41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 23 Pros and cons of procedural learning

Chapter 23 Pros and cons of procedural learning

The procedural learning method is a new learning method that is constantly being explored. The difficulty lies in how to propose an ideal form for different learning objects and how to strengthen the learning effect in a timely manner.The advantage is that program learning makes learning relatively easy, and it is conducive to self-study by students.Students can self-pace and learn at a pace that suits them.Its shortcoming is that it is not conducive to the cultivation of students' discovery ability and creative thinking ability.

Under the theoretical guidance of Skinner's procedural learning method, some teachers investigated and summarized the learning experience of excellent students in the process of teaching practice, and explored a set of learning methods for primary school students, that is, "programmed learning method".The program learning method is to integrate the seven basic links of the learning process into a program, thus forming an orderly "program learning" system.This is a learning procedure that every learner must follow.Therefore, we also call it "conventional learning method".These seven basic links are: planning, preview, class, homework, review, extracurricular activities, and examinations.These methods are outlined below:
Formulation of learning plan for program learning

The formulation of a study plan can enable students to clarify their learning goals, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning, urge them to arrange their time reasonably, implement the learning content in an orderly manner, and complete their learning tasks.The formulation of a study plan is the beginning of each link in the learning process, and it is the leader of each link.The quality of the plan formulation will directly affect future study.Due to the characteristics of age and school age, primary school students cannot grasp their own specific conditions well, and often cannot formulate practical study plans.At this time, the teacher should help them combine their actual situation and the classification of the plan in terms of time, goals, content, etc., to formulate a learning plan that is realistic, purposeful, and effective.In this way, it will help them develop good study habits, and it will also help them enhance their sense of time and improve their learning efficiency.

A complete study plan generally includes:
①Review of previous learning situation;
②Learning objectives and assumptions of the next paragraph;

③Learning content analysis;
④ Implementation measures, steps and methods;

⑤ Relevant matters needing attention.

Of course, for a brief study plan, you can only have items ③ and ④, and it doesn’t have to be exhaustive.

The plan formulated should be "jump and touch".That is to say, there must be "room" when making a plan. Don't set as much as you think you can achieve or have achieved. You must combine your ideals, perseverance and actual conditions to improve your learning goals as much as possible. The steps are designed to be stricter, and you should try your best to "get through" with yourself, but you can "get through" after hard work.We call it "jumping" to "set" a plan in this way, and it is intended to work hard.If the plan you make is "touchable" without "jumping", or "untouchable" no matter how "jumping", then such a plan is neither attractive nor binding, and loses the meaning of making plans.

Pre-class preview for student program learning

Confucius said: "Everything can be established if it is forewarned, and it will be abandoned if it is not forewarned." The same is true for learning.Therefore, the primary school Chinese syllabus stipulates that from the third grade onwards, "study and preview texts as required".

Preview is a link in which students read the content of new lessons independently with the help of reference books, have a preliminary understanding of new knowledge, and prepare for accepting new knowledge before the teacher teaches the new lesson.It is an important measure to cultivate students' self-learning ability.Therefore, teachers should pay attention to preview guidance, so that students can fully preview and improve the effect of lectures.

In elementary school, preview can be divided into classroom preview and pre-class preview.Classroom preview refers to previewing the content of this lesson during class, while pre-class preview refers to previewing the content of the next lesson before class.In the third grade, you can usually learn to preview the class under the guidance of the teacher; from the fourth grade, you should learn to preview the class by yourself according to the content and requirements of the preview before the text.

As far as the Chinese subject is concerned, the general steps and methods of preview are: first read the text well, and then use pinyin, word dictionary and context to learn new words and mark natural paragraphs.Students in the middle and upper grades should also try to divide meaning segments, answer questions after class, check their preview results, ask their own questions, and mark what they don't understand, so that they can concentrate and break through difficulties in class.

When previewing, don't look at the flowers on horseback and glance at the pictures, but carefully consider every word, think deeply, draw while reading, and think while reading.In addition, the preview should also pay attention to the following points:

① Arrange time reasonably according to the difficulty of the text and your actual ability to preview;
② Learn to self-check the effect of preview and develop the habit of preview;

③ It is necessary to adopt flexible and diverse preview methods according to different contents;
④ Proceed from reality and learn to think independently.Only in this way can the preview get good results.

Concentrate on listening to lectures for student program learning

Listening to lectures is the central link for students to accept teacher guidance, master skills, and develop intelligence, and it is also the main way to acquire knowledge.Therefore, for students to learn to learn, the key is to learn to listen to lectures.

Listening to the class should be done while listening, watching, thinking, memorizing, and actively speaking.

Listening: You should concentrate on listening with questions, follow the train of thought of the teacher's lecture, and pay special attention to the beginning and end of the lecture.

Look: When the teacher speaks, look at the teacher; when the teacher writes, look at the blackboard; when reading aloud or silently, look at the textbook.

Think: Think actively about the questions asked by the teacher. Before the teacher makes judgments and conclusions, you must first make judgments and draw conclusions to see if you are consistent with the teacher, think about the reasons for right and wrong, and listen to the teacher for answers. procedures and methods.When encountering difficult problems, you must have the spirit of actively studying and boldly question, so as to keep your thinking active and your thinking smooth.

Note: In addition to brain memory, it is more important to take good notes.The content of the notes should outline the main points and grasp the main content.Such as: lecture outline, problem-solving ideas, key and difficult points, sophisticated, ingenious and new problem-solving methods, unsolved problems during preview, basic content of blackboard writing, witty sentences, supplementary knowledge, difficult problems, own opinions and experiences, etc. Wait.To deal with the relationship between listening and memorizing, focus on listening, supplemented by memorizing.After class, we should also pay attention to organizing, reviewing and using class notes.

Speech: In addition to earnestly answering the questions raised by the teacher, you should also boldly question the teacher, and raise your own questions during preview, lectures, and reading.

At the same time, we must also pay attention to the skills of listening to lectures.Learn to relax amidst tension, interleave reading and writing, alternate listening and speaking, and strive to obtain the best efficiency of listening to lectures.

Independent work for student procedural learning

Homework is the digestion and consolidation of classroom knowledge, and it is a special link in the learning process.It plays an irreplaceable role in the consolidation of knowledge and the improvement of learning quality.

Independent homework is a process in which students think independently, analyze and solve problems consciously and flexibly, further deepen and consolidate their understanding of new knowledge and generate new skills.It is the most basic and frequent independent learning activity, the main way to check the ability, consolidate and digest the knowledge learned, and also the main form to reflect the students' learning situation.

Chinese assignments are generally divided into oral assignments and written assignments.Oral assignments include reading and speaking, and written assignments are mainly written, including writing (writing), doing exercises, writing essays, etc.Oral homework in Chinese is often ignored by students, which is wrong.Teachers must strictly require students to complete oral assignments such as reading texts, telling stories, reciting poems, and reciting texts in a down-to-earth manner, and avoid going through the motions.Only in this way can students develop in listening, speaking, reading and writing.

To complete written assignments, it is required to be: timely - the homework of the day is completed on the same day, and the problems of the day are solved on the same day; independence - do not ask teachers or classmates unless it is absolutely necessary, do not plagiarize other people's homework, do not read ready-made answers; accurate - do not consider Comprehensive, never let go when you are not sure, you must understand a question when you do a question; fast - increase the speed of answering questions, first easy and then difficult, first simple and then complicated; standard - answer questions according to the prescribed format, writing neatly and clearly.

After the written homework is completed, pay attention to checking and correcting, and develop a careful and rigorous learning attitude.Checking can start from reviewing questions, and then check step by step according to the answering steps.It is necessary not only to correct the mistakes, but also to analyze the reasons for the mistakes, so as to prevent repeated mistakes.

Review Summary of Student Program Learning
Reviewing means repeating what you have learned.It plays the role of summarizing, deepening the understanding of what has been learned, and connecting the past and the future.Therefore, review is an important part of the whole learning process.

There are two types of review.One is after-school review, that is, the review of new lessons after each class or after learning each text.Timely review after class can deepen and consolidate the understanding and memory of new knowledge, and systematically master new knowledge.

In addition to this method, according to its theory, according to the actual situation, many other different methods can be obtained.

Single-minded, concentrated, focus on a certain object or action, dare not be distracted.This phrase comes from "Mencius Gaozi [-]". "The number in today's husband's game is also a decimal number. If you don't concentrate, you can't do it." This saying is used in learning as a metaphor for listening to lectures or doing things carefully, and concentrating.It also refers to a correct learning attitude, a serious and realistic attitude, not being sloppy in learning, and a diligent and diligent spirit of learning.Among those great men, those who concentrate on studying and never let go of their hearts can be seen everywhere from ancient times to the present, from foreign countries to domestic ones.

(End of this chapter)

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