Chapter 294 You Have a Brother? 2
"What are you doing?"

"When my mother comes over, I'm going home. By the way, Moqing, write down your mobile phone number and home address in the drawing book."

Xia Moqing looked at the girl in front of her, she was really familiar...

Mo Qing Mo Qing, she was not at all awkward when she yelled, even though he was already so uncomfortable hearing it!

Cell phone number...home address...

Xia Mo smiled lightly, then picked up a pen and wrote down a series of numbers and a line of sharp words. After closing the drawing book, he put it beside the bed and got up.

"Mu Nian."

"En?" Mu Nian bent over, looking for nice clothes in the closet.

"You can't go back today."


"Tomorrow you will have a full day of basic physical examination, and the day after tomorrow you will have an electrocardiographic examination. As for the arrangements for the day after tomorrow, we will see the situation."

Mu Nian looked at the man in front of him with his mouth open, "You want to torture me to death..."

Xia Moqing shrugged, looked at her, and said with a smile: "Girl, it's good for you to be good."

Mu Nian sat down on the edge of the bed.

Xia Moqing got up and said to Mu Nian: "I'm leaving, the conditions here are good, you have a TV, a laptop, a private bathroom, it's not much different from home."

Mu Nian looked at him angrily, the doctor didn't understand her mood at all.

Xia Moqing walked out of the room, stood in front of the door, and smiled softly. This girl is quite interesting.

Mu Nian was very depressed, he had to stay in the hospital for several days just for the examination, he was in a bad mood, but there was nothing he could do.

Mu Sirui was sitting in the office processing documents, but received a text message from Xia Luo.

Come to the bar at night.

He smiles.

Lu Xiaofang came in, and he walked in front of Mu Sirui: "The joint development of the land with Hualing Group is about to start, this is the time and place for the project launching ceremony."

Mu Sirui nodded: "Leave it alone."

"By the way, Mr. Lin told you to bring your female companion there."

Mu Sirui raised his eyebrows.

"There will be a dance party at night, Mr. Lin said that he will find you a female partner casually, you may not be happy, so let you prepare it yourself."

Mu Sirui nodded knowingly: "I see."

In the evening, Mu Sirui changed into a more casual outfit and walked into the "Little Man" bar. In fact, he often wondered if the name of this bar might have something to do with him...

He walked into the bar, found a random place to sit down, and then called Xia Luo.

"I'm here. Where are you? In the office?"

"Sit still and don't move." Xia Luo said lightly.

Mu Sirui raised his eyebrows, looked at the phone that was hung up, shrugged, and then ordered a glass of red wine from the waiter and put it in front of him.

Then the loud music suddenly quieted down, and the dancers gradually dispersed, only to see an extremely beautiful woman slowly walking out from the singing stage in the center of the bar.

A yellow tight-fitting dress outlined her good figure, her pretty short hair was tucked behind her ears on one side, and between her brows on the other side, and her big clear eyes became more and more bright in the darkness.

Suddenly, the whole bar gasped.

Mu Sirui held a red wine glass in his hand, and looked at her deeply.

Xia Luo's eyes met his in the air.

Xia Luo blushed slightly, took a deep breath, stood by the microphone, and suddenly a moving voice rang out, melodious and captivating.

"Your wedding dress scorched the world like fire, from then on the setting sun burned my heart like cinnabar, everyone said that your eyes were full of peach blossoms, but how did the peach blossoms rain down overnight..."

"It was you who spent your whole life chanting evil, and I turned around and neglected you like a beautiful family. In that year, Chang'an was filled with flowers, and I heard the spring wind outside the Great Wall weeping blood..."

The song she sang really didn't fit the atmosphere of this bar. She sang a cappella without the cooperation of any musical instruments, and she sang this bar like a paradise.

Mu Sirui never thought that she would sing such ancient songs. At first glance, European and American styles seem to be more suitable for her, but the song she sang here is really exciting and heartbreaking. It is a clean song, sung euphemistically and touchingly, and the story in the song is so poignant.

After a long time, the song was sung, and there was a lot of applause.

Mu Sirui also applauded slowly. She kept looking at her, as if she was singing to herself, but it was obvious that the song just now was sung by a man for a woman.

Xia Luo cleared her throat, she snapped her fingers towards the band, and the music started immediately.

"If you really need any excuses, 1 is not enough. I knew you took this relationship too seriously, and I wouldn't let you go. If I really need any excuses, 1 is not enough. If I had known earlier that I would never let go of this feeling, I would never let myself go no matter what I said at the beginning..."

"1 Reasons", Mu Sirui has heard this song.

After singing this song, Mu Sirui didn't expect that she was still standing on it and couldn't come down. He thought that this woman wouldn't let him come over, so she just listened to her singing, right?

However, when the music sounded again, the red wine glass that Mu Sirui handed to his lips froze, happy birthday...

Xia Luo lowered his head slightly, looked at Mu Sirui, cleared his throat again, and said, "The two songs just now were for opening the throat, this is the song I prepared today."

"Haha!" Someone down there was immediately amazed by Xia Luo's cold humor.

Even though the lights were a bit dim, Mu Sirui still saw Xia Luo's slightly flushed cheeks, and he looked at her in astonishment, she knew her birthday...

Xia Luo looked at Mu Sirui: "This song is dedicated to my boyfriend."

"Wow!" There was a burst of exclamation, and then everyone's eyes involuntarily followed Xia Luo to Mu Sirui who was sitting in the corner.

Mu Sirui could only see Xia Luo in his eyes now.

With Xia Luo, he paid more, and he never expected that one day, Xia Luo would give more than him, but he was willing, as if he had fallen on this woman, what could he do?
He never thought that one day Xia Luo would stand in front of everyone and sing for him and bless him. She is such a difficult woman to deal with...

Mu Sirui felt that he was already so moved.

"Happy birthday to you...Happy birthday to you..." Xia Luo sang softly, and the guests in the bar also beat the beat and hummed along.

After a long time, after the song was finished, she bowed and asked everyone to continue playing, then she stepped down from the stage and walked slowly towards Mu Sirui.

Mu Sirui looked at Xia Luo quietly.

Xia Luo cleared his throat again, sat uncomfortably across from Mu Sirui, crossed his legs, glanced at Mu Sirui, then turned his head slightly, not speaking.

Mu Sirui looked at her and thought it was quite funny, then he stretched out his hand to her, "Come here."

"Ahem..." Xia Luo just half stood up when she was pulled into his arms by Mu Sirui.

"Who taught you?"

"What, what?" Xia Luo asked knowingly.

"You think I'll believe you, a heartless woman, can remember my birthday?" Mu Sirui put his arms around her waist and let her sit on his lap.

"I, I remember!" Xia Luo tried hard to speak confidently, but failed in the end.

"Let me think about it, Yaya told you?"

Does this man need to be so sharp?

Seeing that Xia Luo didn't refute, he acquiesced, and pressed his forehead against hers: "The singing is beautiful, I am very moved."

"Really?" Xia Luo asked suspiciously.

"You doubt your singing skills?"

"I just doubt how moved you are." Xia Luo said lightly.

Mu Sirui kissed her on the nose, Xia Luo hurriedly pushed him away: "Others are watching!"

"Then let's go to a place where others won't watch?" Mu Sirui asked.

Xia Luo gave him a blank look.

"What about my gift? You can sing two songs as a gift, right?" Mu Sirui asked.

Xia Luo looked at him: "Stinky dwarf, are you too greedy?"

"I've always been greedy for you, don't you know?" Mu Sirui's words were clearly seductive, and he leaned into her ear, humming softly: "Your wedding dress burned Tianya like a fire!" From then on, the setting sun burned my heart like cinnabar, and everyone said that you had peach blossoms in your eyes, but how did the peach blossoms rain down overnight..."

Xia Luo blushed, slightly shocked, he learned it so quickly?
"What song is this?"

"The song I was listening to recently said that there was a joint burial coffin in the tomb of a general in ancient times, but there was only one male corpse. The title and history of the woman on the epitaph were the same as those of a married princess in the same period."

"so what?"

"Probably the princess fell in love with the general, but the princess was forced to make a kiss."

"So?" Mu Sirui continued to ask.


"Why are you singing this song?"

"Don't you think love is very poignant? And I happened to be listening, so I sang it?"

"But Luoluo, how could I hear something different?"

"What do you mean?"

"For example, if I don't treat you well, will you pass on other people's meaning?"

Xia Luo smiled dryly.

Mu Sirui bit her lip hard.

"What about the second song? 1 reasons. Sing it to me, and why?"

Xia Luo leaned into his ear, and then slowly said: "Because sometimes I also think that it's not easy to meet someone, so it's better to cherish them."

"I don't want to think that after many years, we will know about it earlier, and don't have any regrets, it's too hurtful."

Mu Sirui looked at Xia Luo in front of him, she was much more mature than before, and she was much more frank in front of him.

"I don't need to talk about the last song, Si Rui, happy birthday." Xia Luo said lightly.

Mu Sirui chuckled, "I still want a gift."

Mu Sirui stretched, then pulled her to stand up: "Let's go."


"Your home." Mu Sirui said it as a matter of course.

"My house? Why did you go to my house?" Xia Luo was startled.

"Or go to the hotel again?" Mu Sirui looked serious, "Or do you think it's more exciting to be here?"

Xia Luo blushed and couldn't breathe, "You, you..."

(End of this chapter)

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