There are spirits in the rebirth space

Chapter 112 The So-called Genius

Chapter 112 The So-called Genius

Li Zhiheng's face was calm, but his heart was surging, "Okay."

Ruan Shufang's statement was similar to what Bai Ling conveyed to her that day.There is a youth violin competition in Russia, and she thinks that Ye Hui can participate in this competition first.It is the first time to participate in a relatively large-scale event, and I do not expect good results, but to experience the form and atmosphere of international competitions first.

The Russian Youth Violin Competition will be held in November, right after Paris Fashion Week, so there will be no conflict.Ye Hui can transfer to Russia to participate in this competition after holding the fashion show in October.

Li Zhiheng naturally fully supported it.

The clothes for the Paris fashion show are almost done. These days, Ye Hui puts her whole body into the violin, even using the time difference in space.

During the summer vacation, news came from Paris that the studio and shop in Montagne had been renovated, and they could officially open after the fashion show in October.

There is also news from the factory.Since Daisy accepted Ye Hui's invitation in the first half of the year, some of her designs began to seep into BUTTERFLY's production.And the market response is also very good, which is good news.Only when the market responds well can Ye Hui use her designs with confidence.

Daisy expressed that she hopes to act as Ye Hui's assistant in this Paris show.Ye Hui agreed.With an assistant to help, I can relax in the background.

When the summer vacation starts, Li Zhiheng is a senior student.You don't have to think about where you will be assigned in the future, just wait to run your own business after graduation.

At this time, colleges also included assignments, so going to college was the only chance for many students from poor families to jump out of the farm.In addition, the development momentum of the private sector at this time is only beginning to emerge, and everyone is unanimously optimistic about the major state-owned enterprises or government departments.

The school guarantees allocation, and many college students have no employment pressure. At this time, they are only waiting to go to work in their respective positions after graduation, and have an iron rice bowl.

According to Ye Hui's understanding of history, in recent years, it is unlikely that they will find talents from domestic colleges and universities to supplement their companies.Fortunately, their stall is not very big.

And Ye Hui is about to enter the third year of high school, so she has to work harder in her music study.After talking with Ruan Shufang last time, she already has a goal in music learning.She is going to apply for the Curtis Institute of Music, which is and will be the top music school in the world, so it is very difficult to get into this music school.

Mimi finally got what she wanted this time, and under normal circumstances, Mimi doesn't have to go back to the space again.Left and right Ye Hui usually stays at home, and when she goes out occasionally, she hides Mimi in her hair.

In order to express her gratitude for Ye Hui's 'wise' decision, Mimi is willing to act as the family's babysitter, and is responsible for running errands for Ye Hui every day.Of course, the so-called errands were nothing more than Ye Hui ordering her to pour a glass of juice or make a cup of tea.

Ruan Shufang has recently moved.The house in the community I lived in before was the same as Fang Hua's, and it was regarded as the family hospital of the hospital.Because Li Jia lived there for the convenience of going to work.But now Li Jia has married into Fang's family, and lives with Fang Hua in the compound of the military region.

In order to be closer to her daughter, Ruan Shufang found a house in the compound of the military region, which was very close to Fang's house, so she could also help Grandma Fang take care of the naughty Bao Xiaolei.

Even Li Yong was really puzzled by his wife's thoughts.This Li Jia has also been married for a few years. If we want to talk about moving, it should be when Li Jia just got married or when Xiaolei was just born.Why did Xiaolei think of moving there when he got older?
But no matter what, it will be a little inconvenient for Ye Hui.In the past, she only needed to walk for a few minutes from her own home.But now there is something to go, after all, the military compound is still some distance away from the family area of ​​the hospital.

In addition, because Bai Ling suddenly came to visit Ruan Shufang's family before, and Ruan Shufang lived in the compound this time, it was closer to Bai Ling's house.So almost every time Ye Hui went to Ruan Shufang's house, she would meet Bai Ling. She had put a lot of effort into the violin.

But after a long time, Ye Hui discovered to her surprise that Bai Ling had a great talent for playing the violin!Those scores, even if it is the first time to play, you can pay attention to the rhythm processing in it, and the handover between different transformations is handled very mellowly and freely.The second pull was even better than the first.As long as those skills are practiced a few times, they can be imitated decently!

Ruan Shufang praised Bai Ling's rapid progress more than once. Although he started playing the violin a few years later than Ye Hui, his progress was very fast, and he even handled some parts better than Ye Hui.

With the example of Bai Ling in front of her, Ye Hui finally fully realized the crisis!

This is a genius, even if they have just taken over, but the innate familiarity and feeling make their training surpass the efforts of others!Although Teacher Ruan also praised Ye Hui for her rapid progress, the foundation of several years is worth double the efforts of others.But only Ye Hui knows, it's because she has the heart of an adult to understand, and the time difference with space allows her to spend a lot more time than others every day.These are all her own efforts, and they are really not the so-called geniuses!
Thinking about a genius like Bai Ling, I don't know how many more he will meet in the future.There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. No one has a deeper understanding than Ye Hui.The talent shown by Bai Ling made Ye Hui have to think about those children who had the same talent as Bai Ling. They were influenced by music since childhood and had been exposed to the violin longer than Ye Hui. What capital did they have? To compete with them?
The only way out for Ye Hui is to buy more time.If it wasn't necessary, Ye Hui didn't even want to come out, just stayed in the space and practiced the piano.

Thinking of Ruan Shufang explaining to them, I can't help but sigh that there is no comparison with the original classical music by famous masters, otherwise they must have improved more.So Ye Hui immediately asked Qin Guozhong to help her mail the record player and some famous violin classical music records in Paris.In this way, comparing with the performance of famous masters, you can check your own shortcomings and make improvements.

The effect of this kind of practice is really much better.Ever since Ye Hui practiced while listening, she paid attention to the details of masters and tried to imitate them.When she went to practice at Ruan Shufang's house after a while, Ruan Shufang immediately heard that Ye Hui's skills had improved again, and she couldn't help being surprised.Knowing that Ye Hui bought a record player and records, it is clear again.

"Well, this method is very good! But you still have to be careful not to follow blindly. Because your current style generally has its own characteristics, so when listening to classical music, you should pay attention to distinguishing between different styles and the handling characteristics of details. After all, each detail processing method is based on its style characteristics, and finding the one that suits you best will not only add color to your performance, but also make your style more distinctive!"
Ye Hui secretly wrote it down.
After practicing at Ruan Shufang's house, Ye Hui packed up her things and was about to go home.But Bai Ling made a request: "Sister Huihui, can I come to your house to listen to that famous violin record?"

Seeing Bai Ling's sincere and hopeful eyes, Ye Hui couldn't bear to refuse.

Ye Hui herself doesn't like Bai Ling a little, and she can't explain why, but sometimes she just feels that she is a bit unpopular.It's just to listen to classical music. In today's domestic situation, it is difficult to buy authentic classical music records, which cannot keep up with the international trend.And the price is also very high.Therefore, it is really rare to hear the records of authentic classical music masters in China, not to mention that Bai Ling himself has such a high talent, which Ye Hui couldn't bear to refuse.

After hesitating for a moment, he also agreed to bring Bai Ling along.

Seeing Ye Hui agree, Bai Ling was really happy, his eyes were bent into a line.

When the two returned home, Ye Hui turned on the record player.

Since Bai Ling saw the record player for the first time, he looked around the record player with some novelty for a while.

Ye Hui thought it was a bit funny at first, isn't it just a very common record player, as for the novelty?Later, I suddenly remembered that this is not a descendant. In some period dramas, such as the scenes of the Republic of China, this kind of record player with the shape of a big yellow flower can be seen.Not many children in this meeting will find it fresh.

Bai Ling just looked at it for a while, then properly concealed his novelty, and began to savor the beauty of this famous composer.

Ye Hui saw that Bai Ling was listening seriously, so she didn't bother her, and went to the kitchen to squeeze juice by herself.

Before Ye Hui's two cups of juice were squeezed, Bai Ling shouted in the study: "Sister Huihui, can I read your book?"

"Oh!" Ye Hui responded and continued to squeeze the juice.

Mimi poked her head out of Ye Hui's hair, looked out twice, and then knocked Ye Hui on the head.She stayed in Ye Hui's hair, and every time she had something to say, she had the opportunity to knock Ye Hui on the head.

"Huihui, who is that person?"

"Why? Do you want to get to know each other?"

Mimi glanced at the room over there again, then curled her lips and said, "I don't want to know her, I still prefer Qianqian!"

Mimi likes to call Yuqian Qianqian.Although Yuqian doesn't know her existence, Mimi just likes Yuqian.Perhaps, it was still influenced by Ye Hui.

Ye Hui tapped Mimi's head, "You'd better stay home, if you are found out, you..."

Before Ye Hui could finish threatening, Mimi quickly retracted into Ye Hui's hair.

Ye Hui went into the study with two glasses of juice, and handed one to Bai Ling.

At this moment, the music had stopped, and Bai Ling was sitting on a chair with a book, seemingly in a daze.

Ye Hui waved her hands in front of Bai Ling, "What's the matter, I lost my soul after hearing it?"

 I'm going home, trying my best to catch up with the manuscript, and strive to restore the update as soon as possible! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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