Chapter 170

The success of pacifying the Qinghai War had been expected by Yinzhen, but he was still overjoyed when the victory came, and he gave extraordinary rewards to the generals who made great contributions: Prince Yi's title can last for three generations, and Niu Hulu Yuqi was named first-class viscount Leading the third-rank imperial guard, Yongqian, the second son of Prince Jian, was promoted to the Duke of Fengen Town. Although Hongxuan did not advance from the rank of Baylor, he rewarded him with many good things... Yun who was banned by the nobles Although Ti's second son, Hong Fang, had no military exploits, he did not make any mistakes during the whole battle. Yinzhen made him the Duke of Feng'en Town in Kangxi's face, which was regarded as a reward for Yun Ti's lineage.In addition, Nian Gengyao made great contributions in supervising the grain and grass. He rewarded the third-class viscount and gave peacock feathers with eyes, yellow jacket, gold coins and other extraordinary things.

Wang Yunzhen of Yizhong County saw his eyes burst into flames. Back then, he endured a few years in the Northwest, killed Cewang Allah Butan and drove his remnants back to Zhungeer...Meeting a new king again It was only when he ascended the pole that he became the king of Yizhong County, but the old thirteen, at the beginning, surpassed himself to become the prince, and now he has only won the reward of the prince's succession of the third generation after only half a year of fighting. , each of them is about to catch up with me...

After seeing a bunch of rewards from the Nian's family, he felt a tingle in his throat. He planned repeatedly in Beijing, and helped Nian in the palace to get rid of the fetus in Concubine An's womb. Is this what Nian Gengyao did to him?Not only did he fail to fulfill his confession, but he also made meritorious service and became a noble, which caused him to lose a lot of people in the northwest for nothing... Considering that he is now a county king with no real power, right?wait and see.

Looking at Yunzhen's livid face, the corners of Yinzhen's lips curled up slightly, and he snorted coldly, I won't beat you or kill you, just let you be unable to plan anything, live well, life is still long.

He didn't intend to suppress Yunzhen in the open. In his previous life, he had recited enough of the infamy of killing his father and younger brother. In this life, whoever dares to make a fool of himself under his nose, he has a way to grind them softly... This kind of Although the method is not as satisfying as the sharp sword and spear in the previous life, it can also adjust the interest of life.

His eyes glanced at Hong Xi, the king of Li Jun who was becoming more and more silent and forbearing, and he thought, it would be good to leave Hong Ye and the others as a whetstone, but it is not so easy to control this group of uncles.

Immediately afterwards, Yinzhen began his first conferment on the prince since he ascended the throne. The second son Hong Yun and the fourth son Hong Ye were all promoted to the title of Baylor because of their outstanding performance, and the third son Hongshi was granted the title of Beizi.

After the relatives came back, the atmosphere in the harem became more lively than before. When greeting Su Yierha, everyone could chat about the scenery when they were visiting each other. Those who were friendly, but showed off to each other, and those who hated each other attacked each other.

Su Yierha listened interestingly, and thought of the Grand View Garden in "A Dream of Red Mansions", so he asked Jia Yuanchun a few more questions. "I heard that the Duke's Mansion built a family-friendly villa in order to welcome Concubine An. It was named after Concubine An? The emperor also praised Concubine An's poems, so it's good." Just like what was written in Cao Xueqin's novel, Jia Yuanchun looked at the villa for concubine An. Later, he wrote a poem to describe it: "It takes a lot of time to build it with the mountains and rivers in its arms. It takes a lot of time to build it. There are all kinds of scenery in the sky and on earth. Fangyuan should be given the name of Daguan."

Jia Shi was heartbroken after giving birth since she was a child, but she saved a trip to her relatives, and her whole person became more lively. Although her complexion was not as round and charming as before, her eyes and brows were more gloomy.I don't know what kind of panacea Jia's family gave her, or the scenery of the Grand View Garden is so exquisite that it can make her feel depressed? !

Jia Shi was startled, she didn't expect the queen to know this.She bowed her head respectfully and replied: "For that garden, Rongning and Ningfu have exhausted their collections, and my concubine feels uneasy every time I think about it... As for poetry, my concubine's talent is not as good as that of Concubine Dun." She was vain at the time, but she was even more frightened when faced with such a luxurious garden. Nowadays, she has always been frugal, and she is not the slightest bit soft-hearted to the many ministers of the court who are still owed to the treasury and let them pay in installments. One day I feel that Rongning and Ningfu's demeanor is dazzling, isn't that a disaster is imminent?

Nian didn't like Su Yierha saying that the emperor praised Anpin's poems, who in the harem is as talented as her?Now hearing Jia's admission that he is not as good as himself, his heart is much smoother.

She also went back to the mansion to visit her relatives, but unfortunately, her second brother Nian Gengyao, who is the most able to put on a show for her favorite, is far away in Xi'an, and her elder brother is not in Beijing. She built a family-saving villa... In this way, although she has the highest status among the concubines, she is not the most beautiful one. Whenever she gets together and listens to what they say, she will secretly get angry, and if she is not angry, she will be slightly sarcastic After saying a few words, I sneered even more in my heart, but it was just the image of flowers blooming and brocade cooking, and it was worth boasting like this.Compared to the fact that there is no one in the Rongning Second House who can afford the family, the Wanyan family and the Sitara family are from offshoots of the family, and there are no outstanding figures in the family. She is still very proud of her own family. The future prospects of the elder brothers and nephews, especially Nian Xi, are so talented that even the emperor pays special attention to them, but it's a pity that they are weak in health.

"What about poetry and poetry, but don't open your eyes and be blind." Having said that, Nian's beautiful eyes on his small face are extremely well-maintained, especially when Li Shi and Geng Shi are both concubines. There was a pause on his face for half a second, "Not only the empress is curious, but I am also very curious about what the Grand View Garden looks like. It's a pity that I don't have the chance to see it. Why don't you tell us about it?"

Even Li Shi and Geng Shi, who were determined to compete for favor, were irritated by her words "just don't be blind".

Mrs. Li thought bitterly, although the emperor does not want to see me, but I have two good sons, and I will never be able to lose the position of prince in the future. You are a concubine who has been promoted, and you only have one son who has no chance of becoming a prince. Arrogant?Just wait, count with the previous account, there is always a chance to step on you.

Seeing Su Yierha sitting on the top with a pale face, Geng looked at Nian mockingly, thinking how talented she was, but she had seen her embroidering ice and snow red on a snow-white gauze at the empress's place. Even if she doesn't know how to compose poems and lyrics, she can see that the poems about plums embroidered on the Meipingfeng are extraordinary. I heard that the empress had written a song that has been popular among the beauties in the capital for a long time before pointing it out to the emperor. Numeral poetry... It can be seen that the real talented and hidden person is the empress.

——If Su Yierha knew what she was thinking, she would be very embarrassing, because it is a mistake that time-traveling women often take the initiative or have to make, plagiarism.Because it was plagiarism, she only kept those things for herself to appreciate and never thought of giving them away or showing them off.

"The concubine also wants to hear from Sister An, I heard that the girls and grandmas in Rong Guogong's mansion are all elegant and good at poetry, and even wrote a lot of poems for my sister's relatives..." Concubine Kang Wanyan was also there Adding to the fire, it's not because she has any good feelings for Nian and wants to help her deal with Jia, but because she hates that after Jia's miscarriage, instead of being neglected by the emperor, she will return to favor. It is very disadvantageous.

Why did the poems of the girl in the mansion spread to the outside world?Jia Yuanchun frowned secretly, not knowing how his mother and sister-in-law Baochai managed the house.Helpless, I had to describe the Grand View Garden to them: "In the Grand View Garden, there are Yihong Courtyard, Xiaoxiang Pavilion, Hengwu Courtyard, Daoxiang Village, and Qiushuangzhai... Among them, the Yihong Courtyard is the most elegant and magnificent, with colorful flowers inside. Clear and exquisite, the backyard is full of roses, treasures, and a pool. The outside of the courtyard is surrounded by whitewashed walls, green willows hang around, there are three gatehouses with hanging flowers, and hand-painted verandas on all sides..."

She had a good eloquence, and everyone was fascinated by her eloquence, as if they had really entered the Grand View Garden with all the scenery in the world.After speaking, she reported to Su Yierha, "Because I was afraid that the vacancy would be wasted, I asked the sisters in the mansion to move in and live there." But there were not many people living there, Yingchun was married, Baoyu and Baochai They got married again, leaving only Tanchun and Xichun living.

"It's right not to waste it." Su Yierha nodded. This Jia Yuanchun is a lot more cautious, but no matter how cautious she is, it can't stop the jealousy of her caring people. I don't know what they will do next.I don't know what the leader thinks. He obviously hates Jia Yuanchun, but after agreeing to serve Shu Mu'er in Zhongcui Palace, he is promoted to permanent presence. Outsiders seem to think that Concubine An's favor has not diminished. Could it be that he wanted to use Jia to lure Nian and the others into action?
Well, when Erniang and Shushen entered the palace last time, they said that Nian Gengyao had recently impeached many Shaanxi and Sichuan officials, and vigorously installed his cronies in the selection and appointment of officials. ...Could it be that a third-class viscount made him get carried away?
Thinking of this, Su Yierha stared at Nian Shi, who looked a little plump, and felt a move in his heart, and his divine sense probed her body, and immediately felt the fluctuation of a new life in her belly...Is she pregnant? !But one or two months, does Nian know it?
Thinking that it might be because the Qinghai campaign entered a critical stage some time ago, the leaders stayed in Nianshi's Yikun Palace for two more nights, Su Yierha felt a little blocked, so he sighed secretly again, whether it was due to political considerations Or their status... This is all normal.

Leaving aside the inexplicable emotions in his heart, Su Yierha and his concubine Song talked about the marriage of the emperor's fifth son, Honghan, to Fujin in March.

Even though it wasn't a grand marriage, Mrs. Song was still very interested, and even asked Mrs. Li a lot of questions. Among those present, only Mrs. Li had experience in marrying a daughter-in-law.

However, Su Yierha had a strange feeling. When the Ulanara family was still alive, how could the Song family talk to the Li family like this. The two did not have enmity in their early years.

Yue Mo recalled how her son felt when he got married back then. Li Shi didn't ignore her, and simply answered all the answers he could answer, and finally said: "It's just marrying a Fujin, with the House of Internal Affairs and the Empress. You, don't worry about it, just wait for the daughter-in-law's tea."

After hearing this, Mrs. Song revealed a smile that could be described as happiness.

The other women couldn't help feeling sad when they saw it, including Su Yierha.In October, her Hong Ye will also get married.

(End of this chapter)

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