41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 49 Several Situations of Preface Grammar

Chapter 49 Several Situations of Preface Grammar (1)
Preface grammar is actually a kind of exploratory reading.Exploratory reading is an effective reading method.It usually refers to reading in order to search for some kind of information or to determine whether the reading is worth reading.This is a reading method often carried out by people with independent study habits.

There are 3 different cases of this reading:
① In order to grasp the general point of view of a book, the following steps must be followed: pay attention to the title and subtitle of the book, the author and publisher; read the introduction and preface;

Browse the table of contents and check the bibliography;
Read the publisher's words or notes about the author;

Choose one or two central chapters that contain the main topic, and read the first, second, and closing paragraphs of it.

After a quick read, it can be determined whether the book contains the material the explorer needs and whether further in-depth or comprehensive reading is required.

②In order to know which type of books or newspapers a chapter or article appears in, know the relationship between the read part and other parts, and find out the paragraphs and sentences that summarize the article.

③ In order to find some special information, we must learn to browse.When browsing, keep the questions you are looking for in mind, move your eyes as soon as possible, scan the reading materials, and use titles, prompts, etc. to help you search for the required information.

Using this method can help us distinguish the quality of a book as soon as possible, grasp the general idea as soon as possible, and effectively improve the efficiency of reading.

For a good classic, one reading will definitely not be able to get its essence. Only through multiple readings can one truly understand the meaning of the author and learn more.If you can think carefully in reading and read with questions and purposes, you will get better results.

Su Shi's "every book is done well"

Su Shi was a famous writer in the Song Dynasty. He pioneered and made outstanding achievements in the fields of poetry, ci, prose, calligraphy, painting and other arts.Even in the way of reading, there is something worthy of special mention.In "Answer to Wang Xiangshu", he answered his niece and son-in-law Wang Xiang's "inquiry", and introduced a reading method he pioneered and practiced. It has far-reaching influence from ancient times to the present. This is the multi-time reading method.

Su Shi said in the letter: "A young man is a scholar, and every book is exhausted. Books are as rich as the sea, and there are all kinds of department stores. Human energy cannot be combined, but you can get what you want. Therefore, I hope that scholars will seek it with one intention every time." It means that when young people read books, they read every good book several times.A good book is rich in content like an ocean of knowledge. When reading a book, people's consciousness points to one aspect, just like opening a window, which cannot allow all aspects of knowledge to enter the field of vision. Reading a book only obtains the information on the aspect pointed to by consciousness. .So I hope readers read it with only one goal every time they read it.

This kind of reading mode of single-point orientation and repeated reading is the multi-pass reading method.Because it is a pattern: read the first time with the goal of A, read the second time with the goal of B, read the third time with the goal of C, and read the fourth time with the goal of D... This is how Su Shi read "Han" "Book": the first time to learn "the way of governing the world", the second time to learn "the method of using soldiers", and the third time to study characters and official systems.After several times, he became familiar with the various contents of "Hanshu".Using this method to read an article is much easier than reading a book.

Su Shi said at the end of the letter: "It is not a quick method, it is ridiculous." It means that it is far from a quick method, it is very ridiculous.Some people may regard Su Shi's modesty as shallow, and think that they can see six ways with their eyes and listen to all directions.Ya doesn't know that being greedy for more and seeking quickness is impetuous by nature, and although he has dabbled extensively, it is fleeting.So reading it multiple times can avoid doing such useless work.

Since the May [-]th Movement, a group of well-known Chinese writers have entered the literary world after long-term literary preparation. They have gradually laid a solid literary foundation since childhood.If Lu Xun and Guo Mor were like this, so was Mao Dun.

Mao Dun recommends reading a masterpiece at least three times

How to read literary classics?Combined with his own reading experience, Mao Dun suggested in "Miscellaneous Discussions on Literary Cultivation" that reading a masterpiece should be done at least three times.The first time is rough reading, fast reading. "It's like a bird's-eye view of the panoramic view of Guilin City on an airplane", which mainly arouses "being moved emotionally"; the second time is to read slowly, chew carefully, and pay attention to the structure of the chapter; Sentence refines words.In the last two times, to activate the rationality, not only analytical skills, but also "thinking of the author's thinking, seeing what social issues the author wrote about in this article, and which typical characters he wrote, and then thinking about his use of What kind of image does it show?"At the same time, it should be read with reference to social science books, such as "Tolstoy is good at writing about Russian peasants, so we'd better find a book about Russian peasants to read."

In addition, Mao Dun also advocated reading more reviews of works and biographies of authors, and comparing them with other masterpieces to grasp their characteristics.He believes that reading more, intensive reading, thinking and comparing are the basic methods of reading literary masterpieces and an inevitable path to improve literary accomplishment, and there is no other way to do otherwise.

Su Buqing read many times to deepen his understanding
Su Buqing is also an advocate of such a learning method.When Su Buqing was in middle school, he wrote a composition in the style of "Zuo Zhuan". At first, the teacher did not believe that he wrote it, but Su Buqing said, "I can recite "Zuo Zhuan". So the teacher chose one for him to recite. He recited it quickly.It can be seen that Su Buqing's good writing of ancient poems is inseparable from his reading and reciting excellent works of Chinese classical literature.

Su Buqing advocates that reading should be read more and intensively: "I have read a book or a paper in the past, and I have never read it once and let it pass. Either I don't read it, or I read it thoroughly...every time I read it When reading, I always feel that I have a new experience than the previous one." He said: "When reading, you can read a general idea for the first time; the second and third times gradually deepen your understanding. I read "Dream of Red Mansions", "Journey to the West", "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is like this. I like "Liao Zhai" the most, and I don’t know how many times I read it. At first, I didn’t understand some things, and there was nowhere to look them up, so I just read on; The same is true for books. It is not easy to understand a book at once. I usually do exercises while thinking about it. By the end of the reading, I have finished all the exercises. You don’t need to read too much, but you must read carefully. Read it until you know the advantages, disadvantages and mistakes of this book, then you have read it well and read it intensively.”

Peking University's proud son talks about the "five-time reading method"

Tan Shuguang, who was admitted to the School of Mathematical Sciences of Peking University with a high score of 613, advocated a "five-time reading method".The "five times" are:

The first time refers to previewing the contents of the textbook that the teacher will explain before class.You only need to read it roughly to get a general idea of ​​what it is about. You don't have to read it word by word, and you don't need to understand the whole content.

The second time refers to reviewing the contents of the book that the teacher has taught after the class is over.At this time, you need to look carefully.Think while watching, and strive to understand the content thoroughly.In the process of reading, you should constantly ask yourself questions, think about why, and deepen your understanding of concepts and theorems.If you don't understand something for a while, you can put it aside for a while and look at the back, and then go back and think about it after a while, and you will often understand it.

The third time is to read each chapter of the book carefully from beginning to end.Deepen the memory of definitional concepts, and see how they are proved by deduction of theorems.

The fourth time is to read the whole book again after the whole book is finished.It is not required to be too detailed, but mainly to make a table, sort out the knowledge of each chapter, find out their context and the relationship between them, and form an overall understanding of the content of the book.

The fifth and last time, that is, a few days before the exam, take some time to flip through the book roughly, look at the conceptual things in it, coordinate with the notes, and look at the main points that the teacher usually talks about in class ,difficulty.

As the saying goes, if you read a book a hundred times, you will see its meaning.Of course, this is a general reference, emphasizing that the book should be read more and familiarized, and it does not really need to be read a hundred times.In fact, don't say it a hundred times, if you can watch it five times honestly as Tan Shuguang said, you will definitely see some results.

Only by reviewing the past can we know the new dialectical relationship

Reviewing old knowledge can draw new experiences and insights from it. "Reviewing the old and knowing the new" published "The Analects of Confucius·Weizheng".Reviewing the past is to review the knowledge learned before so as not to forget it; and obtaining new knowledge or insights from these old knowledge is called knowing the new. "Reviewing the old" is the foundation and premise of "knowing the new", and "knowing the new" is the further development of "reviewing the old", and it is also one of the important purposes of reviewing the old. "Reviewing the old" and "knowing the new" is because the understanding and acceptance of new knowledge depends on the learner's cognitive development level, that is, the existing knowledge structure and strategies.The level of cognitive development of learners is due to the degree of processing the learned content and methods.In addition, there is an internal connection between old and new knowledge. All kinds of knowledge have their own construction systems and different levels. New knowledge must be built on top of old knowledge.

Reviewing old knowledge can deepen the understanding and master the original knowledge, and raise it to a new level, expand the amount of knowledge, improve the learner's cognitive ability and problem-solving ability, and thus cause the transfer of learning, which can be called "knowledge". new".

The transfer in reviewing the past to learn the new is manifested in the open thinking, wide-ranging thinking, and understanding by analogy, which is beneficial to the improvement of the learner's thinking quality.Once learners leave the original knowledge experience or methods, do not "revisit" the original knowledge, but blindly pursue new knowledge and new abilities, it will violate the basic learning principle of "reviewing the past to learn the new", resulting in insufficient knowledge, unable to learn deeply, and difficult to learn. A series of problems such as limitations of understanding and cognitive level.If you only review the old knowledge without the purpose of innovation, you can only stay at the original level of knowledge.

In the actual study and research practice, we should not only pay attention to "knowing the new" but also "reviewing the old", "reviewing the old" for "knowing the new", and "knowing the new" on the basis of "reviewing the old".

Ba Jin reads but has no books to explain the method of reviewing the old and learning the new
The famous writer Ba Jin's reading method is very peculiar, because he does it without books.Reading without books is indeed a wonder in the world, what is going on?Ya Bajin said: "I was hospitalized for the second time. I took a nap for less than an hour every day. I got out of bed and sat on the small sofa, waiting for comrade nurses to take my temperature at two o'clock. I sat and didn't move, but I didn't Dozing off. My brain refuses to rest. It is recalling some books and works I have read in the past, as if it wants to preserve a little good thing before my memory completely fades."

It turns out that his reading method is to sit there quietly and recall the books he has read.This has many advantages:

①It is not limited by conditions and can make full use of time.

Ba Jin cited two examples: one was when Leningrad was besieged by German troops for a long time during the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, a young girl wrote in her diary something like "So-and-so type, "Anna Karenina"" sentence.At that time, there was no electricity and no candles, and the whole city was blacked out. She could not read, but sat quietly in the dark and recalled the plots in the book.Tolstoy's novels helped her through those horrible nights.Another example is his own personal experience during a decade of civil unrest.He said: "During the 'Cultural Revolution', if the rebels allowed me to write a diary, and allowed me to write my own diary, my diary would definitely be filled with book titles. People would be surprised: my study was sealed and sealed. Locked and closed for ten years, where can I find those books to read? They forgot that the human brain is a big warehouse, which stores things that others cannot take away." These two examples show that when everything is not available, You can "read" under normal reading conditions.

② Learn the new by reviewing the past.

(End of this chapter)

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