Chapter 296 As expected of a vase

The examiner looked at Xia Moqing's increasingly flushed face, and Mu Nian's expression of clenched teeth.

Xia Moqing gasped, and he signaled the examiner with his eyes: "Hurry up, hurry up..."

"Doctor Xia, this really can't be fast..."

Xia Moqing only felt that his entire scalp was numb, and it was excruciatingly painful.

When the needle was pulled out, Mu Nian let go of his arm, wiped his eyes casually, and said to Xia Moqing with a smile: "Okay, it doesn't hurt at all."

He looked at her and was speechless for a while, forgetting his tightly bitten arm, and gently stroking her head with his undisabled hand: "No one will laugh at you even if you say it hurts."

Mu Nian was still giggling, with tears hanging from the corners of his eyes.

"My mother should be here." Mu Nian looked at the time and said, after the check-up, she felt better physically and mentally, but her stomach was growling badly.

"Go back to the room." Xia Mo said calmly. The brighter the smile on the girl's face, the more distressed she was.She is a wealthy princess, but she doesn't have the airs of a wealthy princess, nor does she have the carefree blessing of a wealthy princess.

Mu Nian frowned and looked at Xia Moqing: "Moqing, I found out that when I call your name, the rate of turning back is very high."

Xia Moqing glanced at her, and being called by her first name by a 19-year-old patient is itself a high-turnover event.

Mu Nian turned around and walked backwards in front of Xia Moqing, she asked, "Moqing, did I check the day after tomorrow?"

"Not yet."

"Then I can go home tomorrow, right?" Mu Nian asked with a grin.


"Moqing, would you like to have dinner with me at noon tomorrow? I'll ask my mother to cook some delicious food, much better than the ones in the hospital cafeteria."

Xia Moqing looked at her, "Just eat it yourself."

"Just treat it as you accompanying me for the examination today, thank you!" Before Mu Nian finished speaking, she was tripped by a step that was neither high nor low, and Xia Moqing quickly grabbed her.

"Walk well!"

Mu Nian sighed, "Then will you have lunch with me at noon tomorrow?"

She turned her expectant eyes to herself.

"I'll see if I'm free tomorrow."

"Aren't you just me as a patient, if you don't stay with me, who will you be with?" Mu Nian said with a smile.

Xia Moqing chuckled and declined to comment.

Accompanying her to the door of the ward, Xia Moqing turned to leave.

Mu Nian took his arm: "Shall we have dinner together?"

"Why are you so clingy, kid?"

"I'm not a child anymore, how many times do you want me to say, I'm an adult, I'm 19 years old!" Mu Nian said seriously.

But in Xia Moqing's eyes, she is just a young girl...

"That little girl, do you like me?" Xia Mo asked with a slight smile, her big charming eyes were really captivating at this moment.


"Why are you always dragging me? There is no need to be too intimate between a doctor and a patient."

Mu Nian blinked and looked at him wide-eyed: "To please people, start by inviting them to eat. I please you. You will be merciful on the operating table in the future, right? How could you think impure..."

Xia Moqing frowned, he has lived for 24 years, he has met countless girls, and the number of those who approached him proactively is too numerous to count, there are all kinds of excuses, especially the little girl in front of him who uses eating as an excuse .

"Not pure?" Xia Moqing smiled lightly, then nodded, "Girl, you are so pure."

Mu Nian could hear the ambiguity in his words, "But Moqing, you should also be pure, not all women who want to invite you to dinner treat you like a man."

Xia Moqing looked at the serious little face in front of him.

"There is also someone like me who treats you like a vase." Mu Nian pointed to himself heartily, giggled, and then pushed open the door of the ward, "You should withdraw quickly, otherwise I am not the only woman who treats you like a vase One."

Xia Moqing hadn't understood the meaning after listening, Mu Nian had already closed the door of the ward.

Shrugging, Vase...

She used him as a vase?
This little girl still has a lot of tricks on her lips...

Mu Nian walked into the ward, and Yin Se was already sitting by the bed, "Yaya, have you checked?"

"Mom!" Mu Nian walked over, Yin Se got up and put the food on the table, "Come over to eat."

“Sweet and sour steak!”

"Don't you want to eat this?" Yin Se put the chopsticks in her hand, "I'll cook it for you every day until you get tired of it."

Mu Nian took a piece and put it in his mouth, "Mom, I can go home tomorrow."


"Mo Qing said."

"That's Dr. Xia?" Yin Se asked.


"Speaking of which, Yaya." Yin Se moved closer to Mu Nian and said, "Do you know that Dr. Xia is your sister Luo Luo's younger brother?"

Mu Nian's sweet and sour steak choked up before she could swallow it.

"Slow down, are you surprised?" Yin Se smiled. Although she was surprised when she first heard it, she has calmed down now.

There are such coincidences in this world.

"No wonder..."

"No wonder what?"

"No wonder Mo Qing always looks familiar!" Mu Nian finally found the reason now, "It turns out that it looks a bit like Sister Luo Luo."

Yin Se frowned, and then moved closer to Mu Nian: "So Dr. Xia should be very handsome?"

Mu Nian Mimi smiled, then nodded mischievously, her face was full of satisfaction and embarrassment.

"Yaya, are you so lucky?" Yin Se actually envied her.

"Mom, I think, although my brother is also very handsome, but my brother's handsome and cool kind, but Moqing's is different."

"Why is it different?"

"Although he is a doctor, he should be very knowledgeable, but he is so handsome, he is really a vase." Mu Nian said seriously, and his analysis seemed very sophisticated.

"Ahem." Yin Se moved closer to Mu Nian, "Compared with your father, who is more handsome?"

"No one in this world can compare to Dad." Mu Nian said without thinking, "So, Mom, you are the luckiest."

Yin Se is happy now.

"You think Mom has good eyes too, don't you?"

Mu Nian looked sideways at Yin Se: "Mom, if I had been born 20 years earlier, Dad might not belong to you anymore."

Yin Se was taken aback for a moment, then poked her forehead, "Where did you come from without me?"

Mu Nian rubbed his forehead: "Just kidding, I also want to find a boyfriend like my father."

Yin Se propped his chin and looked at Mu Nian: "It seems that my daughter is thinking of spring?"

"No, I just thought, when I'm alive, it's best to have a vigorous relationship." Mu Nian said lightly.

"You silly girl, you will live forever, at least longer than your mother and longer than your father. By the way, there is something I didn't tell you."

"What's the matter?" Mu Nian asked with food in his mouth.

"Actually, you have a marriage contract with your elder brother Qiang Gong."

"Ah puff!" Mu Nian spat out everything in his mouth.

The corner of Yin Se's mouth twitched slightly, and then she handed a napkin to her palm, and Mu Nian wiped her mouth: "Brother Qiang Gong? Are you engaged?"

Yin Se smiled: "What? You don't like your brother Qiang Gong?"

"He already had a girlfriend at the age of 16!" Mu Nian said.

"Well, so I won't mention this matter." Yin Se couldn't help laughing when he saw Mu Nian's expression turning green and green for a while, "From what you said, it seems that you really don't like Fan Qianggong?"

Mu Nian giggled: "It's not that the dishes in the bowl are all vegetables. I'm very picky. Brother Qiang Gong can't do it, it's too dishonest. Brother Qiang Gong can only be a brother, and the main reason is. Cough cough! "


"Qiang Gong is not a good name."

"Pfft..." Yin Se was thinking, if she told the Fan family couple that the reason his son was rejected was because he didn't get a good name, would he vomit blood?

Yin Se rubbed Mu Nian's head, but smiled and said nothing, her daughter is not old, but she has her own ideas, she can see things clearly, well-behaved, sensitive, ghostly, um!Very good, very like her!

She smiled inwardly.

"By the way, you call Dr. Xia Moqing Moqing, don't you think it's strange?"

"Mom, you don't understand, I must get close to him now!" Mu Nian said carefully, "The closer the better, it's best to be as close as my brother and me, or as close as my father and me."


"Grandpa Zheng said that after the consultation is over, and the results come out, he is the one who performed the surgery." Mu Nian said with a serious face, "In this way, he will be able to hold the knife steadily and strike accurately."

Yin Se chuckled, looking at the smile on Mu Nian's face, "It makes sense, what do you think when mom brings two meals over?"

"As expected of my mother! Haha!" Mu Nian laughed.

At this time, Mu Nian didn't know that there is a kind of heartache that is more suffocating than a heart attack, and Mu Nian didn't know that such a trick would almost trap his heart in it, and Mu Nian didn't know even more. One day she would be reluctant to let this man do it for her.

The next afternoon, Mu Sirui and Xia Luo came to pick up Mu Nian.

Mu Sirui carried the bag for Mu Nian, and Mu Nian held Xia Luo's hand: "Sister Luo Luo, you are here!"

Xia Luo touched Mu Nian's smooth forehead and smiled.

Xia Moqing put his hands in his white coat and stood at the end of the corridor, leaning against the wall. He had short clean hair and no expression on his face. He just looked at them quietly and waited for them to come over.

Mu Nian was dumbfounded.

Before he knew it, they walked up to him.

"Are you done?" Xia Luo asked.

"Another point."

"Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

"A treat for the prospective brother-in-law?"

Mu Sirui chuckled lightly: "You call me brother-in-law-to-be, please don't justify it."

(End of this chapter)

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