My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 204 The army marches out to conquer Goguryeo!

Chapter 204 The army marches out to conquer Goguryeo!
"Thrown into the salt mine?"

"Why! Is there a shortage of people in his mansion?"

Li Shimin was dumbfounded, he was dumbfounded!

What kind of weird god unfolding is this?

Are you talking about logic?
Li Junxian sweated on his forehead: "Your Majesty, do you think I can understand the thinking of a god-man?"

As he said that, bad memories emerged in his mind, and he said with shame:
"Also, Prince Wang seems to have said that he is required to mine for 30 years"


Li Shimin's eyes were demented, and his mind completely shut down.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he would even have thought he was hallucinating.

I just wanted to kill the big food merchant, but the big dog, actually started with 30 years of imprisonment for mining?
Is he that unreasonable?
After living for decades, this is the first time Li Shimin has seen such an excellent operation.

Sure enough, how to be a dog is a big dog with experience!

Looking back on the past, he suddenly found that from the day he met Wang Yuan, this guy has been wandering between dogs and dogs.

Dogs are not humans, and dogs are not normal.

This guy is a snake spirit!
"I don't know why. The thinking of a god-man is not something that mortals like me can guess."

"Now, that's probably what's going on."

Li Junxian nodded, subconsciously avoiding Li Shimin's sight while talking.

To be honest, when he first saw this situation, he was also taken aback.

Even, a certain fear that had faded away resurfaced.

Sometimes, he really admired the two princes and their strong hearts.

Facing the big dog, how can they stand it!

Anyway, he couldn't take it anymore, he just wanted to die in place.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Li Junxian continued: "Your Majesty, this is probably the end of the matter, what else do you want?"

Subconsciously, can you let me go?

"Command? One-third of my treasury is gone again?"

Li Shimin's eyes were dull, he answered irrelevant questions, looked at the roof, very dull.

To be honest, he kind of didn't know what to say, it was time to express his inner fuck and breakdown.

In this world, there must be no heifers anymore, because all the awesomeness has been pretended by the big dog.

Damn, I really take a step back and think about it more and more!
Isn't it enough for this guy to cheat himself of 1000 million?
Actually want to cheat 1000 million?

Li Shimin would never know in his life that the reason why Wang Yuan contradicted his promise was that Xiao Le'er's birthday was approaching.

Fortunately, he didn't know, otherwise he would definitely be so angry that he vomited blood.

"Jun Xian, is there nothing you can do?" Li Shimin closed his eyes in pain, really unwilling!

That's a full 1000 million guan!

just this!
Although Datang's income has increased so much this year, he is even poorer than when the natural disaster broke out last year!
Who would believe this?

"Your Majesty, if you ask me, who should I ask?"

Seeing that His Majesty was still asking questions, Li Junxian cried. He was almost closed to himself again. His Majesty still hoped that he could find a way?
How is this possible!

Li Shimin's face twitched when he heard this answer, but he also knew that Li Junxian was not to blame for this, so he could only wave his hands helplessly:
"Okay, get out."

He understood that his personal guard really couldn't bear it anymore.

"it is good!"

Li Junxian was also very straightforward, turned around and rolled away without hesitation at all.

Happiness comes so suddenly!

Li Shimin rolled his eyes when he saw the guy disappearing quickly, and didn't blame him any more, because even he himself was a little disheartened.

He stared out the window blankly, unable to raise his energy at all.

Li Shimin was really tired, and in Lantian County dozens of miles away, there was a person who was just as tired as him, even more broken down.

That is the big food merchant who was thrown into the mine.

The part Li Junxian said was just the beginning, after that, his suffering has just begun!
This Wang Yuan really came from a dog!
"Bastard, you are breaking the contract!"

"You are the only one who pays back the Duke of Tang! How shameless you are!"

The big food businessman really collapsed. He originally wanted to come to Chang'an City to do some small business. He passed by Lantian County for a rest, and wanted to go to Chang'an early the next morning.

In the end, he never expected, but he met Wang Yuan, a bastard who not only fooled himself to send some red barbarian cannons to the Holy Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

And he broke the contract behind his back and caught him directly!
I thought that Wang Yuan would not lie if he said so swearingly that he was the Duke of the state, but it was a sinkhole if he turned back!

Is this inhumane?

In order to buy those Hongyi cannons, I smashed my head!

"What do you know?"

Not far away, Wang Yuan walked over while holding a gold brick, squatted on the mine pit, and looked at the big food merchant with a smile:

"My son is here to save your life, otherwise you would be killed right now."

"Don't you hurry up and thank me Dade!"

"Nonsense, you still protect me?" The Dashi businessman no longer wanted to believe any words of this young man.

This guy is obviously trying to cheat people!

The agreed four-six split account, four for myself, six for him, but now I have not gotten a single point, and have been forced to mine for 30 years!

30 years!

When he thought of this, he completely collapsed. Who knew he would live like this for 30 years!

And who knows if he will survive 30 years later?

This rubbish, if you can break the contract once, you will definitely be able to break the contract a second time!
"Dude, you don't understand that."

"And it's enough to just play around with Blue Moon."

Wang Yuan smiled, very kindly.

If Li Shimin and others were here, they would run away as far as they saw this smile, because this was a sign that the big dog was about to start cheating people.

At this time, Wang Yuan is really unlucky for anyone who gets close to him.

Dashi Merchant was very confused and had the courage to be angry because he didn't understand anything.

Otherwise, I would have been scared to pee.

"What do you think is the most valuable thing in this world?"

Big Food Merchant: "."

"Of course it's life!"

Although the food merchant did not speak, Wang Yuan did not stop:

"Du Ruhui, a great writer in the Tang Dynasty, once said it well. Someone died, but the money was not spent. This is the greatest regret in life!"

Dashi Merchant: "Sorry, I don't know who Du Ruhui is."

"It doesn't matter who he is, the important thing is that you have to know that he is very knowledgeable."

Wang Yuan's face was earnest, persuasive and persuasive.

"In short, what he said must be right, so don't doubt it."


"I saved your life now, so what if I charge you some interest?"

"A little interest?"

The food merchant was stunned. He thought that he was shameless enough after living for so many years.

He even dared to directly morally threaten the Holy Son of Tang.

But in front of this young man.He suddenly realized that he was just a noob!
It's just a small profit to cheat yourself for 400 million pennies?

"Dog thing, do you think I'm a fool?"

Dashi businessman is completely angry, so he won't play with people like this!
"That's why you don't understand, life is always priceless!"

Wang Yuan was still persuading, earnestly saying: "I really saved you, brother!"

"Brother, do you know that in order to save you, I am under a lot of pressure!"

As he spoke, Wang Yuan held back two tears.

Dashi Merchant was completely dumbfounded, and even forgot about the abuse.

How did this guy cry while saying such shameless words?

Can you teach me?

In fact, it wasn't just him who was dumbfounded, even Uncle Ming and the others behind Wang Yuan couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Prince Wang's face is really getting more and more terrifying.

I am afraid that in this world, there is no opponent at all.

"Actually, brother, if you really don't want to, I can also fulfill you."

Wang Yuan suddenly stopped crying, looked up at the sky, and said sadly:

"I understand that you like money, dude. If that's the case, then just throw 400 million gold down and bury them and you completely."

Big Food Merchant: "?"

"I understand that after you die, you don't want your legacy to be buried deep in the ground like this. I will definitely dig it out again."

Big Food Merchant: "??"


Big Food Merchant: "???"

Wang Yuan cried more and more, and the food merchant also cried.

Not long after, he silently picked up the tool and started mining.

admit defeat!
He no longer wants to talk to this psychopath anymore!


Wang Yuan, who had completed his ideological work perfectly, bid farewell with tears. Just as he turned around, the tears disappeared completely, and he took out a lollipop and ate it.

good to eat!

"My lord, I really don't understand why you left this Abiad?"

Uncle Ming stepped forward and asked puzzledly.

In fact, although they rescued the Dashi businessman, his followers of Dashi had already "accidentally died".

Only this businessman named Abiad, the prince specifically asked to keep his life.

"It's nothing."

Wang Yuan chuckled lightly: "I just want to bury someone behind me."


Uncle Ming was even more incomprehensible.

"Uncle Ming, in fact, you think these are useless."

"I kept him, just thinking that there might be a place called Heng Rose in the future."

Wang Yuan smiled lightly, interrupting Uncle Ming's contemplation, and after explaining a little, he looked in the direction of Chang'an City.

"Actually, the big thing right now is that the Tang army is about to leave soon."

"Is it going to war?"

Uncle Ming was taken aback, and sighed:

"I'm afraid no one in the whole world would have thought that your majesty would attack Goguryeo, but it was your idea in the first place, my lord."

As soon as he mentioned this, he couldn't help admiring Lao Li.

"Old Li is really powerful, this can convince His Majesty!"

How on earth did he do it!

"Yes! It's really amazing"

Wang Yuan continued to eat the lollipop, chuckled lightly and said:
"As expected of someone who wants to rebel, Lao Li really has two brushes."

"If it wasn't because he was so cerebrally palsy, I would have thought he was Li Er."

He really couldn't figure out why a fool would have such great ability?
Could it be that Lao Li actually came from an aristocratic family?
But it's not like it!

"Hee hee~"

When Uncle Ming and the others heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

Prince, this mouth is really as vicious as ever.

I don't know how Lao Li will react if he hears these words.

"Forget it, let's go, let's go back to eat, that girl probably can't wait."

Listening to the laughter, Wang Yuan, who couldn't think of any reasonable explanation, habitually gave up thinking.

After a haha, they left with everyone.

He looked calm, and like all the people of Great Tang, he was full of confidence in this battle.

Datang, this battle must be won!

And things were indeed as expected by Wang Yuan, early the next morning, the whole land was trembling slightly!
The army is on the move!

(End of this chapter)

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