41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 44 Symbolic punctuation in two steps

Chapter 44 Symbolic punctuation in two steps
The use of the symbol punctuation method depends entirely on personal preferences, and each person has his own method, but it can be generally divided into two steps:

The first step is the first reading mark, that is, when you read the first time, because you are still very unfamiliar with the book, the focus of reading is to grasp the main content of the article, clarify its overall context, and achieve "dumb eating glutinous rice balls - in your heart". There are many."When marking the first reading, you can use red and blue pencils and a set of symbols you like to punctuate to outline the main points, difficulties and doubts of the article, laying a solid foundation for the next step of reading and learning.

The second step is to re-read and organize, that is, to review the main points, study difficult points, and think about doubtful points based on the various symbols made during the first reading.After this study, the difficulties and doubts outlined in the first reading are no longer difficult; some points determined at the beginning may not feel the most important at this time.In this case, we need to organize the first-read markup.Specifically, omit what should be omitted, and add what should be added.At this point, you will feel that the book has changed from thick to thin, and the relevant knowledge has been firmly in mind.Have a deeper understanding of the articles you have read.

The steps of punctuating symbols, that is, reading, thinking, and memorizing are combined. The advantages are that it is easy to use, promotes understanding, is easy to check, enhances memory, and improves efficiency.

(Mao Zedong does not use pen and ink and does not read.) When it comes to the method of reading with symbols and dots, we must mention Chairman Mao Zedong.As the pioneer and builder of New China, Mao Zedong has made great contributions.However, Mao Zedong's love of reading is also famous.Even in a sense, reading created Mao Zedong.

Mao Zedong once said: "My greatest hobby in life is reading."For him, books are life, a part of life, and cannot be separated even for a moment.

Mao Zedong not only loves reading, but also pays attention to reading methods.Among them, the most famous one is a principle he set for himself: don't use pen or ink and don't read books.For decades, every time Chairman Mao read a book or an article, he drew various symbols such as circles, bars, and dots on important places, and wrote many comments on the headers and blank spaces.Some even excerpt the precise parts of the book or text, or write down reading notes or experiences at any time.Many of the books collected by Chairman Mao are full of ink and ink, with comments, circles, and outlines all over the book, and symbols such as straight lines, curved lines, double straight lines, triple straight lines, double circles, triple circles, triangles, and crosses can be found everywhere.

Chairman Mao read and annotated "Principles of Ethics" written by Paulsen in Germany when he was studying in Hunan First Normal School in his early years.On the original work with more than 10 characters, he wrote notes and summaries of more than 100 characters in neat lowercase letters.When he moved to Qingshuitang, Changsha, his book was borrowed by a classmate.It was not until 1950 that this classmate entrusted Mr. Zhou Shizhao to bring it back to Chairman Mao.Chairman Mao happily read the comments he wrote in the book again.The chairman read the book and corrected typos and inappropriate punctuation marks in the original book.Opening the books that Chairman Mao has read and approved, you can see how he took the trouble to correct typos and punctuation that were obviously wrong one by one, and added missing characters one by one.

Precautions for using the symbolic punctuation method

It needs to be emphasized that when using the symbol circle method, we must pay attention to:

① The outline marks used must have various symbols with different meanings, and they should be consistent. It is best to gradually form your own customary symbol system.

② Symbols should be concise and eye-catching, with clear meanings.As for what symbols to use, it can be determined according to each person's hobbies.The common method is: noun explanations are circled with ""; key questions raised are expressed with "====:"; key points of answers to questions are marked with "—"; juxtaposed points are marked with "①—②—③— "Listed; the classic discussion or definition of the article is highlighted with "~"; the key words are marked with "..."; the places that need serious consideration or understanding are marked with "?"; the correctness of the views, arguments or logic in it Use "?" to indicate any doubts; use "△△" to emphasize the places that need special attention, etc.In short, no matter what kind of symbols are used, there must be a strict system.

③ The punctuation and drawing of the article must be carried out on the basis of fully understanding the content of the article, and must not be scribbled.

④The symbols used in punctuation and sketching should not be too many, otherwise they will be confused and difficult to recognize; but they should not be too single, otherwise they will not be able to distinguish between primary and secondary and structure, which will be inconvenient for future review.

The so-called "whale swallowing method" refers to the reading method of reading extensively and searching for the knowledge needed to the maximum capacity.This is a learning method widely adopted by Chinese and foreign celebrities.

As we all know, the giant whale living in the ocean is the largest animal in the world today.Such a huge body determines that its feeding method and food intake are different: it must swallow a large amount of food to survive, and its eating method must not be the same as we usually eat, chewing and swallowing slowly.Therefore, when a whale eats, it must open its huge mouth and swim around in the sea non-stop, using its mouth to snare food: krill, small fish and crabs, in short, everything starts from the "yamen". Everything that passes through the mouth will not be spared.When its mouth is full of seawater and food, it closes its upper and lower jaws tightly, and uses the "comb" like whiskers in its mouth to filter and filter the seawater through the gaps between the whiskers, leaving the delicious food in the mouth. mouth, and then licks the food into the esophagus with its huge tongue. This is where the word "whale swallowing" comes from.

(End of this chapter)

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