly? The divorce agreement has been written, Mu Chengchen, I really misread you!"

Mu Shengchen looked at the signature below, it was indeed his name, and then looked to the side, Yin Se's name was also well written on it.

He suddenly stiffened.

"Since you have written your name, am I sorry for your good intentions if I don't write it?" Yin Se asked sarcastically.

"Ser, you know that I'm afraid that I'll leave—"

"I don't care what your reason is! You can sign but I can't. There is no such reason in this world."


"You bastard, you obviously signed it yourself, don't you agree?" There was a bit of coquettishness in the words that should have been justified.

Mu Shengchen's handsome eyebrows slightly raised, his faint eyes lighted up slightly, he opened the messed up paper in his hand, then tore it off little by little, and threw it into pieces into the trash can.

"Who wrote the name?" he asked.

Yin Se was angry and pointed to the trash can: "Are you childish?"

"Let me ask you, who wrote the name? Where did you write the name? Why don't I know?"

Yin Se's face was flushed, she never knew that Mu Shengchen also knew how to write "scamming", "Where's the trash can! You just tore it up and threw it in and thought it was all right?"

"Yeah, why don't you stick it up and show me?"

Yin Se wanted to blow his head off with one fist.

"Honey, divorce or something, eh, how is this possible?" Mu Shengchen asked, "I'm not afraid of divorce, but if you get divorced, who will serve you in the future, eh?"

"Serving?" Yin Se frowned, "You mean serving? How do I remember that Miss Ben has always served you?"

"My wife. You remember wrongly. I have always served you."

"Ah..." Yin Se yelled, his teeth were biting on his shoulder, and suddenly, he felt wronged.

Then her body twitched.

Mu Shengchen was slightly taken aback, his movements froze.

she cried?

Yin Se lowered her head, tears fell drop by drop, she reached out to wipe them away, she didn't know how her tears were so cheap, of course she knew that he would not divorce her, but even knowing all this, she still endured I couldn't help but feel sad, thinking that before, he might never come back again, and she might really write down her name on the spur of the moment...

There is a possibility that they will never be as close as they are now...

"Ser..." Mu Chengchen called her name distressedly, and turned her over in his arms.

"You know, it's not a last resort, I can never sign my name."

Yin Se nodded, "I know..."

"You should also know how painful it is for me to write."

"I know……"

"Since you all know, then forgive me, okay?" Mu Shengchen begged for mercy.

Yin Se nodded spinelessly.

The anger subsided, never angry, just distressed.

"You promised me before that we would never be in two worlds, but you still make your own decisions..."

"I was wrong, okay?" Mu Shengchen couldn't do anything about her tears. In fact, thinking about it, Yin Se is really a strong woman, but she really cried a lot.

Every time he sees her tears, he is at a loss what to do...

Yin Se hung his hands on his shoulders: "I love you very much."


The next morning, Yin Se woke up with a start, glanced at his phone, and asked Mu Chengchen, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

To Yin Se's surprise, Mu Shengchen was already fully dressed, and the gray handmade suit was attached to his body. Mu Shengchen tightened his tie in front of the mirror, and when he saw Yin Se woke up, he turned and walked to the bed, lowered his head and walked to the bed. He naturally gave her a good morning kiss.

"Sleep more."


"It's been a hard time for you, baby." Mu Shengchen kissed her forehead again, his eyes full of affection and gratitude.

She nodded, "Nasi..."

"I will send Si Rui to school."

(End of this chapter)

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