Chapter 300 A Day Trip to the Oceanarium 2
"Shark, just a shark!" Mu Nian said.

Then a dramatic scene happened, I saw the staff swimming in the water, and then the shark was beside him, swimming with him around the coral and the rockery on the seabed, and finally stopped in front of Mu Nian, the shark The head of Mu Nian lightly brushed past Mu Nian's eyes, and then slowly walked away.

At this moment, Mu Nian's excited eyes were filled with tears, and then he gave the staff a thumbs up: "You are amazing!"

The staff gave thumbs up with both hands and nodded again.

Xia Moqing stood aside, watching coldly, and then Mu Nian walked along the aquarium, pointing casually: "Goldfish, goldfish."

The staff made a gesture to ask Mu Nian to wait, and saw the staff casually sprinkle some grains of things into the water, and saw a group of goldfish circle around, forming a circle, circling quickly, From a distance, it looks like a glowing halo.

"Mommy, it's so beautiful!" A little boy next to him said excitedly, pointing to this wonderful scene.

Mu Nian took out her mobile phone and hurriedly took pictures of the scene.

Xia Moqing frowned, did Mu Nian know this staff member?
The staff at the bottom of the sea performed several scenes of playing with the fish for Mu Nian, which made people applaud.

In the end, I had to wave goodbye to Mu Nian, but Mu Nian was in a hurry, and quickly expressed with gestures: "Wait! I want to take a photo!"

The staff paused, then walked in front of Mu Nian.

"Moqing, take a picture for me."

"With him?" Xia Moqing pointed to the man in the water and asked.

Mu Nian nodded, and then put her mobile phone in his hand, "Take a better picture!"

Xia Moqing looked at the camera in his hand, and suddenly felt a tightness in his chest, and began to reflect on whether it was a mistake to bring her here today...

But he didn't expect that what made him even more depressed was yet to come.

Mu Nian hurried back to the staff, grinning, her cute appearance made people laugh, she put her hands on the glass wall, "Hands, hands!"

The staff's hand slowly closed to hers through the glass wall.

"Come closer!" After Mu Nian finished speaking, she pouted with a small mouth, wanting to kiss the man who performed for her through the glass and diving suit.

Xia Moqing froze immediately, he couldn't move the hand holding the phone, the picture in this camera is now more than anything else to him... Horror!
The most frightening thing was that the staff member actually took off the oxygen mask, and then revealed the not-so-ugly lips, with the corners of the mouth curled up, and gently pressed against it.

Mu Nian smiled very innocently. All the tourists passing by here would not have any unclean thoughts. They took out their cameras and mobile phones to take pictures of this scene.

Behind the diving staff are sharks, octopuses, dancing goldfish, colorful corals, and a quiet, wonderful, and deep seabed.

Mu Nian's heart was full of excitement, he just felt that this scene, this moment was so beautiful that people felt suffocated.

For a long time, she didn't see Xia Moqing yelling ok, and her eyes couldn't help but tilted, " the filming done?"

Xia Moqing looked at the staff in the camera, his mouth was clearly showing a smile, and his joy was clearly showing, looking at the "photograph" button, he couldn't press it, he looked at Mu Nian lightly, " All right."

Mu Nian smiled slightly, put his hand down, and bent over to the staff, "Thank you!"

Then he waved and said goodbye, only to see the staff waving their hands.

Xia Moqing looked at this quite harmonious scene, this scene is really harmonious and makes people want to destroy it!

Mu Nian smiled comfortably, and she took the phone from Xia Moqing's hand: "Let me see if it looks good!"

Xia Moqing put his hands back into his pockets, and then walked forward without saying anything.

Mu Nian flipped through the photo album, up and down, but couldn't find the photo with the diving staff. She quickly trotted to catch up with Xia Moqing, "Moqing, where are the photos? Do you want to bring them or not!"

"How is it possible..." Xia Moqing said innocently.

"I just can't find it, did you really take the picture?" Mu Nian stared at the phone, still flicking through it desperately, looking tangled up, Xia Moqing was even more tangled up seeing her like this.

Xia Mo said calmly, "I really took a picture, did it save it somewhere else?"


"Look carefully." Xia Moqing asked pretendingly.

"Did you forget to press it, or didn't press it..." Mu Nian asked with a sad face, "Why are you so unlucky... It took a lot of effort to take a picture..."

Xia Moqing stared down lightly, seeing her depressed expression, did not comment, just stood beside her quietly, thinking in his heart, how could such a photo be taken...

In the end, Mu Nian couldn't help complaining about Xia Moqing: "Let's just say that you should build up some character. Look, now, you can't even take a good photo. Really, what's the use of knowing medical skills..."

Mu Nian carried her bag and held the phone tightly in her palm, feeling suddenly lost.

After all, the staff were so nice and cooperated with her so well, it was not easy to take a photo. She even kissed her, and he didn't know where to take the photo!
Thinking about it, she was really depressed, she couldn't say anything, she just walked quietly towards the exit, the fish in the aquarium couldn't arouse her interest, she just felt depressed.

Xia Mo thought to himself, is this little girl really angry?

For such a small matter?
In fact, Mu Nian was really angry.

After walking out of the aquarium, she looked at Xia Moqing: "What do you want to eat? I'll treat you to eat. After eating, each go back to each house, and each finds his own mother."

Listen, this is a lot of words!Xia Moqing felt a little helpless, "I didn't do it on purpose."

"What?" Mu Nian asked sullenly.

"I didn't take the photo on purpose." Xia Moqing explained, thinking that he didn't do it on purpose, but on purpose.

Mu Nianxiu frowned slightly, "I don't blame you, you brought me to the aquarium, and I treated you to dinner, it was originally agreed."

In fact, what Mu Nian thought in his heart was, why don't you blame me!The whole person has no character, and she can't even take a good photo, but it's no use for her to complain, she can only suffer, if she is not kind to him, what if she is too harsh on her on the day of the operation?
"Just walk around and go back?"

"I'm tired." Mu Nian said, but actually wanted to say, no!Heart!Affection!up!
Originally, Mu Nian was very grateful to him. How could there be a doctor in this world who would accompany a patient to the aquarium?Such a good doctor can't be found even with a lantern!So I was so happy that I couldn't speak, I just felt that I usually had a good character, and the attending doctor was so handsome, but also so enthusiastic!
If someone treats you well, you should be grateful, but, but...

Mu Nian is really regretful and depressed...

Xia Moqing sighed, and only then did she know that this girl usually smiles and doesn't say anything, but she is not ambiguous at all when she should be angry, and her temper is not easy to provoke at all.

He walked up to her, "There is also a dolphin show, don't you want to watch it?"

Mu Nian looked at the sign next to it, which indicated the show time, dolphins...

Mu Nian lowered her head, whether to go or not...he hesitated again.

"As compensation, help you take a picture with the dolphins later?"

"Really?" Mu Nian looked up at him and asked.

Xia Moqing nodded.

Only then did Mu Nian start laughing again. It would be nice if he could take a photo with the dolphins. Although it was a pity that the photo was not taken just now, there was nothing he could do about it. Mu Nian could only sigh softly.

When the two arrived at the dolphin performance venue, the venue was already full of people. Mu Nian and Xia Moqing no longer had a seat in the front row, so they could barely sit in the back.

Watching the breeder come out, accompanied by some music, I saw the dolphins suddenly jumped out of the water, applause and exclamation sounded, Mu Nian couldn't help but be infected by the atmosphere, and clapped his hands excitedly, She suddenly turned her head to look at Xia Moqing, only to see that he was just watching the performance lightly, without any emotion.

Mu Nian frowned, "Others applaud, why don't you?"

Xia Moqing sighed, then raised his hands and started to pat. For some reason, he was a little afraid of this little ancestor now.

Mu Nian twitched the corner of her mouth lightly, she looked at Xia Moqing, said nothing, and sat back on the chair.

"What's the matter?" Xia Moqing couldn't help asking, meeting her probing eyes.

"Moqing, did my mother ask you to bring me to the aquarium?"

Xia Moqing frowned: "Why do you say that?"

"I don't think you're interested in the aquarium..." Mu Nian said honestly, no interest, why would he bring himself to the aquarium, unless her mother asks him or her brother asks him.

Xia Moqing looked at this suspicious woman, and after a long time poked her on the forehead, and said, "Do you believe that I am so kind to bring you to the aquarium?"

It's not that I don't believe in his kindness, but it's not just being courteous for nothing, it always makes people feel uneasy and hairy.

"Didn't it mean that the inspection I arranged broke your plan?"

"That's why I brought you here in order not to be held hostage by you girl."

Mu Nian looked at Xia Moqing, and was very moved for a moment. She hugged Xia Moqing's arm and called out very affectionately, "Moqing, you are indeed a good person!"

Seeing the little girl's face changing faster than the sky, Xia Moqing felt a little helpless.

Mu Nian let go of him, "That means asking me to treat you is just an excuse, right?"

Xia Mo glanced at her lightly, thinking about the meaning of her words, raised his brows, "You still have to buy the meal, I bought tickets, and I don't have enough money."

He was talking nonsense.

Mu Nian smiled dryly, swallowed, and stopped talking.

The dolphin show was wonderful, and there was a tacit understanding between the breeder and the dolphins. After the show, the tourists left reluctantly. Mu Nian got up and was about to leave, but was caught by Xia Moqing.

"Didn't I say I want you to take a photo with the dolphins?"

"Wait for me here." After Xia Moqing finished speaking, he walked down, looked at the man in front of him, watched him walk down the auditorium, then walked to the pool, said a few words to the breeder, and then Pointing to Mu Nian who was still standing in the auditorium, Mu Nian blushed unconsciously, even though he didn't know what Xia Moqing was talking to Mu Nian.

(End of this chapter)

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