Chapter 305 On a whim

Before she finished speaking, Xia Moqing had already picked her up, walked into the office, walked past Bai Ke, put Mu Nian on the bed, and covered her with the quilt.

"Breathe well, don't think about anything, it's okay, just sleep for a while, huh?"

Mu Nian blinked and looked at him, unable to recover for a while, she turned her head slightly, wanting to take a look at Bai Ke, but before she could turn her head away, Xia Moqing pulled her back.

"Am I really okay?"

"I'm your doctor in charge, don't you believe what I say?"

"Yes, but I'm so sad..."

Xia Moqing frowned slightly, he reached out and touched Mu Nian's face, met her clear eyes, "Yaya..."

Mu Nian swallowed, feeling her heart beating faster, what happened to her?
Bai Ke stood aside, his whole face was deformed, he clenched his fists and looked at the two people in front of him, after a long time, he restrained his expression, put on a smile, and walked to Xia Moqing: "Moqing... ..."

Xia Mo took a deep breath, then turned his head and stared at Bai Ke calmly.

I saw Bai Ke's smile gradually froze, and then he couldn't say anything, and finally his expression became terrified and flustered.

"Mo..." She couldn't even utter a word, she just swallowed her saliva, then turned around, packed her things, and left the office.

Xia Moqing got up, went to the door and took the thermos bucket brought by Mu Nian to the desk, and threw all the food brought by Bai Ke into the trash can.

Mu Nian didn't know what was going on with her, but seeing Bai Ke walk out of Xia Moqing's office, she actually felt better...

She crossed her hands on her abdomen, and her habitual index finger and index finger crossed up and down, showing her impatience, but she always felt that in this atmosphere, what she said now was a bit strange.

Xia Moqing took out the dishes, then took the rice bowl and walked to the chair beside Mu Nian and sat down.

"Have you eaten?"

"I've eaten." Mu Nian said honestly.

"Auntie cooks the food."

Mu Nian nodded, and then hurriedly said, "It's you who don't want my mother's cooking, it's not that I don't bring it for you."

Xia Moqing didn't answer, just quietly ate the bland meal, and asked after a long time, "Did you add salt?"

Mu Nian nodded, "Isn't it delicious?"

Xia Moqing took a vegetable and handed it to Mu Nian's mouth, "Try it yourself."

Mu Nian opened his mouth, chewed, and then his voice disappeared, and he was embarrassed to speak again.

But Xia Moqing still ate as if nothing had happened.

Watching him eat, Mu Nian felt that the scene was a bit horrible, and then said, "Moqing, your girlfriend—"

"Not a girlfriend." Xia Mo said flatly, "We broke up."

Mu Nian was suddenly dumbfounded.

"So you don't have to be sad."

Mu Nian looked at him with blinking eyes, met his vase-like peerless face, and didn't know what to say for a while, why did he break up with his girlfriend, she didn't have to be sad?
Xia Moqing ate the food, but he didn't know the taste at all.

"Moqing, don't eat if it doesn't taste good..." Mu Nian said, "Didn't your ex-girlfriend bring you food too?"

"Well, I brought it. Takeaway from a five-star hotel." Xia Moqing said honestly.

Mu Nian was speechless, "You threw it away?"

"Yes, I threw it away, I threw away the five-star high-end meals, in order to eat the dishes you brought over without salt." Xia Mo said lightly, as if talking about an ordinary thing.

Mu Nian began to panic again, as if something was about to come out, what did he mean by this?
Does he treat patients so well?

"Actually, if you make a phone call, I won't come over..." Mu Nian said.

Xia Moqing put the empty bowl on the table, turned and went to the bathroom, washed his hands, rinsed his mouth and walked out again, sitting in front of her.

"You are 19 years old and I am 24 years old. You are a heart patient and I am your attending doctor."

Mu Nian nodded, that's all right.

"Your brother is my brother-in-law, and my sister is your sister-in-law."

"Yaya, I seem to like you."

For a moment, Mu Nian seemed to be unable to understand Chinese. She didn't know where the connection between these two sentences was. What does it mean to seem to like you?She is his patient, and her brother is his brother-in-law, so he will fall in love with her?

Xia Moqing looked at her seriously, "Are you sure your heartache just now wasn't because of jealousy?"


"Yes, jealousy, as if my things are being taken by others."

Mu Nian blinked, as if Xia Moqing in front of her was speaking an alien language.

She frowned, then got up from the bed, and looked at him speechlessly: "Moqing, what are you talking about, you are just my attending doctor!"

"From today on, it's not just the attending doctor."

Mu Nian shook her head, she got out of bed, put on her shoes, picked up the small backpack on the table, and was about to go out, but Xia Moqing grabbed her, "Why are you running?"

"Doctor Xia, I don't like you!"

"Why are you jealous or not? Don't think that you are a doctor, you can make random judgments, I know I am not in good health, I just go home and take medicine! Why are you teasing me like this?" Mu Nian looked puzzled Looking at him, it seemed that it was a terrible thing for Xia Moqing to like her Mu Nian.

"Mu Nian, are you still a child?"

"I am, let me go!" Mu Nian shook off his hand fiercely, and ran out of the office without any hesitation.

Xia Moqing stood there blankly. When did he, Xia Moqing, become a tiger and a beast?Didn't she still cling to him before, laughing and joking, and now she says he's teasing her? !
Mu Nian ran out of the hospital, panting heavily, her chest rising and falling, she clutched her chest, what's going on, Mo Qing said he likes her?How is this possible, she is a person who doesn't even have a future, how could he like him, there must be something wrong...

She shook her head, don't think about it, don't care about it, he said this kind of nonsense because he was broken in love today, he must have been dumped by his girlfriend, yes, he is such an excellent person, he was dumped by a beautiful girlfriend , Of course the mood is not good, of course I will be confused, and I will say something and nothing.

She can't blame him...


Mu Nian took a deep breath, she couldn't affect her mood because of his boring words, she wanted to go home, she wanted to go home, her mother was still waiting for her at home!Mom said that she will make delicious food for her in the afternoon!Mom also said to wait for her to go back and watch a movie together!
When she got to the side of the road, she stretched out her hand to hail a taxi. A high-end sports car stopped in front of her, and the rear window slowly lowered.


Mu Nian looked at the people in the car in surprise, "Brother Qiang Gong?"

"Get in the car, I'll take you home."

Mu Nian got into the car without saying a word, and smiled at Fan Qianggong who hadn't seen him for a long time.

Fan Qianggong has a cute baby face, even with such a strong name, but this appearance is still weak...

"Brother, when did you come back?" Mu Nian asked after fastening his seat belt.

"Yesterday." Fan Qianggong explained, "When I went to your house, my aunt said that you came to the hospital to deliver meals to the doctor, so I just wanted to see which doctor is so lucky to eat the meals made by our family Mu Nian. "

"Stop talking, brother, I didn't put any salt..."

"No salt? Haha!" Fan Qianggong laughed, "Do you only know how to eat? Didn't Auntie teach you?"

"I got up late again today, and my mother went out, so I just made some by myself. I didn't come back until I was done."

"By the way, the doctors in this hospital are so famous, why do they ask their patients to give them food?"

Mu Nian smiled and said, "Brother, not only is he famous, but he is also super handsome!"

"Is our Yaya in a spring heart?"

"Brother, you can talk nonsense with this mouth!" Mu Nian gave him a blank look, turned his head to look out the window, and didn't want to say anything for a moment.The heart is rippling...that's not suitable for her...she's still young...

Fan Qianggong sent Mu Nian home and walked into Mu's house together.

"Back?" Yin Se was sitting in the living room, doing cross-stitch.

"Mom!" Mu Nian threw herself into Yin Se's arms.

"what happened?"

"You said I'll cook something for me when I come back..." Mu Nian said.

"I can't forget to eat."

"We even said we wanted to watch a movie together."

"I get it, I get it. Brother Qiang Gong is back, so you let others see this joke? Are you ashamed?"

Mu Nian giggled, then raised his head to look at Fan Qianggong, "Brother, how long will you stay this time before leaving?"

Fan Qianggong looked at Mu Nian speechlessly: "Why do you always expect me to leave?"

"You tell me when to leave, I'll calculate your schedule, you have to find time to take me to play around!" Mu Nian said with a face of course, "Otherwise, what good is it if I call you brother?"

"Auntie, you can see, this girl is so snobbish! You have to pay a price for becoming a relative with her."

"You think I call myself brother and you, but obviously my brother treats me much better than you treat me."

"Why are you so fussy, girl? If I were in China, I would treat you so well!"

"That's weird!"

"Haha, the two of you, when you meet, you keep talking about trivial matters." Yin Se laughed, and at this moment, the doorbell rang.

Mu Nian stood up suddenly: "I'll go and open the door!"

But through the monitoring, what she saw was Xia Moqing...

"Yaya, who is it?"

"Ah? Oh..." Mu Nian was slightly stunned, "Doctor Xia."

Doctor Xia?Yin Se was slightly stunned. When did this girl call Dr. Xia Dr. Xia?Isn't it called silently all day long?

Mu Nian opened the door, and Xia Moqing walked in.

"Doctor Xia..."

"Doctor Xia?" Xia Mo snorted coldly, then walked past her, "Mu Nian, your face changes so quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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