Chapter 270 Unhappy

Xia Luo gave him an angry look, and motioned him to leave quickly.

Mu Sirui just folded his hands calmly, and he would only leave when he saw his manager come to open the door and see her go in.

Xia Luo stood there, she was very thin, she looked like a bamboo pole, and she was very light to hold, but, to be honest, there was still something about where she should grow.

Mu Sirui touched his nose with his hand.

Her long hair was draped over her shoulders, and her bangs were flat on her forehead. Mu Sirui remembered looking up information about her on the Internet, and there were really many adjectives to describe this woman.

Proud, withdrawn, strange, mature, sexy...

But in his eyes, she is not pure like a 25-year-old woman, and occasionally she is very cute. Of course, this is only when she is alone with him. Hedgehogs preparing for war are hard to get close to.

The door of the room opened, and Yanan looked at Xia Luo with a solemn expression.

Xia Luo walked in, the door was closed, Mu Sirui frowned, and then went back, he still had some things to do.

In the room, Xia Luo and Yanan were sitting face to face.

"You don't have anything to say to me?" Yanan asked.

Xia Luo raised her head slightly: "In a month, he will be my boyfriend."

Yanan was blocked by her words and couldn't speak, "What do you mean?"

"The literal meaning, don't you understand?" Xia Luo stood up, "There is still one month left, and the contract expires, isn't it?"

"You're not going to renew your contract?"

"It depends on how you feel in a month." Xia Luo said lightly.

"Luo Xia, don't think that you are so great, the company doesn't have to ask you!"

Xia Luo turned around a little irritably, and looked at her: "Do you know why I don't get along with you?"

"Who are you dating?" Yanan sneered.

"That's right. I don't get along with many people, but I don't get along with you especially. The company doesn't have to be me, and I don't have to act." Xia Luo smiled, "As for the things you hold on to me, it doesn't matter. , you spread it out.”

Xia Luo gave her a cold look, then walked into her bedroom.

Dare to make a fuss about her background, this woman is so stupid that there is no cure, as long as she makes a phone call to cry with his father, let alone destroying her, the entire agency will not think about it.

I can't stand this kind of unclear people.

What Xia Luo didn't expect was that the shooting of this movie was going to be as bad as possible. He followed the car to the shooting location, only to find that the director had changed.

She stood straight on the middle-aged male director in his 40s, her eyes were about to burst into flames.

"Isn't this Luo Xia?" Zhou Jun smiled, "Amiable." He raised his head to look at Xia Luo.

"What's the situation?" Xia Luo clenched his hands tightly, "Why do you want to change the director?"

"Last night, the director had a car accident and is still lying in the hospital." Mu Sirui explained.

"It's not written in the contract that you can change directors, right?" Xia Luo looked at Mu Sirui coldly.

Mu Sirui looked at Xia Luo who was baring her teeth and claws in front of her. How could she change so much during the day and night? It's just a different director, isn't it?

"I can't write it either." Mu Sirui said.

Xia Luo pursed her lips tightly.

"It seems that Luo Xia has prejudice against me?" Zhou Jun raised his head, twitched the corner of his mouth, and smiled.

Zhou Jun can be said to be one of the few directors in China who have entered the international film world, and enjoys a high reputation both domestically and internationally.

But to Xia Luo, this man was like a nightmare, and when he saw him, he felt like vomiting.

"Is it because I have a grudge against you for rejecting you in my movie four years ago? But you beat me up four years ago, isn't that enough?"

Xia Luo bit her lips tightly.

"No matter where I think of it, there is no such reason. The director will be beaten up if he refuses the actress, right? Luo Xia."

Mu Sirui seems to have a little impression that Xia Luo's first bad review was four years ago, the incident of beating the director, it turned out to be the director Zhou Jun...

"I've let go of my suspicions, what else do you care about?" Zhou Jun asked.

With so many staff members watching, Xia Luo knew that if her attitude continued to be tough, more people would only see her jokes. It's okay to just watch her jokes, but...

She raised her eyes and looked at Mu Sirui who was standing aside frowning. She didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of this man.

gritted his teeth.

"Yes, let's settle the suspicion." Xia Luo said lightly.

"It seems that you have grown up a lot." Zhou Jun still smiled "kindly"

Xia Luo turned around and walked to Yanan's side: "Since when did you know he was directing the work?"

"At the same time as you." Yanan shrugged, and then said indifferently, "I know you have a problem with him, but if this movie is not made well because of your personal emotions, you are the number one sinner."

Xia Luo pursed her lips and stopped talking. There was no need to speak anymore. What else could she do?
The filming of this movie didn't go well at all, the second female lead didn't go well, the director changed, and this economic man was the worst!

Suddenly, Xia Luo understood why she had to be Cheng Siyu as her manager, only he knew her best, what she wanted, what she could do...

Chen Yangyu was sitting in the car, the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and the makeup artist was touching up her makeup, "I heard that the first film you debuted was directed by director Zhou Jun, right?"

"En." Chen Yangyu nodded, "Director Zhou Jun is a very professional director."

"I heard that the heroine in every film directed by Zhou Jun will end up being so popular that she doesn't even know her family."

"Haha, an artist is famous because of his hard work." Chen Yangyu laughed.

The make-up artist glanced at Chen Yangyu approvingly.

Chen Yangyu stared fixedly at Xia Luo, who was standing by the side carrying the script, with some sarcasm. In the movie she was rejected by director Zhou Jun, the position of the female number one in the end was hers, and that movie also became her. 's debut hit.

In the current movie, although she is the second female lead, as long as she performs better than the first female lead, it will be fine.

Now that Zhou Jun is the director, she is more confident.

Xia Luo flipped through the script and became visibly irritable. She sat on a chair tiredly, and Mu Sirui walked to her with a bottle of water and sat down.

"You have a grudge against Director Zhou?"

"You didn't hear him say, did I hit him?" Xia Luo laughed.

"Because of what?" Mu Sirui asked.

"He didn't let me play the heroine, but another bitch." Xia Luo said bitterly, sounding like a narrow-minded woman.

"How come? Is he more beautiful than you?" Mu Sirui asked amusedly.

"Chen Yangyu." Xia Luo said lightly, "Do you think I'm not as good-looking as her?"

Mu Sirui was obviously taken aback.

"It was her."

"It's her, your good eyesight." Xia Luo couldn't hide the sarcasm in his words.

Mu Sirui begged for mercy: "My aunt, if I had known that you still have this kind of relationship with her, I wouldn't dare to let her play the second female role if you borrowed my courage!"

"Hmph!" Xia Luo folded his arms around his chest, and then pointed at the script, "Just figure out how you can compensate me! I'm going to be beaten by her later!"

Mu Sirui was slightly stunned, and then took the script from Xia Luo's hand.

Xia Luo felt annoyed thinking about it: "I was slapped by her out of nowhere last time, no matter how I think about it now, I should be the one who slapped me back. Now it's good, she has the opportunity to slap me again."

Mu Sirui frowned slightly: "Don't worry, it's just acting, she won't hit hard."

"Go and burn incense to Amitabha!" Xia Luo said sarcastically, "Anyway, I will be the one who is miserable in the end, not you."

Mu Sirui scratched his hair, feeling a little aggrieved, in fact, he shouldn't be blamed, who let her play the leading role, that's how it was arranged in the play!
Besides, it was just acting, no matter how hard an actor like Chen Yangyu thought about it, he wouldn't really do anything cruel.

"Luo Xia, are you ready, can we start?" the director asked her as if asking a child.


"Chen Yangyu, are you ready?"

"Okay, Director Zhou." Chen Yangyu was wearing smart workplace attire, playing the role of a capable white-collar worker, Luo Xia was wearing a plain white dress, playing the role of an ordinary company officer, with a cold personality, but a very warm heart.

They stood at the door of the company building.

"Who do you think you are, with such a big list, you can do it if you say so?"

"I made an opinion after comprehensively comparing all the values." Luo Xia raised his head and looked directly at Chen Yangyu without fear.

"I said no."

"Your assumptions like this will damage the company!"

Chen Yangyu slapped Xia Luofan to the ground.

Xia Luo's eyes were red, she looked at the crazy woman in front of her in disbelief.

"What should I do? Did I strike too hard?" Chen Yangyu said, then turned to the director and said, "Otherwise, it's a fake fight?"

"Fake beating? How can fake beating be effective."

The two assistants hurriedly walked to Xia Luo's side and helped her up.

Mu Sirui stood there, fists clenched.

"Isn't it okay to fake a fight?" Mu Sirui asked next to the director.

"Director Mu, there will definitely be more fake NG fights than real ones." Zhou Jun said, "And don't worry, Chen Yangyu will master the strength, after all, Luo Xia is the number one female."

Mu Sirui responded, but couldn't say anything more.

So, start over.

However, when Xia Luo was knocked down to the ground again with red eyes, Mu Sirui didn't need to say anything, he stepped forward and grabbed Chen Yangyu, and shouted: "Can you act?"

"Mu, Mr. Mu..."

"The first time I was strong, but the second time I didn't know how to restrain myself?" Mu Sirui shouted at Chen Yangyu.

Chen Yangyu obviously didn't expect that Mu Sirui would stand up to fight the injustice, but he just thought that it would be more refreshing to NG a few times.

Xia Luo looked at Mu Sirui steadfastly, obviously he did not expect that he would run out.

"Director Mu, I didn't know Xia Luo was so weak..."

Mu Sirui looked at Xia Luo, her face turned red.The fist in the palm of his hand was still clenched, and he walked up to her in two steps: "Does it matter?"

"It's okay, I'm strong." Xia Luo's mood suddenly improved, and she smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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