My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 208 The Liaoxi River cannot be crossed?Then just fill it in!

Chapter 208 The Liaoxi River cannot be crossed?Then just fill it in!

"First of all, for Li Er, the first step is to lure the enemy."

Wang Yuanyou explained, because now he is facing juniors, so he has no intention of pretending.

Since Li Qiu wants to know, then I, as a master, will answer.

Fortunately, Li Shimin and Li Jing were not here, otherwise, they would definitely be so angry that they vomited blood knowing that Wang Yuan had given the solution so easily.

The mind of this big dog is too difficult to figure out!
"Luring the enemy, how to lure the enemy? In which direction should you lure the enemy?"

Several people were confused and couldn't understand it at all.

In fact, they are not to be blamed. As we all know, between Goguryeo and Datang, apart from natural dangers, the Great Wall is the defense line between the two countries.

Where else can this lure the enemy?

Goguryeo is a super big hedgehog!

"It's simple."

Wang Yuan stretched out his finger, dipped it in the wine, drew a small circle on the table, and then drew a long rough river.

"Lure the enemy to the north!"

"Shiji, this time you can't fight for a long time. You can only be free for three days in the game. After three days, you will continue to go north for four hundred miles, focusing on guerrilla warfare."

In the tent shrouded in chilling atmosphere, Li Shimin issued an order to Li Ji.

"Remember, the army you lead must not love to fight!"

"But Your Majesty, the people you gave me are simply not enough!"

Li Ji was a little confused, completely unable to understand the intention of Li Shimin's move.

Eight thousand heavy cavalry and four thousand light cavalry add up to only twelve thousand.

Is this number too small?
How can you play forward?

"Why don't you give me another [-] Qingqi, Your Majesty?"

However, Li Shimin shook his head: "No need, in fact, you did not fight this time to kill the enemy."

Hearing this, Li Ji suddenly understood.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean is that the minister should lead the main force of Goguryeo's garrison to the north?"

The others reacted immediately when they heard the words.

"Your Majesty is trying to lure the enemy!" Li Jing exclaimed.

"Yes, this is a feint."

Li Shimin didn't mean to hide it either, and explained: "The north is full of rugged mountains, and you can only pass the army."

"And the eight thousand heavy cavalry I gave you can only go on the Great Plains in the north."

"This is a natural barrier for Goguryeo, but it is also the biggest obstacle for them to mobilize their troops."

"If you want to cross the mountains and stop the [-] heavy cavalry you lead on the plain, Goguryeo can only deploy troops from the five lines of defense, because it is too late to deploy troops from other places."

"This is Tiaohulishan!"

While talking, Wang Yuan was still on the table and drew the approximate positions of the five lines of defense in Goguryeo.

And also brought them together in a straight line in the north.

Then, facing the five people who were already in a daze, they continued:
"In order to eat the bait placed by the Holy Son of Heaven."

"At least [-] soldiers and horses will be drawn from the Liaohe defense line, and all the soldiers and horses will be dispatched from the Black Iron Five Cities, leaving only an empty box!"

"At that time, on the northern plains, at least one hundred thousand Goguryeo troops will gather!"

"Although Goguryeo will quickly transfer troops from the interior, there is still a time gap during this period!"

"Especially in Daliaoze in the south, the defensive forces will be completely empty!"

Although the enemies present were all Zhibai, they were all eminent figures of the Tang Dynasty after all.

After listening for a while, he completely reacted, and then his expression revealed a deep sense of horror!
"My lord, you mean that Datang's army will tear apart the Liaohe defense line from the south?"

"Your Majesty, is my Tang army going to attack from the south?"

Li Jing and Li Ji both showed shock on their faces, the Liaohe River was all in the south, even the Daliaoze, where the water level was the shallowest, was covered with mud, and the horses and luggage could not pass through at all.

In this case, even if the southern defense is empty, how can Datang break through?

"Then build a bridge!"

Li Shimin smiled confidently, high-spirited, and said directly:

"We'll just build a road and completely fill up the entire Daliaoze!"

"I want the Central Plains and Liaodong to be flat from now on!"

"how can that be?"

All the generals were dumbfounded, extremely shocked!

Your Majesty's idea is too crazy, right?

"The Great Liao Ze has accumulated such silt that it is impossible to start construction!"

"Your Majesty, stop joking!"

"Master, don't make such strange jokes again!"

Changsun Chong and the others were shocked. They were so surprised that they broke out in cold sweat, and Li Tai couldn't help trembling.

"How can it be possible to fill up the Great Liao Marsh?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

It's not that he doesn't believe in Wang Yuan, but because he believes too much, that's why it's so hard to accept.

The big dog has always been very wise and far-sighted, how could it come up with such absurd tactics?

"Ha ha!"

"You juniors, after all, because of your age, you have too little experience."

Wang Yuan laughed and mocked.

Little knowledge?

Several people heard that there were ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping past in their hearts.

It seems that your age is not much older than ours, right?
And, is our problem just that low-end?

Several people complained in their hearts, and just wanted to ask questions, but before they could open their mouths, Wang Yuan continued:
"Actually, with Datang's current productivity, nothing is impossible."

"Although there is too much silt in Daliaoze, bridges can still be built, and in the current situation, it is enough to build a field bridge."

"Just use stones and straw as a base, and then lay planks on top."

"Once the foundation is in place, you can start laying down the concrete, then a thick layer of soil, then another layer of concrete."

"This cycle goes on and on, and if it has five or six floors, a solid bridge that can bear hundreds of thousands of catties can be built!"

"With the strength of the craftsmen of the Tang Dynasty, and with sufficient raw materials, such a bridge can be built within five days."

"At that time, not to mention war horses, even Hongyi cannons weighing several thousand catties can be transported easily."

"In this way, there is no need to pass through the mountains and valleys in the north, and you can directly cross the river from the south to catch Goguryeo by surprise!"

"The so-called five lines of defense in Goguryeo are just a joke from beginning to end!"

"This thing was repaired for my own comfort."

Wang Yuan explained patiently, but Li Tai, Chang Sun Chong, Fang Yiai, Chai Lingwu and others, the more they listened, the more they felt the horror!
Also, creepy!

What kind of brain is this that can come up with such a terrifying plan?

Facing the Liaoxi River, most people think of taking a boat or going around it. Who would want to fill it up directly?
And the most important thing is that the filling method of the mysterious young man in front of him is not just a theory, but really has a sliver of feasibility.


"Does the Holy Son really think so much?"

As the prince, Li Tai was the first to express doubts, his eyes full of disbelief.

It's not that he doesn't trust his father, but that this method is really ridiculous.

Could his father really figure it out in such a short period of time?

"Why is it impossible?"

Faced with doubts, Wang Yuan just smiled lightly:
"In this world, as long as you dare to think, then everything is possible!"

"As you all said."

Li Shimin was very confident, scanning the crowd with a convincing force in his eyes.

"You all think this idea is a fantasy, so how could those Korean sticks on the other side think of it?"

"But will it really work?"

Li Jing still couldn't accept it.

"Naturally it works, and this concrete is the material for building a long road."

"In order to adapt to it, I also promoted horseshoes not long ago."

"Also, think about it, Medicine Master, as long as this bridge is repaired, the connection between Liaodong and the Central Plains will be completely unblocked."

"When Goguryeo is completely defeated, we can use this bridge as the foundation and spend a few years to completely fill the entire Liaoxi River!"

"In this way, Goguryeo will no longer be able to escape my Tang's control!"

Li Shimin said with a calm expression on his face.

That's right, this is the method he came up with after thinking for dozens of days.

Facing the Liaoxi River, whether it is the former Sui Dynasty or the current Tang Dynasty.

The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were all thinking about how to bypass this river.

Only he, Li Shimin, wanted to fill up the entire river directly!

In fact, according to historical records, Li Shimin did build a field bridge.

It's just not as easy and solid as it is now, but it's still a super feat.

But now, under the invisible influence of Wang Yuan, Li Shimin has advanced this feat by more than ten years.

Although this method seems absurd at first, once it succeeds, it will only take more than ten years to completely assimilate Goguryeo.

Hearing this, Li Jing and the others no longer had any doubts, and their respect for Li Shimin reached its peak!

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"This battle will be won!"

Everyone looked in awe and bowed deeply to Li Shimin.

This is the real military god of their Datang!

With such a wise master, why not worry about the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty!

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the shock of many generals, Li Shimin couldn't help it anymore, he laughed out loud, his brows almost jumped to the sky.

In fact, rather than pretending to be in front of these generals, Li Shimin hopes to show off his power in front of the big dogs.

Because that big dog, he would never have guessed that he would come up with such a brilliant idea!
"Ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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