Chapter 247 All the Affections Live Up to 12
When Yin Se heard this sentence, she thought to herself, is she being regarded as a mediator aunt on the TV station who specializes in helping people solve problems?

But seeing that the beautiful woman looked really worried, Yin Se didn't say anything, waiting for her next words.

"My husband is 45 years old today, ten years older than me..."

"Mature men are attractive." I don't know who said that.

"Hey...but he seems to have completely lost interest in me now. I don't know what I did wrong. I feel that the distance between husband and wife is getting farther and farther."

"Have you been married for many years?"

"We've been married for 13 years."

Yin Se snapped her fingers, thinking, when she married her husband, she was really young.

"I always feel that he has someone outside." When the beautiful woman said this, her eyes were full of loneliness and sadness, "To be honest, how many men are really devoted to me! I don't expect him to treat me from time to time. One and the same, but at least don't make me feel like I'm staying in the cold palace..."

Yin Se listened calmly. The relationship between men and women has always been a never-ending tug-of-war, and women have always had the upper hand since ancient times.

However, if women still take the initiative to position themselves at a disadvantage, it would be too stupid.

"My husband doesn't love you, you have to find your own reasons." Yin Se said, she didn't know why she was so patient today, and chatted with this group of idle ladies and daughters.

"The relationship between Mrs. Mu and Mr. Mu seems to have always been very good. Is there any trick?" Someone asked.

Ouyang Yuling raised her head, and she also looked at Yin Se quietly. She had just returned to China and didn't know much about Mu Shengchen and her affairs. She didn't realize that Yin Se was slapped by Jiang Hao. current status...

Then through these ladies, I know that Yin Se and Mu Shengchen are model couples in the business world.

Although they are a model couple, they are not without problems. For example, Mu Shengchen cheated on him before, and the scandal about her cheating on her was quite earth-shattering.

"It should be turned a deaf ear." Ouyang Yuling said lightly, there was not much hostility in the words, but a little sarcasm.

Yin Se glanced at it lightly. In fact, she didn't quite understand where the sour taste in Ouyang Yuling's words came from.

Suddenly, she felt very strange.

"Miss Ouyang, how do you know that my husband is Mu Shengchen? How do I remember that night, you and your boyfriend laughed at me for being a pigeon?"

Ouyang Yuling's throat suddenly seemed to be stabbed.

Boyfriend, Jiang Hao has already broken up with her resolutely. He said that she offended the wife of the CEO of Chuangshi. If the wife of the CEO of Chuangshi said a few words to Mu Shengchen in the future, his family business might be destroyed. .

After Ouyang Yuling heard this, she couldn't help being afraid. She was really worried that Yin Se would hold grudges against her, so she held today's party and invited her to come.

She didn't mean to embarrass her, but if she saw Yin Se continue to be so arrogant, she would feel quite upset.

"At that time, I really didn't know, and your husband really didn't come at that time."

Yin Se frowned slightly. She found that among the group of people, Ouyang Yuling was the most annoying person, so she ignored her and answered the question of the beautiful woman just now.

"Actually, there is no trick to find a way to get along with a husband and wife. If you can get along, get on with it. If you can't, don't get along. Find someone who can get along."

The beautiful woman's big eyes were suddenly dumbfounded.

"Do you think you don't deserve better?"

"Mrs. Mu, what you said is really..."

"Women, the first thing to do is to love yourself. If you don't love yourself, how can you expect a man to love you?" Yin Se asked, "He doesn't value you because you value him too much. There is no equality between you." , of course there is a gap in my heart."

"You have to think about it this way. You are in such good condition. You are in your 30s, and your face and skin are no different from those of a big girl. Do you think there will be no better men for you when you go out?"

Yin Se's words made the beautiful woman feel elated.

"So Madam Mu means..."

"Men don't pet them."

The beautiful woman didn't quite understand what she heard, so she just nodded her head.

Later, some random questions were asked, and Yin Se responded to them one by one, seeming quite patient. Ouyang Yuling was a little dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that this was the savage Yin Se from the past...

Later, it was getting late, so Ouyang Yuling invited everyone to have dinner.

Yin Se shook his head: "The family members are waiting, so let's go first."

But no one is willing to let Yin Se go, and they all treat her like a bodhisattva. It's a fool who doesn't make friends at this time.

Yin Se scratched his head.

Seeing that Yin Se had captured the hearts of everyone in such a short period of time, Ouyang Yuling was inevitably in a bit of a bad mood.

Yin Se made some excuses but was pulled to the table. At this moment, the doorbell rang.

Ouyang Yuling ran to open the door, and then saw Mu Shengchen standing at the door.

"Mu...Mu Shengchen..."

"Is Yin Se here?" Mu Shengchen said lightly, "I'll take her home."

Ouyang Yuling swallowed her saliva: "Mrs. Mu is in the living room, we are preparing to eat, please come in first."

"No, you tell her that when her husband comes, she will come out naturally."

Ouyang Yuling saw that Mu Shengchen refused without leaving room, and said with some embarrassment, "Yin Sedu has already said that he wants to stay for dinner..."

Mu Shengchen raised his brows slightly, he looked at her fixedly, he obviously rushed over after receiving Yin Se's distress message...

At this time, Yin Se didn't know where the strength came from, she got out from the crowd, looked at the door from a distance, saw Mu Shengchen, and looked at everyone apologetically: "My husband is here to pick me up, I really have to go back, the child is still at home."

"Will President Mu come to pick you up in person? Yin Se, you are so lucky."


Seeing these people's envious eyes, Yin Se finally realized why grandma said she must let Mu Shengchen pick her up... It's just for showing off!
Is this the feeling of being struck by lightning...

Yin Se walked to the door: "Cheng Chen."

"Little se, are you leaving now?"

"En..." Yin Se nodded, and apologized to everyone "reluctantly", before she left with Mu Shengchen.

Mu Shengchen walked to the car with her arms in his arms, and opened the car door for her.

Ouyang Yuling stood at the door, feeling tight in her chest, unable to speak, Yin Xuan'er died, but Yin Se lived so well, what kind of world is this...

Why can't she see what's good about Yin Se?
It's only one afternoon, all she can see is affectation!Put on a show!

"Who are they?" Mu Shengchen asked.

"Women...some not-so-smart women." Yin Se smiled playfully, "I was fooled by a few words, and you don't know how much those women looked at me with admiration!"

"Haha, I'm satisfied!"

A woman's vanity... Mu Chengchen shook his head helplessly.

Yin Se suddenly looked sideways at him, and said seriously: "Chengchen, I told others that men are not to be spoiled, and they are easily spoiled."

"But I will spoil you well." Yin Se blinked and smiled.

Mu Shengchen was a little helpless, a nice smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, did she spoil him...

It seems to sound good.

"That Ouyang Yuling was the one who came to laugh at me when you were late that night." Yin Se said angrily, "Did you see that her eyes turned red afterwards!"

"She invited you over, didn't she?" Mu Shengchen asked.

"Yeah, she invited me over. When she first walked in, she was very enthusiastic. I just wondered how you fucking changed your face so quickly."

"Ser." Mu Shengchen interrupted her.


"It's okay to be proud, but don't get carried away."

"You'd better stop swearing." Mu Shengchen said with a light smile.

Yin Se blushed, as if a little uncivilized, "I'm excited!"

Mu Shengchen didn't know why she was in such a good mood today, and she was never so excited when encountering exciting things.

"Later, I saw that her eyes were wrong. It turned out that she was trying to curry favor with me!"

"Ouyang Yuling, she used to be with Yin Xuan'er's family! You beat me, don't you remember? Now she's here to curry favor with me, I'm dying of laughter."

"How long ago?"

"Just when we first met." Yin Se smiled, "But I called back later."

"Very good at holding grudges..."

Yin Se frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Knowing how to hold grudges is a good thing!" Mu Shengchen changed the subject, "In this way others will not dare to bully you."

"Hey, your wife is amazing!"

Seeing her proud look, Mu Shengchen couldn't express how he felt in his heart, but he knew it was a positive emotion, seeing her satisfied, he would be satisfied.

"But I just want to be angry with her. I made friends with all the ladies who came here, but I just ignored her. Didn't you see that her whole face turned green later? I didn't know that the word Mrs. Mu was so easy to use. !” Yin Se said.

"Did you only know the meaning of the words Mrs. Mu now?" Mu Chengchen frowned slightly.

"It's just a feeling that the official rank is higher than others." Yin Se said with a smile.

"Didn't you have it before?" Mu Chengchen was surprised. The word "Mrs. Mu" is most likely to remind people of the supreme status and inexhaustible wealth...

Yin Se thought for a while, and asked back: "I used to have a high official rank. Why did I use the name "Mrs. Mu"?"

Mu Shengchen thought about it carefully, and it seems that this is indeed the case. No matter where she is, she can create her own little world, and she has her own sense of accomplishment.

"It's different now." Yin Se smiled, "Although work is also very interesting, after staying in the position of president for three months, I feel exhausted physically and mentally. It's more comfortable to stay at home and take care of my husband and teach my children."

"How old are you now, are you going to start enjoying it?"

(End of this chapter)

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