Cute pet Xiao Qingmei: Handsome guy, stop!

Chapter 296 I Should Tell Her Anyway

Chapter 296 I Should Tell Her Anyway

After reaching Tang Jing's bed, Tang Qianqian sat down and looked at her father lying on the bed, her eyes turned red again, but this time, she held back her tears.

Tang Jing slept very restlessly, and would frown from time to time, as if something was wrong.

Tang Qianqian held Tang Jing's hand carefully, feeling slightly chilly, biting her lower lip hard, trying to suppress her emotions.

"Dad, I'm here to see you." She didn't expect that her father would bear all the illnesses by himself, and then worry about her.

She couldn't do anything well, even the company's affairs, and her father had to worry about everything. He was obviously very tired, but he still pretended to care about her as if nothing had happened.

She doesn't know anything.

"Why didn't you tell me from the beginning, I am your daughter, shouldn't you let me know?" She was even more sad because she let her father bear everything alone.

However, all of this was caused by her inability to bear everything, which made her father worry about letting her know, worried that she would not be able to bear it.

"You should have told me, at least let me spend more time with you." Now that her father was about to fail, he told her, what is the matter?

As he spoke, Tang Qianqian grabbed Tang Jing's hand and began to cry.

Jing Yu, who was standing aside, just stood there quietly, without saying a word, or maybe he didn't know what he should say.

After all, in all of this, he is also powerless and can't do anything.


Because they were not allowed to stay overnight, Tang Qianqian and Jing Yu left the hospital in the dead of night.

Tang Qianqian still didn't speak to Jing Yu, not a word.

Coming out of the hospital, Jing Yu asked Tang Qianqian to get into his car, but Tang Qianqian didn't refuse and sat in.

Jing Yu fastened Tang Qianqian's seat belt, then went to the driver's seat, sat down, and drove away from the hospital.

Without saying a word along the way, Tang Qianqian was like a broken ceramic doll. What she had built up with great difficulty was completely disintegrated in a certain moment.

Even her father is leaving her. In this world, who else is trustworthy?Who else can really be with her all the time?

No more, no one can do it, she has only herself.

Back at the Banshan Villa, Tang Qianqian went to the bedroom on the second floor in a daze, Jing Yu followed behind her, and when she was about to go in, Tang Qianqian said, "Can you give me the bedroom?
Leave me alone for a while in peace. "Tang Qianqian looked into Jing Yu's eyes with complete despair.

Her world was once again disintegrated.

Jing Yu looked at Tang Qianqian in silence for a while, and finally compromised, "Okay, you take a shower, and then have a good sleep, understand?

If you need anything, just call me, I'm in the next study. "

After explaining, Jing Yu personally pulled the door over and closed it, and then heard a slight sound. Jing Yu knew that it was the sound of locking the door.

Jing Yu stood at the door for a long time without leaving. Tang Qianqian was not the only one who was grieving, Jing Yu was the same.

After a long time, he turned around and went to the study. Now in front of Nuo Da's floor-to-ceiling windows, even the windows are open. Although it is approaching April, there is still a slight chill at night.

(End of this chapter)

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