Chapter 275 I Don't Want Others 2
"Don't like it? Isn't that just right, don't come to the world of me and her again, I will have a good life with her. Are you hairy now?"

"Cheng Siyu, don't you plan to let her continue filming "Hot Snow"?"

"Need to say?" Cheng Siyu sneered, "If I had known earlier that the director had been replaced by Zhou Jun, I would have taken her away immediately. Of course, it's not too late to know now. Sorry, we did the breach of contract. That sentence I will pay the huge liquidated damages according to the contract!"

The corner of Mu Sirui's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help sighing: "It's a smart way to hide when something happens."

"It's not hiding, but there's no need to face it."

"Cheng Siyu, otherwise let's make a bet."

"What bet?"

"I bet Xia Luo will continue to shoot "Hot Snow"."

"Director Mu, although you are the director, I am her manager, and all her activities must be discussed with me. Do you think this bet is necessary?" Cheng Siyu looked at Mu Sirui coldly.

"Since you are so confident, so what if you bet with me? If I win, you will set Xia Luo free."

"Let her be free?" Cheng Siyu's forehead was full of veins. He felt that Mu Sirui was talking nonsense. Not only that, but also threw him to the evil side, "When will I not give her freedom? Mu Sirui , what do you think you are?"

"The showbiz is her cage! You can't see through such a simple thing!" Mu Sirui sneered, "Do you think her character is originally cold? She did something that didn't suit her, of course she was cold, she is a fool , she didn't see through this!"

Cheng Siyu's fists were tightly clenched, his eyes were red, and Mu Sirui looked straight at him, refusing to back down even a single step.

Mu Sirui thought very clearly, because he had seen the most real Xia Luo, the Xia Luo when he was five years old, and the Xia Luo who was held in his arms, these are the real Xia Luo, who can laugh and insist , will choose to face each other, cute and charming.

Yes, he admitted that she is also very talented in acting. You can tell just by watching her act a few times, but being able to act and liking acting are two different concepts. Can Xia Luo understand these two concepts clearly? ?

The man in front of him, the man who introduced Xia Luo into the entertainment circle, what kind of heart does he have...

Could it be that this showbiz wouldn't be able to continue without Xia Luo?
He, Mu Sirui, didn't believe it, that was his bride, why should he be imprisoned by this man?He swore that he must pull her out of this circle!
"Musirui, I've never met someone as confident as you."

Mu Sirui thought to himself, that's because you haven't met my dad yet!If he saw Mu Shengchen, he would know what a real man is...

Well, Mu Sirui has admitted that his morals are indeed thousands of years worse than his father's.

But Mu Shengchen said, to judge a person, one must look at the eyes, and to look at things, one must look at the whole.Only in this way can you really hold your head up high and be full of confidence.

He thought about it all night, and what he said to Cheng Siyu now is the conclusion he came to.

"I'll let the facts tell you that your self-confidence is blind and ridiculous." Cheng Siyu walked past him with his hands in his pockets.

Mu Sirui's eyes shot out. His father also said that when dealing with a rival in love, you must first defeat the opponent in terms of momentum. If you want to defeat the opponent in a 360-degree all-round way without dead ends, there is no other way but to start with women. .

Cheng Siyu walked into the ward, and Mu Sirui followed closely behind, blocking the door of the ward that he wanted to close immediately, his handsome eyebrows raised: "Do you still want to do things like men and women alone under my nose?"

Cheng Siyu looked at Mu Sirui speechlessly, he had no idea what planet this man came from!He really wanted to disembowel him and have a specialist diagnose him.

Mu Sirui shrugged, and walked to Xia Luo's bed as a matter of course, he pulled the stool closer to the bed, but just as he sat down, the stool was vacated by Cheng Siyu, and Mu Sirui sat down on the ground.

Cheng Siyu gave him a cold look: "Director Mu, who is full of confidence, you should not bother to sit on the stool I have sat on before!"

Mu Sirui stood up from the ground, patted the ashes on his body, and then took another stool from the side. He was about to come back to sit, but the seat was taken by Cheng Siyu. .

Mu Sirui still shrugged indifferently, and then sat on the other side of Xia Luo. Once the stool was put down, his hands were also folded around his chest. At this moment, the two pairs of eyes were opposite each other, and they intersected just above Xia Luo, and then infinite lightning flashed .

Because Mu Sirui didn't sleep much at night, his eyes were already bloodshot, and after spending a long time with Cheng Siyu, his eyes were a little sore, but Cheng Siyu's calm attitude made Mu Sirui even more dazzling. Eyeballs are about to pop out.

At this moment, Xia Luo moved her body, frowned, Chang Chang's eyelashes slowly lifted, and opened her eyes.


"Fall down!"

Mu Sirui and Cheng Siyu stood up at the same time, looking at Xia Luo nervously.

Xia Luo only saw the faces of Mu Sirui and Cheng Siyu appearing in front of him, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and then he turned his head to look at Cheng Siyu.


"Luoluo, how is it? Do you feel better? Would you like some water?"

"En." Xia Luo nodded.

Cheng Siyu immediately poured some cold water, Xia Luo propped his elbows on the bed, trying to sit up, but it was a little difficult, Mu Sirui stepped forward to help Xia Luo.

"Let go!" Xia Luo gave him a cold look and said.

Mu Sirui's hands were slightly stiff, but he still stubbornly lifted her shoulders, raised the pillow, and pressed it behind her, letting her lean on it.

Xia Luo glanced at him but didn't look at him.

Cheng Siyu held the water glass and handed it to her.

"Are you hungry?"

Xia Luo shook his head.

Mu Sirui put his hand on her forehead.

"Don't touch me!" Xia Luo gave Mu Sirui a hard look.

Cheng Siyu chuckled, "Director Mu, didn't you hear what Luoluo said?"

"I didn't hear it." Mu Sirui stubbornly put his hand on her forehead to make sure that her fever had subsided, and then he was relieved, and he sat back on the chair.

Xia Luo looked at Mu Sirui with disdain.

"Director Mu, Luo Xia needs to rest, are you going to stay here and watch?"

"Aren't you planning to stay here and watch? Since you have no plan to leave, why should I leave?" Mu Sirui asked.

Xia Luo put the water glass back on the table.

"I don't want to see you..." She said lightly, although her voice was soft, it was sharp in Mu Sirui's ears.

"Sorry, you have to see me all the time from now on."

Xia Luo didn't raise her head: "Impossible."

Mu Sirui shrugged indifferently, "If you don't believe me, just watch."

"Cheng, I want to go back."

"Well, let's go back."

"I want to go back to Italy." Xia Luo looked up at him.

"En, back to Italy." Cheng Siyu's brows softened, he looked at her quietly, nodded, then turned to Mu Sirui, and said softly, "Did Director Mu hear that?"

"We're not going to shoot "Hot Snow", and we'll pay the liquidated damages."

Mu Sirui's face became serious: "Xia Luo, is this your decision?"

Xia Luo looked up at him: "Yes, I'm sorry, Mr. Mu, I can't stay with this kind of crew."

"Then what crew can you stay in?" Mu Sirui asked amusedly, "At least you chose the leading actor yourself, didn't you?"

"Except for the male lead, the second female lead, the director, including the director, are all disgusting."

Cheng Siyu sat quietly on the side, peeling apples for her, listening to her faint voice, which was full of resistance and rejection of Mu Sirui.

This made him very happy. He wanted to take Xia Luo back to Italy, so there would be no problem. They would follow the previous plan. They would formally date and then get married. They would definitely.

"You can say that I'm arrogant, or that I'm incompetent. Anyway, as for the heroine, you can choose whoever can act. Don't you like the second female lead, Chen Yangyu? Just ask her to act."

"No matter how bad it is, if you dress up as a man and go into battle by yourself, I think you are also very talented in acting." Xia Luo sneered.

Mu Sirui felt that after living for 25 years, all the patience he had cultivated would collapse in Xia Luo's place, so he pursed his lips tightly and stood up.

"Xia Luo, you think you are amazing, don't you?"

"Yesterday was my fault. I scolded you indiscriminately, because I didn't know Zhou Jun had bullied you, I didn't know he was just pretending, but did you tell me well? What you showed me was you You don't know how to restrain your temper, but you don't let me see how wronged you are!"

"Who are you to me? Why should I show you? If you can't see, you won't go to the hospital for an examination. You don't know that you are blind!"

"Mu Sirui, Luoluo has just recovered from her illness, what are you thinking about making such a fuss?" Cheng Siyu got up and asked, his anger could not be concealed in his tone.

Mu Sirui glanced at Cheng Siyu: "Let me and Xia Luo talk alone."

"No." Cheng Siyu was speechless to Mu Sirui, how could he be so naive as to think that he would spare time and space for them to be alone?
Mu Sirui looked at him: "Cheng Siyu, you are telling the media that you are dating Xia Luo, but please find out that the person who is dating Xia Luo is me!"

Cheng Siyu was slightly stunned, he looked at Xia Luo.

"It's over." Xia Luo said lightly.

Cheng Siyu obviously couldn't accept the facts, he never thought that they had already fallen in love in just a few days.

"I didn't say it's over. Your unilateral words don't make any sense."

Xia Luo gave him a blank look.

"I said it's over and it's over."

Mu Sirui looked at Xia Luo who was unreasonable and didn't give him a chance, and suddenly lost his patience, even a little frustrated, he looked at her, "The word "end" sounds so easy in your mouth. "

"It's not that difficult to end, it's over if you don't pester us."

"Is this your sincerity?"


"Xia Luo, maybe you're right. What we have between us is just childhood childishness. After so many years, things have already changed. I shouldn't have any illusions about you anymore." Mu Sirui said lightly Looking at her intently, "But there is one thing, I never thought that you, Xia Luo, would become a coward."

(End of this chapter)

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