Chapter 168 War

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the wedding of Niu Hulu Yuqi and Princess Shushen, the sixth daughter of the deposed prince Yunfeng, also began.Zhang Jia had waited for this day for several years, and was very satisfied with Princess Shushen's character and appearance, so she started to prepare happily.Su Yierha was afraid that she would be too tired, so she sent Mother Wei and Qingshu Qingshao beside her to help, and gave her many gifts.

Princess Shushen was brought up in the palace since she was a child. Although her mother-in-law Tang Jiashi prepared a dowry, it was not enough. Su Yierha inevitably helped to prepare a dowry. When she married from the palace to Duke Cheng'en's mansion, although the dowry was at the princess level, it was full of things no worse than ordinary princesses.

Three days later, Yuqi led Shushen into the palace to thank her. Su Yierha saw that her younger brother was now married, and she felt quite complicated. Sometimes she felt that Yuqi was like her first child. She was looking forward to his birth so carefully, caring for his growth and caring about his future so carefully.

Carefully looking at the newlyweds, Yu Qi was a little shy, although he didn't show much concern for Shushen, but this is the palace, so he should have some scruples, his eyes looked at Shushen with gentle eyes It's on.Shushen's appearance combined the best points of her parents. In the past two years, she has become more and more slender and her face is like a lotus flower. Now she is wearing a big red flag outfit, and she is even more charming. There is shyness and joy in her eyes, and she is obviously very satisfied with Yu Qi.

Su Yierha was completely relieved.Whether their married life is happy or not in the future depends on their own management.

After all, they were newlyweds, so Su Yierha let them go back after a few words of advice.

The leisurely and beautiful time is always short for the emperor.

In mid-September, King Zhuangjing Boguoduo had no heir, and his nephews almost died fighting for the throne. Yinzhen went to Changchun Garden to discuss with Kangxi and ordered the sixteenth emperor's younger brother Yunlu to succeed Zhuangjing Wang Boguoduo. Attack the prince of Zhuang.And ordered him to be in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Minister of State.

Yinzhen is well aware of frequent wars and natural disasters in the years before he succeeded to the throne. In this life, the government affairs of the former prime minister in this life are much better than those in the previous life. The national treasury and people's livelihood are not as bleak as in the previous life , but it is still inappropriate to carry out too many reforms. Now there are too many reforms, such as the abolition of cheap registration, the implementation of advantageous planting, river management, and tax reforms. Push and push, at least wait for the treasury to have more silver taels.

In October of the first year of Yongzheng, Qinghai Luobu Zangdanjin rebelled, and the situation in Qinghai suddenly became chaotic, and war broke out again in the west.

If it was a peaceful and prosperous age, it would be more than enough for Yanxin to control the printing affairs of the general Yuanyuan and sit in Xining. Unfortunately, he is not talented in leading the army, and the rebellion seems to be lacking in skills and a bit difficult.

The time has come for the king of Yizhong County to focus on taking over the military power. Up and down, from the brothers and princes, the county king, to the important ministers and former subordinates of the court, they visited one by one, hoping that they can help him. Unfortunately, his brothers went through the rebellion in the early years All of them have cultivated a pair of poisonous eyes and the ability of a fox, and feel that the current peaceful life is not bad, and they don't want to be caught in the vortex of power struggle again, and all of them push one another and don't even think about speaking for him.Those courtiers are even more refined, they are now a dictator, and they treat him well as the emperor's younger brother on the surface, but there are rumors that the Concubine De is partial, the brothers are at odds, and the Emperor Taizong is in the last years of his reign. The king is also the favorite to win the heir. It's too late to get rid of him now. How can he speak for him? It's not good to teach the emperor to misunderstand the faction.And the subordinates of Yizhong County King, er, are people who have little say in the court, and most of them are in other places...

In fact, Yinzhen didn't even give him a chance to speak. He directly ordered Prince Yi Yunxiang to go to Xining to take over the post of General Fuyuan, to take command of the suppression of the rebellion, and to assist in military affairs.Yunxiang ignored Yunzhen's devouring eyes and went out to receive the order, and asked the second-class imperial guard Niu Hulu Yuqi to accompany him to fight, and Yinzhen agreed.

Yu Qi has devoted himself to reading and studying the art of war since returning from the last Western Expedition. She often visits famous veterans in Beijing and humbly asks them for advice. I like it very much, and I don't hesitate to pass on some of my own experience to him, but Prince Yi and Hongchen know him best. They often conduct military exercises together and analyze and deduce various battle cases.

After Prince Yi hurried to Qinghai with Yuqi, in order to train the new generation of Aixinjueluo family, Yinzhen ordered Yunti's second son Hong Fang, Prince Heng's second son Hong Yu, Hong Ying, the seventh son of Yizhong County King, followed him to the battlefield, and by the way, he was also Taranudahai.The power of the brain damage is too amazing, I don't want to lose face of Aixinjueluo's family, I can only separate him from Xinyue.When he was busy with political affairs, Yin Zhen lost the mood to watch the theater.

Wang Yunzhen of Yizhong County threw things straight after he returned to the mansion. He knew that the emperor was guarding against him, but the heart-wrenching torture of seeing the old Shisan who had been stepped on in the past took his place and went to the battlefield to make contributions made him almost go crazy. . "Go and call Nu Dahai, the king has something to tell him."

"Yes." Director An responded and withdrew, wiping off his sweat secretly. This Yizhong County King is really getting harder and harder to serve.

In order to control Nu Dahai and let him obey his secret orders to act in the Northwest Army, Yunzhen let him see Xinyue, and no matter how they lingered in Yaoyue Xiaozhu, he just sullenly thought about how to make him Yunxiang made a mistake in the army and forced the emperor to change generals.When Nu Dahai left the palace of Yizhong County, he had another letter written by Yunzhen to Nian Gengyao in his arms. I do not know where to go.

Yun Zhen was still thinking in the study room, the emperor ordered Nian Gengyao, governor of Shanchuan, to be in charge of food and grass for the three armies. It was a heavy responsibility, and it represented the emperor's trust in the Nian family.If Nian Gengyao has the heart, then he can use this to make trouble... Fourth brother, fourth brother, do you think that Nian Gengyao will give up on you if the Nian family has a concubine?His ambition is not limited to being a feudal official.Fortunately, the only elder brother of Concubine Dun Nian's knees has no possibility of inheriting the throne, otherwise, I really don't have the confidence to persuade Nian Gengyao...

If Yinzhen wasn't a reborn person, perhaps Yunzhen would really be tricked.Unfortunately, he knew Nian Gengyao better than Yunzhen.Yinzhen in this life knows how to control his subordinates better than the previous life. In addition to the experience of the previous life and the observation of courts in several dynasties, he also has the careful teaching of Kangxi in this life. He also deeply understands that when water is clear, there will be no fish. This principle is just that, no matter how he understands it, he can't allow them to trade military and political matters that can shake the foundation of the country. If they want to take what they want, they must give it first. Nian Gengyao wants to go further?Well, he gave the opportunity, but the way to go is his own choice.If he puts his talents on running errands, he doesn't mind conferring a title to the Nian family, but if he puts his mind on playing power, then he won't be polite.

Governor of Shanchuan?so what.Nian Gengyao probably didn't know that most of the officials in Shanxi and Sichuan provinces that he thought were impenetrable were actually people he trained when he was Prince Age in the past, such as Dai Duo, who is now promoted to governor of Sichuan, and Shen Tingzheng, who is serving as the chief envoy of Shaanxi. , even Yue Zhongqi, whom he relied on as his arm, was loyal to him. If Nian Gengyao dared to tamper with the grain and grass, he would teach him not to eat and walk around.

Because of the war, neither the Emperor's Longevity Festival nor the Queen's Qianqiu Festival were held this year.I don't mention how much the princes and princesses spend their time showing filial piety, but Su Yierha has not been happy since October, because her Hongchen actually went to the front line secretly. He is only 11 years old, and he is alone. I don't know if he will be so hungry that he will be so tired that he will be abducted by someone... The damn thing is that the leader didn't send anyone to find him back!

Yinzhen was very helpless, he didn't expect that Xiao Lianhua had been married to him for almost 20 years, and it was because of this that he had a cold war with him for the first time.Even if he told her that a hidden guard was sent to protect her, Su Yierha didn't give him a smile. Why can't he go to the battlefield at the age of 11? Didn't he and his brothers come here like this?

Yinzhen admits that compared to Hongye, he has pampered Hongchen a lot, but it doesn't mean he doesn't love his son. Both Xiang and Yuqi had gone, how could he bear it?It's not bad to let him see it for a while, that kid's book is also good, and if you don't read it for a while, you won't be afraid of not being able to keep up.

"Don't worry, he'll be back in a few months." This battle won't last long.He personally carried an iron cage and put it in front of her, "Look at the Xuanhu I found for you, do you like it?"

Su Yierha looked at the four little foxes in the iron cage with only the tip of the tail, four small paws, and the tip of the nose. Different from the gray-brown or tan fur in general, their black and soft fur looks so noble Elegant, Liuliu's eyes and small mouth look so cute, and my heart softens a little.He once said on her birthday that he would give her Xuanhu...

These black foxes looked like they were just born, small, whining softly, and they didn't know if they were hungry, so they hurriedly called Chun Yu to get some goat milk to feed them.

Yinzhen watched her gently hug the little black foxes, carefully feed them, and play with them. He was happy that she liked them but also envious of their treatment. Little Lianhua hadn't been so gentle and considerate to him for a long time. up.

After all, Xuanhu was still young, after teasing them for a while, Su Yierha sent them to the Ruyiju in the space, and let Jixiang and the dogs take them for the time being. "Let's have dinner here. I'll make you some dishes you like." She said to Yinzhen, it was not easy for him during this time, and according to the news from Hongye, the policy of sharing the income of the family with each other is now The Jiangnan side has encountered some difficulties, and this is thanks to the sophistication and sophistication of Lianjun Wang, otherwise the resistance will be even greater.

"Cough, that's fine." Concealing the joy in his heart, Yinzhen thought to himself, it really is a bitter trick, and it is worthwhile for him to approve the memorial for a day and a night in a row - he is now physically strong and energetic, if he really wants to come up with the effect of a bitter trick It is not easy to come.

Su Yierha must have been unlucky during this time, as her Qianqiu Festival just passed, and someone from Cheng'en Gongfu came to report the death of the old lady.It was just a little uncomfortable, but unexpectedly I didn't get up again the next day.In fact, Su Yierha didn't get along with the old lady for a long time, and the relationship was not very good. It's just that the old lady has rich life experience and wisdom. Back then, she and Erniang Zhang Jia could easily regain their foothold in Niuhulu Mansion. It has something to do with her support, although the old man sometimes favors his son.

"The old man is getting old, so this is considered a happy funeral." Yinzhen comforted her, Su Yierha nodded, thinking, fortunately Yu Qi and Shushen are married, otherwise the marriage would have to be postponed.Thinking about it this way, she also felt that Shushen was too depressed when her husband left for war not long after she got married, and then the old lady passed away, so she announced Zhang Jia and her to the palace to comfort her.After becoming an emperor, they couldn't go to mourn in person, but it didn't prevent her from caring about her natal family.Now, Yuqi is married, and with Shushen helping Zhang Jiashi, Zhang Jiashi doesn't have to be so busy.

Su Yierha decided to find some good things for Zhang Jiashi and Shushen to recuperate after this incident.The death of the old lady shocked her. Zhang Jia was also getting old every year, especially in the past few years. No tougher than when I was young.

As for Shushen, the Niu Hulu family can only give birth to healthy offspring after the body has been recuperated, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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