41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 42 Designing Questions

Chapter 42 Designing Questions

The design of the questions in the hypothetical questioning method.In a nutshell, there are three main methods:
① Decomposition and integration.

It is to decompose a question into several small questions from different levels and different angles to ask, and then summarize them, so that it is easier to explain the question clearly.

② The ladder is suspicious.

That is to say, design problems must have a gradient, from shallow to deep, from easy to difficult, and solve problems step by step.Don't dig a well with one shovel and eat a fat man with one mouthful.

③ Combination of positive and negative questions.

Speaking of which, this questioning method was advocated by the great educator Confucius more than 2000 years ago.Confucius said: "A poor man asked me a question, but it was empty. I knocked at both ends and exhausted it." It means that when someone asks me a question, I don't answer anything. I just try to point out the pros and cons of the question, so that they can use their brains more , make your own conclusions.Therefore, sometimes we don't need to "knock on both ends" in our study, but first cite one aspect of the problem, and then draw inferences about other cases from one instance.

(End of this chapter)

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