Chapter 263 Xia Luo Slipped 1
The female director glanced at Mu Sirui, and then said: "I have worked with Luo Xia before. She is a bit straightforward, but her acting skills and vision are top-notch. Moreover, she has a weird personality. If the male actor doesn't have the slightest understanding with her , and it was difficult to continue filming.”

"No matter what, isn't she an actress?" Mu Sirui muttered.

"Director Pastor, if you want, the heroine can also be re-elected."

"It's better to listen to you. I have personal feelings, and you can ignore my thoughts." The heroine was re-elected, and he came to contact an unfamiliar industry. What's the point?

The female director suddenly laughed.

"Are you laughing at me to lose face?" Mu Sirui asked helplessly.

"Where?" The female director laughed even more happily, "When your father told me that you were going to be a producer, I was really shocked. I always felt that you were taking this as a joke and didn't know your purpose. He Zai, I always felt that this scene might not be easy to shoot, but now that I think about it, you are easier to get along with than all the producers I have come into contact with."

"This is the first time I've seen a director system who openly said that his opinions can be ignored."

"Just laugh at me in private, anyway, you all know that I'm not a professional." He stretched his waist, "However, I'm not a display."

"Understood." The female director smiled.

"Okay, you guys are responsible for the rest!" Mu Sirui walked out of the staircase room, but he never expected that Xia Luo and Xiang Zixuan chatted at the door just as he came out.

Xia Luo leaned against the wall, the two were talking and laughing.

"The movie you starred in last time, Cheng and I went to see the premiere."

"Why didn't I see you?"

"Have you dressed up in disguise!" Xia Luo said, and then gave a thumbs up, "It looks good."

"What's the use of looking good, isn't it being compared to the movie you starred in in the end?"

Xia Luo let go of her hair: "Have you read the script of "Hot Snow"?"

"Look, I can guarantee that there will never be a more suitable candidate for the female lead than you. Is it hot snow, cold snow or passionate snow?"

Xia Luo was slightly stunned, then smiled awkwardly.

"Ahem!" At this moment, Mu Sirui couldn't hide anymore, and he came out.

"Director Mu." Xiang Zixuan slightly nodded his head and greeted him, and met his hostile expression as soon as he raised his eyes.

Xia Luo put away her jokes, her complexion was frosty, and she lowered her head to look at the floor.

"Lorsha and I have something to say. Can you..."

Xiang Zixuan glanced at Xia Luo, then chuckled: "Then Director Mu and Luo Xia chat slowly."

Mu Sirui stood in front of Xia Luo: "Where's Cheng Siyu?"

She raised her head and put her hair behind her ears: "Go back."

"Where did you go?"


"What about you? Why didn't you go back?"

"I want to make a movie."

"Can you shoot without an agent?"

"I have a manager." Xia Luo said.

"Didn't you say that the two of you look like husband and wife? Why did he leave you behind?"

"He wants to make a lot of money to support his family." Xia Luo said straightforwardly.

At this point, he still refuses to tell the truth.

"What's the relationship between that actor and you?"


"Except for colleagues?"

"Musirui, I don't need to answer every question honestly, you should be clear about this, right?"

Mu Sirui touched the corner of his lips, Xia Luo hurriedly turned his head, and the roots of his ears turned red again.

"Heh!" He chuckled, "It's really important to be taller than you, and it's even more important to be able to beat you."

"You were the one who attacked yesterday!"

"You didn't sneak up on me when you hit me before?"

"It's okay, next time we find a chance, let's have a good comparison, and you will definitely be convinced." He moved closer to her and said ambiguously.

Xia Luo glanced at him, then walked away.

He looked at her tall figure, this feeling was really subtle, he really wanted to understand her, not through a few words, but every movement, every demeanor.

She hid too deeply from him, and when he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel sad.

Maybe that year, no matter what, he should have gone to Italy instead of hesitating...

In this way, can their distance be a little closer?She doesn't need to set up such a deep defense against herself like she is now, so cautious that she will panic even if she says one more word.

Turning around, she faced Yanan who came out.

"Director Pastor, are you familiar with Luo Xia?"


"Director Mu, I know that you are the crown prince of Chuangshi Group, and I also know that Luo Xia is really beautiful, but please remember that she is a public figure, and your unintentional words may cause her to be seriously injured for no reason."

"Although it's not good to say this, as her manager, I think I have the right to keep anyone who is not good for her away from her."

"I'm bad for her?"

"From the current point of view, there are only disadvantages." Yanan said quite seriously, "Do you know how many rich young masters are chasing after Luo Xia? Even if they are in Chinatown, they will not be in the same row as you. So, if Director Mu is because Placing Lorshaw in this movie, I have to say, you can go."

"Miss Yanan, why did I get involved, how do you know?"

"Because the word Luo Xia is written in your eyes, please restrain yourself. It was the same at the audition meeting just now. Didn't your eyes always focus on Luo Xia?"

Mu Sirui couldn't help but chuckled, admiring the sharp eyes of the female manager in front of him: "It's amazing, it's really amazing."

"It's not that I'm good, but that you are so obvious that anyone with a discerning eye can see it."

"so what?"

"You will only bring countless disasters to Luoxia."

Mu Sirui laughed, "Is it based on your unique opinion as a professional broker?"

Yanan glanced at him, "I put it here, what you want to think is your personal business, Director Mu."

Looking at the neat and unrestrained figure of this female manager, Mu Sirui still only had a faint smile on his cheeks. Mu Sirui is different from Mu Shengchen in that he seems to be very friendly in dealing with people, and he likes to get along with his colleagues and subordinates. group.

Bring disaster?What disaster can he bring her?Wouldn't the most be to pull her out of the showbiz?What kind of disaster is this?He will give her better.

The sun is shining, dazzling and bright, and it warms people up from the bottom of their hearts in this early spring season. Xia Luo sat in the car, stretched out his hands to cover his eyes, and through his fingers, the red sun hiding behind the clouds The beauty is intoxicating.

Today is the day of the press conference for the movie "Hot Snow". All the roles have been decided and the staff has been assigned. The only thing left is to start filming.

For Xia Luo, making movies is still full of fun. Watching other people acting, and then acting by herself, after each movie is finished, she will have a small sense of accomplishment, and she will feel that there are at least these in this world. Things are what you want to work on.

Leaving aside the people and things she doesn't like, Xia Luo thinks that being an artist is quite chic, of course she is the only one who is chic, the number of times Cheng Siyu wiped her butt behind her is too many to count, and the whole brokerage company And often because of the things she caused, she was not at peace.

She has always been controversial, there are good aspects, of course there are also bad aspects, perhaps because of this, she has become a unique artist and a popular celebrity.

Sometimes Xia Luo would also think that without Cheng Siyu, she might have become notorious long ago, and then had to leave the entertainment industry. The entertainment industry needs people with personality, but people with too much personality often cannot survive.

For example, now, she put on a lady's sun hat and sunglasses, got out of the car while Yanan was away, hailed a taxi and got in.

"Go to Xiangyang Private Kindergarten in City A."

When Yanan came out of the supermarket, she only saw Xia Luo leaving, and the coffee cup in her hand was crushed and exploded.Throwing it into the trash can next to her, she took out her mobile phone and called Xia Luo.

Xia Luo looked at the vibrating phone and turned it off.

Yanan felt that she was about to collapse. She looked at the empty car, took a deep breath, and yelled at the driver who had just returned from the toilet: "Where did you go?!"

"Wash, washroom..." The driver's expression turned pale immediately, he knew that something was wrong, no, he knew that Xia Luo had run away again.

"Luo, where is Miss Luoxia..."

"You ask me who I ask!" Yanan knew that Xia Luo did not want to attend the launch conference on her own initiative, so she probably found a fun place to stay.

Every time this happened, she felt a headache, and she really didn't understand how Cheng Siyu could stand her.

"Sister Naya, what should I do now?"

"What do you say? Go to the conference site!"

"Yes, yes..." The driver hurriedly got into the car and drove to the conference site.

When Yanan arrived at the scene, there were already a huge crowd of reporters on the scene, cameras, flashlights, and microphones were all crowded outside the van.

Push open the door.

"Luo Xia, Luo Xia..."

"Where's Luo Xia?"

"Will Luo Xia not attend the press conference?"

"Reporters, the press conference is held indoors, so please sit indoors instead of crowding at the door." Yanan said this, and then walked into the room under the protection of security.

"It's going crazy." Yanan rubbed her hair, stood by the window, and made an ocean phone call to Cheng Siyu, "I don't care what kind of relationship you have with Luo Xia! If she behaves like this again, I will definitely make her notorious!"

"Calm down."

"She ran away again! So many reporters were waiting for her outside, she ran away again!" Yanan's voice was sharp, and she could hear that she was on the verge of collapse.

"You should have expected that."

"What should have been expected, that's the result of your connivance! How big a brand is she? It's just a few movies, or a few records. This woman doesn't take me seriously at all! Cheng, I But I told you in advance that you are handing her over to me now, and I would be sorry if I didn't punish her properly, so don't feel bad for me then!"

(End of this chapter)

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